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Posts posted by Flamester01

  1. post-31133-0-63379400-1461785930_thumb.png


    Name: Moonlight Shield


    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: blue

    Coat Color: Dark blue.

    Parents: two unicorn parents 

    Cutie Mark: post-31133-0-28990100-1461785946.jpeg

    Special Talent: Able to use a protection spell using his wings, and due to all of the nights he has stayed up on he has acquired a sort of night-vision

    Occupation: Luna's Night Guard

    Motivation: Protecting everypony he can

    • Brohoof 1
  2. If I was making this episode, Spike should had remained the dragon king and the scepter should had given him puberty! You know, transform into a adolescent dragon and become bigger, then he could had stayed away from the dragon lands as an ambassador to bridge ponies and dragons together as future friends or at least make them peaceful towards each other. 


    Then we get bigger, badder, stronger, faster and capable of flight spike!  But no, opportunity ruined!


    i think they made this episode quite alright, having spike as dragon lord would have actually prevented him from returning to equestria and so he gave the scepter to Ember which actually opens greater possibilities. 

    • Brohoof 2

    Yeah that would be ideal.

    I'm not sure how many years have actually passed, but we've seen two gala events, so it's gotta be well over a year, and even a year should be enough for beings of spikes and the CMC's age to have noticeable growth.  

    It doesn't seem that hard to do...

    So I suspect it is intensional.  They maybe want them at very specific ages for the stories they want to tell.  Or they don't want them to lose their cuteness.  


    Far and away my favorite manga is Hikaru no Go, and in it, Hikaru ages from like 8 to 16.  I got 90% of the way through before discovering that he looked different from the beginning of the series...so I went back and it was AMAZINGLY obvious.  The artist had plotted his physical growth so slowly and deliberately that I didn't notice while reading.  


    It would be nice if physical growth accompanied their mental growth, because the wisdom and experience we want to develop in these characters feels weird if they stay small.  


    Also, giving spike tiny wings would give birth to a whole slew of princess spike jokes  ^_^



    (excluding flashback comparisons to the present) the last time we actually saw physical growth was back in season 2 in "secret of my excess" and even then it was only temporary. 

  4. Hmm... good question, although i do have a spell that gives me actual crystal wings it doesn't make me an alicorn, and so if i was actually an alicorn i'd like to think of myself as a more powerful guardian.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. mine is actually a crystal unicorn (half crystal pony, half unicorn) in his back story his father is a unicorn and his mother is a crystal pony, and being part crystal pony he has a natural connection with crystals and being part unicorn allows him to amplify his crystal magic

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