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Everything posted by GoldenOaks

  1. "Come on, just go in there!" said 462, as he pushed his companions off of their hooves and into the mines. This time he was disguised as an old crystal empire miner, with a dirt brown coat and a messy white mane. (OOC: Sorry I took so long to post. Was very busy with exams )
  2. I posted the first part of a story I'm writing on deviantart. Check it out: http://ironicnot.deviantart.com/art/Balaur-Prologue-505392459
  3. This is my last (and only) status update of 2014.

  4. BACK TO THE FUTURE 30TH ANNIVERSARY!!! That's gonna be the SHIT!!!
  5. Actually post something on fimfiction Don't be a massive A-hole to everyone I meet Maybe go to a brony convention Make lots of awesome friends!
  6. GoldenOaks

    request shop fyrepony's request shoppe

    Excuse me, but would it be to much to ask if you would draw my oc? OC: http://i.imgur.com/TvysUo0.png Cutie Mark: http://i.imgur.com/TvysUo0.png His name is Golden Oaks, and he lived during the time of Ponyville's founding. Unfortunately, I suck at drawing, so if you could draw him, that would be amazing!
  7. "Sounds like my kind of place!" sad 462, who had appeared out of nowhere. He was no longer disguised as Shade Rose, and was now flying upside down on his mutilated insect wings. in that position, his cloak was hanging from his body, allowing his flanks to show, just a bit. On them was a cutie mark, surprisingly enough. It was the image of a knife, covered in blood. 462 quickly righted himself, and got in the old miner's face. "Where is this mine?"
  8. "Aww, but I was just starting to have fun!" said the disguised changeling, now Shade Rose, clearly enjoying herself a little bit to much. "But I guess if you want me all to yourself I won't hold you back." She then turned to the crowd, putting her forehooves to her mouth, shouting, "Last stallion standing gets it!!!" The lovestruck colts stared blankly for a couple of seconds, before going into an all out bar brawl! Hooves were flying, and bottles were broken upon heads as they all started fighting for the love of the Beautiful red mare. In the chaos of the situation, Shade Rose levitated three abandoned drinks from the counter with a sickly green aura, bringing one to herself, and the other two to Lorec and Syuren. "What? You wanted a quick drink," she said to the two men, before calmly strutting out of the establishment, with an enormous grin on her face.
  9. "That... actually sounds pretty good, thank you," 462 (or shade rose) said as he (or she) walked through the doorway. quickly, he added "and I'll be careful, don't worry. I've transformed hundreds of times, and I've learned how to take care of myself." His voice then changed to that of a mare's. "Now let's go get that drink." She, then started walking towards the counter seductively. Her cloak also seemed to change to that of a tight cut dress. Many heads were turned in the small bar, as the beautiful mare strutted up next to Syuren.
  10. "Th-thanks," 462 said, as he transformed into an all red mare, still wearing the cloak. "I've never really had a nickname before. It just never really seemed important with... my line of work." He looked ahead, into the distance. "Oh, and about your friend... I'm not associated with that wretch who calls herself queen of the changelings. I'm only part changeling you see and, well... they don't exactly accept hybrids into the hive." He seemed to start thinking deeply, before coming to again. "Anyway, about that name. Hmm... I suppose I'm pretty good at stealth, so maybe...."
  11. 462 chuckled. "No, it's fine. I've gotten worse reactions." He gave them each a questioning look. "Um... is it okay if I transform really quick? I feel uncomfortable just staying out in the open like this." He made gestures to his eyes and body to make a point. He did not exactly blend in very well in his normal form.
  12. "h-hello", says the changeling nervously. 462 was not used to working with others, so was also not used to socializing. "H-how may I be of assistance?" He was certainly different from an average changeling. For one, instead of having trills, he had a long red mane, with red eyes to match. He wore a battered old cloak on his back, with the hood propped back. "Maestro has already informed me of our mission," he added quickly. (OOC: hope I can don't mess up! )
  13. "Mah sister wants me to be here for somethin' or other. but that actually sounds like a great idea! we could be..." she sucks in a breath as she prepares the now familiar chant. both she and scootaloo both yell at the same time, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER LIBRARIANS, YAY!!!!" and run off into the library to earn their cutie mark.
  14. Applebloom walks down the steps after quickly getting bored of just sitting in her room. once she gets down, she notices her orange Pegasus friend. "Hey there scootaloo!" she said, running up to the other crusader. "I didn't expect to see you here. How's it goin'?"
  15. ok! here he is! http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/462-r7500 sorry if his backstory is too dark . I just did what I thought made sense and rolled with it.
  16. Applejack then quickly rushed out of the castle to get some of her family. When she returned, she brought with her a small yellow and red filly. "Why do I have to stay with you?" asked apple bloom. "You know how dangerous it can get on the farm during the winter. I don't want you to get hurt." "Sis, I can take care of myself. Plus, I've got granny and big mac to take care of me." "I just... don't want you to get hurt. Now, go up into one of twilight's guest rooms." Pouting, apple bloom walked up the steps to one of the rooms. Applejack then went to sorting her section of the library.
  17. I can change my character's backstory so that he fit's the tone of this RP , And if you really need me to, I could always make a new griffon or changeling oc for this
  18. applejack stops when she hears how long twilight wants her. "Wait just one minute, what do you mean 14-16 hours? I can't just leave my family behind in the snow for that long! They're gonna need me!" she said, looking to twilight for some sort of sign that what she just said isn't true.
  19. GoldenOaks

    Too kind.

    I know how you feel. I can oftentimes feel like this, trying to please everybody. what you have to understand, is that people won't hate you for voicing your opinion. they hate you for the way you present your opinion, and from the way i've heard you talk about it, the way you would show your opinion is in the nicest, kindest way possible, which is the right way to voice your own thoughts. the second thing that you have to understand, is that someone will hate you no matter what you do, and that's ok. it's the same way about how you can't like everybody or everything. just as long as you make it clear that your opinions are opinions, than you should be perfectly fine .
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