My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: I searched it on Google.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: One of the episodes was in my YouTube suggestions list and i like cartoons, all things bright and colorful so i watched an episode and I've been a fan since. I especially love the characters and how funny it is. Fluttershy is my favorite
Hi, so how are you? I thought i'd join as i'd like to meet new people and make some friends. I'm also interested to see what this community is like. I'm still relatively new to this show I've been watching since the Summer. I'm on Season 4 at the moment. I like science and computing as i study them, i like to meet new people and make new friends, i'm also into video games, music, anime, movies, museums, outdoors and more