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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  • Personal Motto
    hmmmmm, You'll do
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Night_Shade's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. NightShade crashed back though the building a red stain beginning to dribble down her flank covering up her cutie-mark which was a two pink flowers attached to a stem and leaves in a spiral matrix. Several more shots came though into the building missing her completely. She ducked down into what she thought was the kitchen and hid under a worktop, several more shots fired though into the kitchen causing a large portion of the ceiling to crash to the ground. It covered over NightShade's hiding place rather well. Several seconds passed by and she heard a grunt outside "I think i already shot whoever it was, psycho just caved in half the house so they are probably dead or really injured and I don't want something falling on my head to go investigate". Then the footsteps retreated however the gunfire only intensified. NightShade stayed still waiting for everything to be over, her flank stung like hell and these ponies were definitely not friendly. NightShade's eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness as she bleed out. NightShade regained consciousness not knowing what had happened, the gunfire had ceased and she pushed the plaster causing it to break in several places, she got up out of it however she had made a large noise to do so. Nightshade glanced at her flank which had since stopped bleeding, she still needed medical assistance with the bullet still inside her, she wondered where she could go and get help from, performing her own surgery was a very dangerous and bad idea. She pushed several lumps of marble off her causing lots of dust to rise from the floor, she let out a loud sneeze causing her to realize she wasn't alone in the wrecked house since she heard hooves steps coming her way. (one of you can come find me now, i would rather not get shot up by a raider)
  2. well im just going to be hiding in the building thats about it until you come rescue me
  3. just sold my soul to the devil after that must burn it
  4. @@chirox the pony, oh i disagree, it was rather bad lol
  5. NightShade glanced out of the small wrecked building she called home. The building she was in was a ruin from the fallout event that happened several generations ago. The building only had a quarter of its original roof causing most of the building to be open to the elements. The corner NightShade was huddled in was barely dry, a small puddle was where she normally drank from however the recent rains had caused her to stand up on her bedding to make sure she didn't get wet hooves. NightShade tummy rumbled reminding her of the need to eat, she would have to go scavenge again before long unless she wanted to starve to death. The young mare didn't go out of this building most of the time causing her to stray away from any large groups of ponies that entered the city, she never ventured outside since their were lots of evil ponies, she had only known a single good pony which was her mother. She started to cry when she thought off her mother and took her mind off it by taking a drink off the liquid pool which was a strange murky color. After her drink she picked up a tattered saddlebag and slung it over her head, she stepped though the former entrance which had long since rotted away and then quietly walked down the street, the nearest building she had stripped of food long before. The young mare had just walked into the next street when she spotted a nearby corpse, the pool of blood under it confirmed it was fresh, however she decided no-pony was nearby and stealthily crept over to it, she rummaged though what was left of its inventory finding a small stash of mint-al's along with a empty canister. She decided to fill the canister with the ponies blood before putting it away in her saddlebag. She learned this after watching a large group drink from the same liquid after a brutal fight in the middle of the street and assumed this was natural behavior. She finally stepped from the street into a new sheltered building finding a store cupboard that was hanging off its hinges, most of the items had been looted but she managed to find a tattered book inside. She levitated it with her unicorn magic before placing it on the floor, she then opened it which displayed pictures along with text she didn't understand. It was written in the equestrian language however no-pony had ever taught NightShade to read but she liked the book for its pictures and decided to take it with her. She then steeped outside looking at her book not concentrating on her surroundings forgetting the first rule her mother taught her about the wasteland 'Never, forget you're surroundings'. She was harshly reminded of this as she heard a 'Swoosh' sound making her ear twitch. before a searing pain hit her hoof causing her to drop the book and stumbled back inside the house. She wasn't alone. *Inventory* Dented Canister- Full Tattered Saddlebag Mint-Al's 10 left
  6. whats a Molestia? is it that pony that made Luna get banished to the moon, i feel sorry for wuna now, no where is safe, everything should have this tag
  7. *is holding moderator stick still* "you all all banished, TO THE MOON, for not posting ontopic" *throws wuna hammer at them both* "muhahaha"
  8. XD, muhahaha, NSFW is here, TO THE MOON. anyway back to the art, *picks admin stick back up* "Sorry luna back to the moon"
  9. bumps age to 12 with ageing potion her other skill can be er, lockpicking somehow
  10. but seriously guys, stay on topic, don't do a red 5 on us
  11. *holds the admin stick in mouth* "if you can refrain from going off-topic, that would be great" (meme XD) "cut the chatter red 2, unless it about pictures, pictures of ponies" *puts admin stick down on fluffy red cushion*
  12. *turns wolf into a duck* this going way off topic guys
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