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Everything posted by MyLittleHetalia

  1. Honestly, I think it's pretty controversial. In my opinion? Yes. Her love of parties could be a coping method to (a possible) post-traumatic stress disorder. Because her dad hated them, she wants to make herself feel good by surrounding herself with people who do.
  2. Guys: German Girls: Russian I mean like. Woah. If a german and a russian accent mixed i'd be dead on the floor. WOha.
  3. Oh hello sebastian. No, while you are amazingly hot, i have the bae. *Hold bae tight*
  4. Hellur Dennis! I'm farely new as well but I want to welcome you to the fourms! There are plenty of amazing peoples here! (Including me, if i do say so myself =^3^=)
  5. I actually have a valentine! WOOOOOAH! No, but seriously. I'm super confused. I'm the dorkiest person and my crush comes up to me and is like "I'll be the Vinyl to your Octavia and I just
  6. MyLittleHetalia

    general media QUICK EVERYPONY

    Sleeping with sirens? (I don't have an OC, so i'll give it to someone else if i happen to win)
  7. Actually she isn't a human. If i recall correctly, Celestia (In first movie) mentioned Sunset as her previous student, before Twilight came into the picture, Yes?
  8. Well, Ya kno. I'm pretty sure Hasbro is like "O SHEET WHAT DO WE DO" and then BAM movie. But don't get me wrong, the movies are pretty cool! I'm 99.99% sure this movie is gonna have me singing like the last one did. Just, I personally feel like someone should butt in and be like "We should actually take time to make this good." (I know it's released, but I can't see it until the DVD comes out or it plays on Discovery Family again. ;-; )
  9. Spike is best pony XD No, no. But really. Without spike My little pony is just... ponies. No offence to ponies, but spike is Bae. Oops.
  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Google is love. Google is life. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Funny story. I was forced a few years into this cult I call home by a brony. (Luv you Zach!) I'm a recent 13-year-old pegasister who happens to love girls. (no H8 please and thanx!) A few months i was forced into this magical world of pony-dom that I now call home! I am also a fan of Mia ( ), Anime, and fanfiction! (WATTPAD IS THE BAE.) Since I don't know when, I've become this nerdy person that's super awkward and literally hangs around gamestops and says "Hi..." Like fluttershy. Unless theres sugar involved. Don't give me sugar. This is why I think Pinkie is best pony. Don't ask, but i literally bounced off a wall once. Not even kidding. Anyway, SUMMARY TIME! 1. Pegasister 2. Anime 3. Fanfiction 4. Love-Baby of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy 5. Awkward taco Love you guys! ~Brohoof~
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