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Everything posted by Andrebeccus

  1. Not my circus not my monkeys

  2. Do you think there are gangsters in Equestria? And if so, do you think they are as radical as gangsters on Earth? Like who would be the pony version of Al Capone? or ODB? or even J $tash? Keep this topic clean of anything rated above PG
  3. Seriously! what if your own bro or sis turned into a zombie, a vampire, a mummy, etc, I dunno about you guys but I would eliminate the threat not only for my own good but for the sake of my loved one and those he/she could have hurt. Also to put the unfortunate out of his/her misery. That is honest. And honestly looking at a situation like that, if my brother did indeed turned into a zombie I would have no other option but to put him down. Honestly, I wish there could be another way but life is cruel. Of course I would feel terrible and empty inside afterwords but come on! why does so much of the fandom dislike Celestia because of her choice to not kill her sister but send her to the moon where she would still be alive for a thousand years!? ARG! how do I move a topic to Celestia fan club!!!?!?!???
  4. WHHHAAAAA!!!!>>>?????? I dunno about everyone else but I like Celestia just as much as any other character on the show. CAKE EATING CONTEST!!!!!
  5. I like white crackers

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Andrebeccus


      And black crackers, and yellow crackers and green crackers. Pinkie would agree and have me fetch a bunch of crackers for her parties.

  6. I like to do a lot of things but I guess my favorite two things are to cook and to practice martial arts.
  7. Well, there ya have it! What is your favorite color and why. Is your favorite pony sporting your favorite color? So, recently I have changed my very favorite color from green to blue. My favorite pony is not green or blue. She's orange. My favorite pony used to be green, but not the same shade as my favorite shade of green. However green is green and I love green, next to blue. What really influences my choice for best pony is if they are a true and honest pony at heart with good intentions. {PS} What influences your choice for best pony?
  8. Haven't been to those cities before but the one I disliked most was Sacramento CA. It's dirty, the air is very polluted, the people are creepy, the cops are corrupt, it's the second hottest place in Cali besides Death Valley. UCK! It's just a bad place to be, not many smiles going around, everyone there seems to be sad about one thing or another. Walk down the street and before you meet someone you would want to meet, you run into a drug dealer or a thief.
  9. Agree. Sweet Apple Acres is defiantly part of Ponyville. No SAA, no Ponyville. Because of the great Granny Smith. However, the show did not mention where Rarity came from (at least from what I can remember.) So, I would like to believe she was born in Ponyville but due to the lack of evidence I don't want to make false assumptions.
  10. After a week or so getting used to Equestria, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna agree that you should go to the Canterlot Highschool to learn more about their culture. Soon gaining the agreement of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence you find yourself sitting in a history class being lectured at by the teacher. Also, you can hear murmurs throughout the classroom such as "hairless ape" and "freak." After class, ponies seem to give you a wide birth and continue gossiping about you. Suddenly a larger stallion than you comes up and starts pushing you around. Enough said, you go home in a bad mood and very tired. What would you do?
  11. Who's a happy pony? Imma happy ponee!

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Andrebeccus


      Only if there was a way to make ^ a larger font it would be perfect lol

    3. CheeryFox
  12. Energy drinks energy drinks energy drinks! I like the Monster brand the best. Pinkie would totally agree that energy drinks are best drinks. That and milkshakes with hot sauce in them.
  13. My vote goes to Celestia. As she is physically attractive being tall, long legged, and slender, her calm demeanor and almost mother-like aura makes for a very comfortable pony to be around. Not to mention her voice is as beautiful as she is, soft and warm, but sincere. Also she has vast amounts of magical power and knowledge, she is very strong and something about having so much power and using to for true good is just strait up attractive. All the princesses are attractive, Celestia is just my cup of tea.
  14. Woah dude, keep up the good work! It's interesting to see her grown up. Especially in that first picture lol I wonder what's going on in her head.
  15. I wonder if she has a special pair of apple bucking boots
  16. Hey, Snow! Welcome to us heard of colorful mini horses in this here magical land Equestria. Hope you enjoy your stay, it's a great place Fluttershy is kindest pony, really, the world needs more ponies like her
  17. What if the ponies in Equestria were ponies but they were the ponies picked from an audition to take role in a show meant for colts and fillies across Equestria. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn Twilight isn't really Twilight but an actor for the Equestrian Hollywood who takes sleeping med so she won't miss work. Celestia is a part time actor (Why she isn't featured a lot in the show) because she is actually a big time landscaper for whatever the biggest landscaping crew is in Equestria. Shining Armor isn't really a prince or Cadences husband but a model who so happens to know how to act. His real girl friend is a jealous slinky green pony who latches onto him like a leech, snarling at the other mares trying to get Armors attention. Lol....Whadddyathink mate?
  18. Woooohhoooooo! 20% cooler in ten seconds flat flyin fast towards the overpass. Just beat the park ranger, BRING ON THE DANGER!

  19. Second is better than the first. I like them both though. Totally Godot lol^ Keep up the great work!
  20. Lyra is number ONE

  21. Hahaha thanks for the friendly and interesting perspectives everypony. Yeah, I guess their technology really does depend on a bunch of different factors. I hope they don't decide to destroy their world with technology like we did ours. Well, we didn't really destroy it, but we're successfully doing so every time we start a car.
  22. Okay, so in the show I've noticed that their technology is somewhat scattered. Like they have gas stoves but no cars? Discord had a video recorder in one episode so do they have movies and tv's? What about DVD's? Like what era is this show set in?
  23. How do you brohoof somepony? >->

  24. Princess Luna is easier to relate to for me because she is sort of a loner and socially awkward. I like Princess Celestia too but I just can't relate to her all that much. Besides, the blue one can enter peoples dreams. That's awesome
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