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Soaring Symphony

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Everything posted by Soaring Symphony

  1. 5/10 meh Ninja'd 1/10 I think I've already made it abundantly clear I hate that kind of music.
  2. 2/10 Why does everyone keep posting that kind of music? It sucks.
  3. 4/10 It started off as kind of meh, but then it transitioned into the cringy death metal stuff. I don't like it. I know there's a million versions of this song but this one is my favorite. For one thing, it's just cool to hear how the three different sets of instrumentals (synthesizer, orchestral and chiptune) all complement each other so well or how the different lyrics just sort of fit together and even kind of rhyme despite being from totally different versions of the song. However, my favorite thing about this song is that it's almost like the three characters involved in the Sans fight (Sans, Chara, and Frisk (a stand in for the player)) are all having a conversation with each other. I love it.
  4. 1/10 sorry, I've never been a fan of death metal. it's just not my thing If this doesn't just bring a tear to your eye, you don't have a heart.
  5. 6.5/10 the intro sounded really nice but then it started to get worse. I'm not a huge fan of music where it sounds like the guy is screaming.
  6. 2/10 eeeeeuuugh So much cringe. And not in a good way either. Cringe can be good if it's funny though
  7. 5/10 meh Weird, I'd think that would actually cause the score to go up. After all, nostalgia goggles can make anything seem better, no matter how terrible. Now for a song in Swahili that I've been practicing a ton since I'm gonna be doing a performance of it this Friday. Admitedly, I am starting to get kind of sick of it, but it's still catchy as hell.
  8. 6/10 It's would be pretty good for background music but not much more Now for a really old one. Btw, just to avoid confusion Erlkönig, is German for elf king. And this is based on old German folklore so when you hear elf, don't think of Legolas. Think of the Gremlins when you feed them after midnight.
  9. Ooo, I like that idea. I'm adopting that as my headcanon. Lol! Yes it does
  10. I can't be the only one who thinks Pinkie was flanderized in this episode.
  11. 2/10 I don't like it. It sounds hellish. In honor of Easter . . .
  12. You are my hero. What a beutiful and poetic insight. I'm adopting this as my headcanon.
  13. 2/10 Though it seems like it would get me pumped for a boss battle in a video game, I don't think it's very nice to listen to on it's own. Now for something relaxing
  14. 2/10 Eck, no. Just no. I don't like it. Majora's Mask is an amazing game and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
  15. 5.5/10 meh If you thought that last one was weird, you're just gonna love this one
  16. 2/10 I'm not a fan of iron maiden
  17. 6/10 Sounds okay but I'm not a huge fan of chiptune music. It's a little ear grating
  18. 2/10 ugh, I don't like it. Also, that profile photo looks oddly sexual. Wtf is up with that? Say what you want about it but I seriously think this is the best song to ever come from Disney. It's just so relatable. PS: "Were you once an outcast too?" Yes, Jesus was an outcast. I just love that line.
  19. Granted, you get "hugged" by a giant Venus Fly Trap . . . and then painfully dissolved in acid. I wish to be teleported to a magical world of puppies, kittens and rainbows where everyone gets along and there's happy endings for everyone.
  20. 5/10 Meh WARNING: Given that this is Deadpool, there's obviously a lot of profanity and gratuitous, gory violence. You have been warned.
  21. Well I'm not. I can't speak for anyone else though. Am I the only one who doesn't like the new design for this website?
  22. 5/10 not as bad as some other songs I've heard but still meh. (Why are most of the songs on this thread death-metal anyway?) I'm sure this needs no introduction.
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