This roleplay is bringing my alicorn back after her past had her disappear after a huge fight and while most think she is dead clues of the return of ocean mist brings hope into the slaves of a outsider town hidden just below equestia and ocean becomes very consoius tht ponies notice her return and goes by the new name Sea shadow though some know her still as ocean mist.
cutie mark:
Starter post:
Her long legs brush back grass as silver tipped blue ears perked and her silver cloak withheld wings that shimmered like diamonds,The mare walked forward as mice ran far from her feet to escape her golden shoes that caught sunlight simply and let it bounce back off towards the moonlit lake and marking her spot she smiled as fish gathered near her hoofs and sighed longing for her family who had neglected her after finding out she was a non-royal alicorn freak."some ponies just dislike others...." she mumbled softly to the fish that cirled her blue hoofs.