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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by KingsInEquestria

  1. Any Markiplier fans out there?

  2. Any Markiplier fans out there?

  3. Omg this episode had so many feels in it, like just seeing Twilight go back in time and seeing what the world would look like if the villains had won was just so heartbreaking and so awesome. I don't even know to describe how awesome it was for me to see the old villains(mainly Sombra and Nightmare)again. This was such a wonderful season and my love for MLP has grown ten fold with it. Thank you Hasbro, you've out done yourselves again.
  4. Winter is coming...*looks out window and sees snow* Nevermind winter is here.

  5. I can't give a definitive answer because, personally, it all depends if the movie is good or bad. If it's bad end it. If it's good continue it! I understand that people are worried of it going stale if it continues after the movie, but I think if the movie is good it means that the show still has good writers and producers.That's just my opinion though. -_-
  6. One day King Sombra will(hopefully)return, and he will have have his revenge on those that defeated him once before.

  7. HA! "The Crusaders of the Lost Mark" Oh how I love Hasbro for making crappy puns.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KingsInEquestria


      Yep. Whoever comes up with the names of the episodes at Hasbro are geniuses.

    3. ponylaces


      Yeah. They've made tons of clever episode titles like Look Before You Sleep, For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils, Sleepless in Ponyville, and so many others. I love these references :P

    4. KingsInEquestria
  8. I'd date Nightmare Moon just because she's been through allot, and I think she deserves a little relief in her life.
  9. Applejack because of her honest, daring, and cute nature.
  10. I apologize for not being on lately. Alas here I am! Love me...(If anyone gets the reference you have my respect)

    1. Frostgage


      I don't :( But welcome back :P

    2. KingsInEquestria
  11. Sombra is my favorite villain, and I think they should elaborate more on his backstory, and bring him back in a future episode/episodes. Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the mane 6 because she is so stuck up, but I do believe she has gotten better as the show has progressed. I dislike Celestia very much. Luna and Derpy may be a little overrated, but of course there is a reason for that. I love them both, and I want many more episodes about them. Well I don't have much more to say other than villains should be stronger so to speak. The villains should last longer then two episodes or at least come back in a few seasons.
  12. Impressive. Usually(from my experience at least)remixes haven't been that good, but this one is making me eat my own words. Well done.
  13. Don't grow up. It's a trap.

  14. I have often wondered the same, but I do not expect Sunset to return to Equestria, because she already has a home and new friends in the human world. That and she kinda failed Celestia, so she wouldn't exactly be welcomed back. I'm sorry, but with all the facts taken in I just don't see it happening.
  15. I'm debating whether to continue playing Skyrim, go get food, or do something useful with my life. Yeah I think I'm going to go get food and then continue to play Skyrim. Farewell.
  16. When Spike And Rarity are falling to their doom. When Twilight tries to help Applejack in Winter Wrap Up. When Discord is in the bubble of shame. When Luna is reunited with Celestia. When Twilight is turned to Alicorn. The last two aren't really sad but they got me all...emotional.
  17. I can't possibly decide between them. Shouldn't there be a no preference button? Or something? Oh well lets just say Fluttershy and I would get along very well.
  18. What an awesome banner! HUH!?

    1. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Thank you. c:

    2. KingsInEquestria


      You're most welcome!

  19. All Halo games All Assassins Creed games All Infamous games All Mass Effect games All Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games Skyrim Super Smash Bros Tom Clancy's: Ghost Recon Minecraft Star Wars Battlefront II Bioshock Infinite Skyrim probably takes first prize though.
  20. I think Flash Sentry was a very unnecessary, and to be honest a very stupid subplot in EG. I also think a proper romantic interest for Twilight(if she should even have one)should be strong, smart, serious, charming, and have an excellent backstory. I hope Flash Sentry never reappears MLP.
  21. Pegasus, dragon, Phoenix, gryphon, and werewolf. No way I can pick just one.

  23. Welcome to the forums friend! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have so far. I'm 15 and also shy, so don't worry you are definitely not alone. Anyway if ya have a question or need help with something just shoot me a message and I'll do the best I can.
  24. This is the stupid discussion that has made my faith in humanity shrink to the size of a mustard seed cut in half. That my friends is all I will say on the matter.
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