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Ridley Wolf

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Everything posted by Ridley Wolf

  1. If you lost an arm, would you still be a human? A Pegasus that loses his wings would still be a Pegasus. Physical injuries don't change genetics.
  2. Silver Crescent once murdered his own daughter when she became corrupted by a magical artifact. She got better. Nightshade broke a Pegasus tabloid reporter's wings and pushed him off a cloud to his death. Blackout broke his Unicorn supremacist father out of prison, for reasons that I never got into because the RP died. I just realized that some of the RPs I've done were really violent.
  3. Humans are animals, too. Equestrian ponies have a written and spoken language, a government, schools, arts, sciences... I think it's reasonable to say that they should be considered equal to humans.
  4. Skyrim is pretty much the only game I play anymore. My main is a lv. 267 Nord werewolf battlemage... Stormcloak, of course. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!
  5. Equestrian ponies are sapient creatures with human-level intelligence. Why would you keep one as a pet? Wouldn't that be like slavery?
  6. I thought the whole Brony thing was laughable, but I definitely wasn't an anti-Brony. If anything, I was curious as to why adults would watch a show for little kids in the first place. Then I decided to find out for myself what the big deal was, and it all gets a little fuzzy after that.
  7. It is odd that seven would spawn in one place. I'm pretty sure Labyrinthian only had three or four on my last playthrough. Are you running any mods that affect enemy spawn rate? This is especially effective if you have the Gorging and Savage Feeding perks.
  8. In the series finale, a mad Bat Pony (which looks suspiciously like M.A. Larson's OC) rampages through Equestria, turning everypony into Alicorns. The End.
  9. I think my worst injury was probaby a skiing accident when I was in middle school. I was going pretty fast, and the tip of my ski snagged on a tree root that was hidden by fresh snow. I ended up doing a 30mph faceplant and going ass over teakettle for about two hundred feet. I ended up with pretty severe concussion that messed me up for almost a week.
  10. Black. It's simple, understated, and never goes out of style. It also strikes fear into the hearts of my foes, which is cool too.
  11. This is pretty much the worldbuilding season. The show is focusing on developing underused characters and introducing new locations and concepts.
  12. Many of those were due to artists creating original videos with leaked show assets. Others were due to pettiness on the part of a certain unsavory MLP fan and her DWM minions.
  13. Hasbro always has the option to put in a copyright claim, but's extremely unlikely. Unless you're making money off of the video, you have fair use laws on your side. There's also the fact that Hasbro is usually not aggressive with copyright claims.
  14. Get a decent bow with a fire enchantment and mix at least a dozen poisons with the Slow effect. Keep your distance, and pick them off one at time with the fire bow. Should they charge you, quickly use the Slow poison on your bow to keep them sluggish and unable to pursue. If you're quick and careful, it'll be a cakewalk. If worst comes to worse, you can always just turn the difficulty down to Novice.
  15. Actually, a lot of children watch Doctor Who. The series was rebooted ten years ago, which means that many of the teenagers who fell in love with the show in '05 are now watching it with their own small children. Heck, last Christmas my niece asked me for (and recieved) a sonic screwdriver and a Doctor Whooves plush.
  16. I've always been fairly liberal, but these guys are ridiculous.
  17. Derpy is her canon name, and all the executive meddling in the world won't change that. Derpy is Derpy, and Han shot first.
  18. I'm a pretty good cook, but I don't cook as often as I'd like to. It's usually cheaper and easier to get a hotdog from the 7-11 or just go to McDonald's for the dollar menu.
  19. Remember Pitch Black? That stuff was great.
  20. I'm giving serious thought to leaving the United States. This isn't the country I love anymore.
  21. Every day. Twice daily if you count swimming.
  22. She'd probably fit if you laid the seat all the way back and let her lay on it. She doesn't need to reach the pedals or the wheel, as she could operate them with magic.
  23. I think the best option for Spike would be Mina. She's already an established character in the franchise, so it wouldn't exactly be coming from out of nowhere.
  24. Has anyone else noticed that Dewshine is basically just Sprite with caffeine?
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