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Light Diamond

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Everything posted by Light Diamond

  1. Hey thanks for the welcome and for adding me friend, also that's a great gif Thanks for your post, everyone here seems nice are you an Assassin's Creed fan? Wanna be friends? Hi, thanks for your welcome, i'm enjoying this place already
  2. I have quite a few i'll be getting: Little Big Planet 3 Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix Pokemon Omega Ruby Ratchet and Clank PS4 Kingdom Hearts 3 Tearaway Unfolded Batman: Arkham Knight Digimon All Star Rumble Final Fantasy 15 There are a few other games i'm thinking of getting but those games above are the ones i'm definitely getting.
  3. I missed out on it as i didn't own an N64 at the time. I've heard people say it's one of the greatest games of all time so i'm looking forward to it.
  4. No i haven't had coffee in years, even when i'm at Starbucks i still don't get it. I guess i don't like it.
  5. The series ended with Toy Story 3 i thought that concluded the trilogy. Toy Story 3 doesn't need a sequel as it might ruin it, Disney could make a spin off movie to the original three. It would be better if they came up with a new series.
  6. The games i'm hyped for at the moment would be Little Big Planet 3, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix, Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Digimon
  7. I would have a look to see what it is firstly. If it was a pony i would want to be friends with him/her, then i would look to give something for him/her to eat as he/she may be hungry, afterwards i would try and get him/her to a safe location.
  8. I have a couple of games i'm playing like Little Big Planet, Child Of Light and Persona 4: Golden
  9. I would think it's because Christmas and the holidays are coming up, although for some reason i don't see any PS4 or Xbox One adverts on these channels except for other channels. The only ones i have seen are for 3DS games.
  10. I have a Fluttershy theme on my other phone. I don't really care if people see it and what they think. However when it comes to my friends then i don't know what to expect from them, if they ask me then i'll say yes.
  11. Thanks for your reply, i'll go with Ocarina of Time for now as Majora's Mask won't come out until next Spring. I'll have plenty of time to play through it. I'll have a look at Link between worlds.
  12. I never really got the chance to play this game as i never had a N64 and i haven't played through a Zelda game before, i do have a 3DS. Does anyone know which game i should start of with?
  13. This has to be my favorite trailer right now, can't wait to get it when it comes out
  14. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: I searched it on Google. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: One of the episodes was in my YouTube suggestions list and i like cartoons, all things bright and colorful so i watched an episode and I've been a fan since. I especially love the characters and how funny it is. Fluttershy is my favorite Hi, so how are you? I thought i'd join as i'd like to meet new people and make some friends. I'm also interested to see what this community is like. I'm still relatively new to this show I've been watching since the Summer. I'm on Season 4 at the moment. I like science and computing as i study them, i like to meet new people and make new friends, i'm also into video games, music, anime, movies, museums, outdoors and more
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