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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Kaela

  1. Good Morning everyone! :) Hope you all going to have an awesome day :)

  2. Finally finished today's N.A.T.G. prompt, about 30 min late, as usual :D

  3. Today was a good day, but somehow I managed to be "late" again...(Thank God, there is some additional time for submitting late entries ) Overall, I'm satisfied with my drawing, actually it came out better than I expected I'm still experimenting with shading and shadow, but I think I got most of it right, at least it doesn't look too off for me Though I still have to work on proportioning the body properly as I keep making the same mistakes every day(maybe if I could squeeze out 1-2 more practice hours for drawing that would solve it) Also, I have to start drawing backgrounds and objects too, that mug just looks awful So, here is Rissy just relaxing and enjoying some mulled wine:
  4. This gives me some good laughs :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlutterAether


      I LITERALLY just finished watching this.....believe me it's probably the funniest thing ever ;D

    3. total stranger

      total stranger

      the last battle is epic^^

    4. Kaela


      Yep it was hilarious! :D Oh, and R.I.P. AnimatedJames :D

  5. Good Day fellow Forum dwellers :) Hope you have had, going to have an awesome day today :D

    1. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      I have had a mixed day, sucked at first, now it is great. What about you?

    2. Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      I'm having a pretty good day. How about you?

    3. Kaela


      I'm doing good,thank you; at least I haven't slept in today :P Currently playing some This War of MIne, its so awesome! :D

  6. Dam, need to be more organized, almost late for N.A.T.G. and haven't slept yet, and its already 6am :D

  7. I'm kinda upset today. :okiedokielokie: I overslept, skipped a lot of things from my to-do list for today, and overall nothing went like I planned this day Unfortunately this affected today's drawing too, as I had a really cool idea in my head but the fact that I could only start to draw it was about an hour before the closing time made that idea unrealizable. On the technical note, I keep practicing shading and trying to put more detail in the hair and eyes. I'm somewhat satisfied of what I drew so far and though I'm not very good at drawing I'm getting better by the day. So here is Rissy staring at the Mare in the Moon:
  8. <-- Cute Dashie-Reindeer Avatar for Christmas :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kaela


      Came across some cute Christmas Derpy ones while I searched for this, but I don't want to interfere in your chice ;)

    3. Luna_Dark_Lord


      That's fine lol I'm open to suggestions! :D

    4. Kaela


      https://derpicdn.net/img/2012/12/26/193412/large.png Like this could be turned into a cute Avatar, but again I don't want to interfere in your choice :)
  9. Got my Christmas themed Signature from PonyLaces, Thank You Very Much ♥

    1. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Very nice, it looks awesome

    2. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      *Huggles* Yays! =D

  10. Nope, nothing needs changing, its Awesome! Thank You very much!
  11. I wish there were someone next to me sometimes who could bash my head as hard as he/she could into the desk so I can think clearly XD

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      ........*Huggles* :)

    2. MozillaToast


      Try extra strong coffee, works for me :)

    3. Kaela


      Ah, coffee is overrated, besides I already had like 3 cups in the past 4 hour, extra black w/o sugar.. :P

  12. Need to find a couple of Christmas themed pony art for my comp wallpaper, but there isn't many with holiday themes... :S

  13. Dam, overslept a bit, about +7 hours on my usual 6 hour sleep XD and I can't hear a thing with my left ear :S

  14. I'd prefer it without my username
  15. Day 5, Day 5... I promised myself that I'd start today's prompt earlier and I kinda stuck with it, but still, I spent more time drawing it than I expected. :okiedokielokie: I more or less had this image in my mind as I read the prompt, and I'm pleased with the outcome Of course I still screwed up some body proportions, but I'm getting better by the day Today - with a little bit more time - I experimented with shading and I tried to put more details in the hair, also I threw together a minimal background too. Still haven't tried coloring, but maybe in the next couple of days *On the side note, I finally came up with a name for my OC I draw for the N.A.T.G.; her name is Rissy. I still haven't figured out a cuite mark and a background story for her, maybe tomorrow (Again, sorry if the image is a bit too big, I always forget to resize it )
  16. Hmm, where did my "MLP Forums Upkeep Fund" donation disappeared to? I donated yesterday and I find no records of it on the Forums, only on my PayPal account that it is paid...

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Check your profile and there donations it should be there if you donated to the upkeep fund.

    2. Kaela


      Ah, didn't see anything there before, I relogged and it shows now, thanks :)

    3. 碇 シンジン
  17. Just wanted to ask, how is the Sig coming along? In no way I am urging you, take all the time you need
  18. Kaela

    books The Book Thread

    Ok, have to update my Favorite List, as I finished reading The Maze Runner series. I can't express how awesome that series is, the plot, the characters, everything. I'd recommend, if you have the chance just read it
  19. Day 4 went by faster than I hoped and I ended up rushing my drawing, again. I know I have made a ton of mistakes with this entry, just to name a few, the stairs angle, the front hooves and the overall body proportion is absolutely off. But thats what the Training Grounds are there for, to get better with every drawing, I'm sure I'll do better tomorrow, and if everything goes as planned for the weekend, I'll probably going to practice drawing for 2 full days *As you can see I used my nameless OC again, and with a little bit of luck and time I'll be able to give here a proper name, cutie mark and background story in the weeked
  20. Just donated $5 , going to donate even more next week, just before it closes.
  21. Late Moring Everyone! :) Hope everyone will have an awesome day today ;)

    1. Neutral


      Yeah good morning and yes I did

    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. FlutterAether
  22. Tomorrow will be a bit busy, giving out a ton of Welcomes ;) But for now I call it a night, so Good Night Everyone! :)

  23. So Day 3 has come, and I almost didn't had the time(and motivation) to draw something for todays prompt. But I prevailed and managed to pull off a quick draw of our usual nameless(not for long) OC. I had like 35-40 minutes to draw todays entry and I spent most of that time just listening to Fall Out Boy So with only a few extremely quick stroke of the pencil I managed to create what you can see below, and to be honest, I think it turned out better than I expected. I tried to experiment a little bit with shading, and contrasting, but hopefully today -with the next prompt- I'll be able to draw a bit more detailed. :comeatus: I really want to improve my drawing skills and hopefully -if everything goes well today- I might have a little surprise for you guys(regarding my drawing of course ). So below you can check out my very quick sketch/drawing of my OC in a simple scarf:
  24. YaY, entry No. 3 has been created for the Artist Training Grounds! :D

  25. Dam, doesn't feel very motivated today to do the Newbie Artist Training Grounds.. :S Any suggestions?

    1. Neutral


      Do people's ocs?

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