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Everything posted by Xeltor23

  2. Okay, so, who is hot for HOT POTATO!!!
  3. I'm talking about a multiverse here, nothing like a single universe Anyway, don't know how you're going to do it, but good luck, I have to sleep; good night :comeatus:
  4. Take what? You had hours since you sent the last message, you had plenty of time :okiedokielokie:
  5. Don't take it too bad, storm, I said that so we can take our time to be ready...
  6. Because most anime makers today don't care about making good, not superficial and deep animes, no, most of them create anime just to make fanservice, dumb female caracters; why make a good story when you can have boobs? The worst exemple for me is Fairy Tail, that thing was great, like really, but then, after the seven years ellipse, it became.... horrible. Geez, that's really sad :/ Fortunatly, not all of them are like that, we still find some animes like before
  7. Hmm... Nah, I'm not with this plan this time, I like being a tiger
  8. But, I think he's the god of a parallel Multiverse
  9. I met a guy who wanted a leg, gave him one, but it didn't please him, so he transformed me into a tiger... I think Here is he
  10. Well, I tried to open a restaurant with my clones, like we planned, and weird stuff happened, soooo....
  11. Because a lot of things happened, Storm, a lot...
  12. Did someone call me ? :comeatus:
  13. End of The world, I like that opening! :DD
  14. It's been a long time since I came here... Wow, never saw this question
  15. I'd put them on the same level with us; 78 or 80 years for males, a bit more for females (don't try searching too much)
  16. Hmmm, what about... noooooo? She appeared in only two movies, and people consider her part of the mane six? Come on guys, the mane six is composed of the pony elements of harmony, not the human ones; so no, for me she isn't part of THE mane six, but could be considered a member of the human one
  17. Hmmm, for me it wasn't THAT rushed, I mean, the final battle took its time, there was a song and the moral, of course... and the final with the "real" Twilight was funny, so no, it wasn't rushed!
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