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Status Updates posted by Quillwing

  1. I just started watching the TV show, The Flash. Oh my gosh, it is just the best thing since fish fingers and custard!!! Has anypony else seen the show?

    1. Red Note

      Red Note

      I saw the first two episodes! *Squee* Actually quite good. Honestly, I was surprised that it wasn't bad like I thought it would be.

    2. Quillwing


      Yeah, same here. I'd seen a little of Constantine before watching the episodes, and that kinda sucked, so I expected this to be the same. But wow, this was SO good. Maybe it's because of the good characters? They did pretty good in making them relatable/likeable

    3. Red Note

      Red Note

      Oh, that could be it. Since when some thing is good, usually the characters in it are like-able. But, the thing is... Flash used to be one of my favorite super heroes, so you know- Always skeptical of your favorite things.


      The plot is also decent as well.

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