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Everything posted by LullabySkout

  1. Hey amazing ponies of MLP forums! I just wanted to tell you the bad news first, I won't be able to post tomorrow . Because of this, I am doing the halloween (Nightmare Night) special today! You all know the traditons of Halloween/Nightmare Night , so let's start on something simple. You dress up (or not), collect candy (or pass it out) or you go to a halloween party. But that's not what this scary holiday is about. It's about being able to celebrate the great evil in the world, and have a fun spooky holiday to enjoy. And Nightmare night is about fearing Princess Luna. I celebrate the Halloween way because I could never fear the best pony in all of Equestria. So, moving on, this year I have decided to dress up as an enderman. Say what you are dressing up as, if you are dressing up, in the comments below. And for next year I think that I'll dress up as Waffles, my cat. Or should I say my other self, for when someone starts speaking in waffle I turn into Waffles. And it is pretty tough to get me out. Anyways, we're going off subject. This holiday is loved, (and feared), by many. Comment down below "spook" if you love this holiday. Spook! Yes, i am one of those people who loves this holiday! Ok, sorry it was a short post today ponies! Please follow this blog for daily post everyday(I try), comment down below your favorite thing about Nightmare Night/ Halloween or if you agree with me! And if you don't agree with me, remember I only speak logic. Talking about logic... Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  2. Hey amazing ponies of MLP forums! If you know me then you know that my favorite pony is Luna. But do you know who my second favorite pony is? No, you don't. Well, my second favorite pony is Maud Pie. There is nothing not perfect about her. You can try to say, "She's not enthusiastic about anything!" , but does she really have to be? "But she likes rocks!!" Is she not allowed to? Is having your own personality, and your own interests what everypony should have? In my opinion, she represents not caring what anypony else's opinion is about you. She has her own opinion about everything. Best of all, SHE SPEAKS ONLY LOGIC!!! YES!!! Ahem, quote, "Rarity: 'oooo and what does this ouffit say?' Maud 'clothing doesn't talk...' " Put so well. I'm so proud. *sniffle sniffle* . Ok, that about sums it up. Bye! Just kidding! *laughs* you should've seen your face! Ha! Ok, moving on, in my opinion the best Maud scene was when she saved Pinkie from the boulder that was about to crush her. I loved the part where Rainbow's mouth dropped open after Maud had crushed the boulder to bits with nothing but her hoove. Man, she's soo cool..... Anyways, if you can think of anything wrong with her, let me know in the comments. I mean, I seriously can't think of anything wrong with her. She's just too perfect!! Just how?! And I just loved the mane 6's first reaction of her. But I loved how much it changed at the end of that episode. The change was a huge difference, and it teaches poines not to judge a book by it's cover. Ok, so that actually sums it up. Please follow this blog for daily reviews everyday (I try), please comment what you want me to do next, or if you agree with me. And if you don't agree with me, remember, I only speak logic. Talking about logic... Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  3. Hey ponies- I just got, yet another tooth pulled. The first four were pulled because of my teeth issues...(my dad is half british and has bad teeth, and sadly, I got his teeth.) this one was because i cracked it...and the dentist said it could get germs and an infection and blah blah blah. So I'm sitting on my phone, getting over my laughing gas (which wasn't that much because I'm really sensitive so I didn't let him) and my lip sagging because of the fact that it's numb, typing this. I don't know why I'm posting this, I just felt like it. LOL Love the Logic, Lullaby Skout <3
  4. Hey amazing ponies of MLP forums! I've decided to do a review on my top favorite video game! Where you punch trees, eat food, build amazing creations, play on servers with you friends, Mine, also craft things, and never try to high five because you will just end up hurting each other! I think most of you already know what it is....but for the rest of you, it's Minecraft! So, let's start with the basics. I love Minecraft because it is so open and it's not one thing your trying to achieve. There's no end to it. You can do practically anything. To try and think of something to hate on it will be such a challenge. Like I said a few seconds ago. It never ends. Oh, I thought of something! One word. Lag. There is just too much of it. Just lag. My. God. The bane of my existence. Ok, so it may not be the bane of my existence. But it's just bad enough to be. Ok, let's move on. Another good thing about minecraft is that there is only one true rule. Never dig straight down. Even noobs no that. (Hopefully) . Also, there are three (now four) modes to choose from. Survival, where you spawn in a new world and you have to mine and punch trees and all that stuff. And survive. Creative, where you have an unlimited supply of everything in minecraft in your inventory. And you build stuff. Then there is adventure which I don't reccomend....I don't reccomend it because then you can't break anything or build anything, and your in survival. It's for adventure maps. And then the new mode is Spectator, where you can do no-clip and fly around, but you can't exactly place anything......go into the mode for yourself and see. So basically the conclusion to this, for I can't say everything, is that minecraft is an awesome game and you should get it if you don't already have it. Please follow my blog for daily posts almost everyday, comment what you want me do do next, or if you agree with me! If you don't agree with me, just remember I only speak logic. Talking about logic.... Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  5. Shadow Stallion, I will review whatever you want me to review.
  6. I do a really good Fluttershy, but like Fluttershy, I'm too shy to do it...um...
  7. Any spots still open? I love writing and I know a lot of good tricks to get out of writer's block.
  8. 10/10 !! Amazing pic !! DJ P0n-3 is one of my favorite ponies! oops wrong pony 9/10
  9. Who on here Likes MC? I sure do! Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  10. TEAM LUNA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, Princess Luna is my favorite pony period. Not just besides the mane 6.
  11. Hey amazing ponies of MLP forums! I would like to start my first review saying, I was super happy when I saw how many of you had viewed my introduction post! I hope all of you carry over! So, I put a lot of thought into the subject, and I have decided my first review will be on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the second movie.) Ok, so I only liked this one more then the first because of the amazing graphics. The music (or should I even say "music") sucked. At least the first movie had music. And that music was beautiful and cherishable. But this "music" is only Roy Deep,(the pony; guy who played all of the oompa loompas) singing those unusual songs about the kids. And did I mention that he learned to sing just for this movie?! My. Celestia. So now let's go ahead and give them a clap for the great graphics again. *Slow clap* Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about the fact that Veruca could have any type of amazing candy she can in the scene with the chocolate waterfall, BUT NO! SHE CHOOSES A LOLLIPOP!?!? WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH. HER. Ok, I should calm down now....BUT I'M NOT EVEN DONE ON THE FACT THAT WHEN VIOLET TAKES THE CANDY APPLE THAT CHARLIE IS ABOUT TO TAKE, HE WALKS AWAY IN SHAME AS IF THERE WEREN'T A THOUSAND OTHER APPLES ON THAT TREE! What?! Just. What. Anyways, this horror filled movie with an unnessasary dentist father to Willy, and those poor kids leaving the factory at the end, is just a bad knock-off of a timeless classic. I vote for the first movie. Now, please follow my blog for daily reviews on anything you want me to review, please brohoof this to show me your support, and friend me if you think I'm nice or you agree with me! If you don't, just remember I only speak logic! Talking about logic.. Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  12. Please comment what you want me to Review first!
  13. Waffles turns into the alleyway to escape the fans chasing him down. " phew, that was a close one..." He says, not noticing the shadows starting to appear around him. He turn around to find an exit from the alley, but when he turns, all he sees is shadows. "W-who's there... Who?!" "Death."
  14. Hey amazing ponies of MLP forums! I decided to make a blog about all of my reviews that I love to do! This is just an indroduction to all of the amazing things I have in store for you ponies! I would like to start off with a few little things I would like to ask of you. First of all, no hate please! You must remember that this is yet only my opinion on whatever I am reviewing! You are welcome to post your own opinions in the comment section! Second of all, If you like my Blog, don't abandon it, and follow it, and brohoof it, cause' all of your ponies support means alot to me! Third of all, I am soo open to all of your choices for me to review! I want you to leave suggestions for me the could make my blog better for you ponies! So if your unhappy with something, please please please let me know! I will listen to you ponies! Fourth of all, If you see hate comments, and it looks like I haven't seen them, please please please let me know! If somepony is being mean to you I would stand up for you too! I need you ponies to trust your insticts and stand up! And last but not least, let's all suport each other, Can you do those things for me? I hope so! Cause' now I will explain to you ponies how this will work. I will try to post as many reviews as I can, you ponies will support me, and this thing will blast through the roof! So ponies, It's all up to you now! Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  15. Welcome to MLP Forums! You'll like it here!

  16. My favorite pony? Not me, that would just be selfish...TEAM LUNA FOREVER!
  17. If The Cutie Mark Crusaders (A.K.A. Sweetie Belle Apple Bloom and Scootolo) get cutie Marks, What do you guys think they will get? Leave your answer down below! Love the Logic! Lullaby Skout <3
  18. Ok, so If you have been following me or watching me or something, you already know that my favorite princess is Luna. Now I want to know your favorite princess and why! This is for fun! Thanks guys! Love the Logic, Lullaby Skout <3
  19. ​Once Upon a Moon, There were two very special someponies, or should I say zebras, who were just two of the many zebras who lived in the ever free forrest. The girl was named Zebriana and the other was named Zecoro. That night, their baby girl was born. They named her Zecora. And then they smiled, for their family was complete. As the years went on and Zecora got older, trouble started to break out for the zebras. Ponies were stealing their land and hurting them. Zecora was only four when it started, but she could sense her parents sadness, forcing her to be sad too. The following year, the zebras had enough of the ponies treating them badly, and war broke out. Zecora's parents tucked her away in a camouflaged tree, which Zecora grew up in by herself for the next few following years. One year, when Zecora was celebrating her 15th birthday in fear, all noise just seemed to stop. She quietly walked outside, and stopped in shock. Dead zebras everywhere she looked, and the once oh so beautiful Evergreen forrest, was so ugly and horrid she could barely even stand to look at it. But, one zebra was coughing, and coughing meant breathing! She ran over to the zebra and brought him inside her tree. She gathered a bunch of plants she had seen her parents use before and made a mixture with them all. then, she nervously fed it to the zebra, and he sat up, instantly better! From that day forward, she vowed to help anypony/zebra in need of her help. She painted on a cutie mark, and continues for the rest of the day to make more potions. THE END! Love the Logic, Lullaby Skout <3
  20. Thanks guys! I'm sure I'll love it here. I hope to make some more friends! And good news about the "no hate on alicorn OCS" thing, for I have got alot of hate about that in the past...
  21. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: Just browsing the web and OMG I got to sign up for this website! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I like kid shows. I find this show. I like. Hi I'm Lullaby Skout. I'm an Alicorn, (big whoop, wanna fight about it?) NOT a princess. I love my purple mane style, shout out to my favorite hairpony! And if you are confused about my cutie mark, it's a pair of headphones blasting music. Two different colored eyes, (Once again, big whoop, wanna fight about it?) And a huge snoozer. what else is there to say?
  22. Welcome to my page!

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. LullabySkout
    3. The Shadow Stallion

      The Shadow Stallion

      I introduce myself as The Shadow Stallion. -takes an elaborate bow-

  23. No hate on me being an Alicorn please!

    1. LullabySkout


      And I drew Lullaby myself!! Not from the internet!

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