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Star Saber

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Everything posted by Star Saber

  1. To go into more detail than my previous post; I don't think I could actually get attached if I bought it and it was literally programmed to love me regardless; that wouldn't be 'real'. If however we were talking about something that had human level sentience and intelligence and the relationship was formed naturally then yes I could see myself being able to have a relationship with a robot. It might be a little weird if they were based off a fictional character but eh...
  2. Being the Transformer nerd I am I do have to point out that Cybertronians (at least depicted in recent material) do have a soul of a kind; but it's not really the point I assume. But in terms of the question; for me it really depends how advanced the robot was...
  3. @@Fractured, “Well, if I could share it; I might be inclined to do some with someone so appreciative of it. Alas… I’m not even sure how I got these abilities in the first place.” Fuse reached into his pocket and dropped a heap of bits on the counter to pay for his drinks before getting out of his seat, “Well, I’m feeling suddenly motivated to get to work so I think I’ll get to work on that order of yours. Give me a couple days and they should be ready.”
  4. @@Fractured, Fuse couldn’t help but chuckle at the revelation; hell he had to force himself not to break out into full laughter, “I’m sure you’ve already figured out that fire is my specialty; but it’s nice to find a kindred spirit. The heat, how it looks when it’s in a roaring blaze. You’d be surprised how it feels to hold when it’s not burning you… I’d dare say it’s the only thing that really makes me feel alive.”
  5. @@Fractured, Nightingale would notice that no one in the club seemed to be paying any mind to the two ponies at the bar. A burly looking diamond dog with a scar over his eye seemed to be having it out with an equally muscular earth pony. Just before things appeared to come to blows, one of the many identical looking ponies in suits broke the two up. Saying that if they wanted to fight they should take it to something he called “The Pit.” “A chance?” Fuse raised an eyebrow, turning his gaze towards Nightingale, “I figured you needed these for a job and considering the kinds of jobs ponies like us are given it’s rare that one would consider it an… opportunity.” The pryokinetic’s lips slowly curled into a grin, “Maybe I misjudged you.”
  6. @@Fractured, “Simple enough.” The Earth Pony responded, not bothering to ask what she needed them for; one part is that you don’t ask those kind of questions in this line of work and one part Fuse didn’t really care, “How quickly do you need them? Being without a horn, magic is a something that takes a bit more time to craft together.”
  7. @@Fractured, “Maybe” Fuse stops drinking as he speaks and turns to face the Pegasus, before continuing he takes another long swig of his drink finishing it off before slamming the mug down on the counter.. He pulled the briefcase of his a bit closer, “Depends what you’re looking for. Suppose I pride myself on my craft; tend to deal with more practical explosives rather than the magical kind but doesn’t mean it’s out of my expertise.”
  8. *shifty eyes* He knows... but in all seriously, eh... screw those people who say such things, it shows complete and utter lack of understanding or respect.
  9. Probably Loyalty, I'm fiercely loyal to my friends.
  10. Something around the lower torso area looks off.. or maybe it's because the legs are a bit short? Regardless it's still amazing.
  11. I have a ring that was given to me by my grandfather before he passed away from lung cancer, needless to say it means a lot to me.
  12. @@Fractured, “Ah well.” Maverick gave a hardy chuckled as he then pointed a hoof over to the bar where Fuse currently was. The flame attuned Earth Pony in the middle of downing a stiff drink, one of his hooves protectively over a black briefcase , “I believe you’ve already met a pony that specializes in flame.”
  13. @@Fractured, “Oh that’s partially the point Miss Nightingale.” Maverick’s grin widened, “I knew you were the perfect fit for this job and I’m sure whatever your request in the future is we’ll be able to fulfill it.” The green maned stallion slipped out of his seat and gave a bow towards Nightingale, “Now if you excuse me, I have a club to manage… we’ll be watching with anticipation. If you have need of anything else there are plenty here who could provide you with… less than legal goods.”
  14. @@Fractured, Maverick grinned and let out a quiet chuckle as Nightengale stated her price, this was unexpected but none the less amusing. He leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the table and resting his head on his hooves, “I’m sure that can be arranged. Now do you have something in mind already or is this one of those ‘save for later’ kind of favors?”
  15. @@Fractured, “I’ve including as much information as I could find in these files although that being said it wasn’t hard. For being some of the most important ponies in Equestria, aside from one being a Princess… these ponies are rather… mundane.” Maverick sighed and leaned back in his seat, “As for now; I guess we talk payment?”
  16. Nope... but I do consider my friends to be family oddly enough XD Unfortunately there's nothing that makes me consider at least my immediate family to be friends. Parents for one, I can't be friends with someone who doesn't consider me their equal and I have no common ground with my siblings...
  17. @@Fractured, “Well well, seems you have a bit of history with them. Interesting…” “The Elements of Harmony; is Equestria’s most powerful weapon. Capable of defeating even the strongest of threats. However it has a grave weakness.” Maverick motioned a hoof at the pictures of the mares, “For it to function all six of these mares have to be present. So I think you can see where I’m going with this?”.
  18. @@Fractured, “Indeed, a shame. However that is a concern for another time. On to business then?” Maverick took a seat across from Nightingale and retrieved a folder from inside his jacket; laying it on the table slowly opening it up and separating out several pictures and files about several mares, six in fact, that Nightingale may have met, “What do you know about the Elements of Harmony?”
  19. @@Fractured, Maverick’s grin grew wider, “Well I’m always interested in creatures with talent and a… shall we say disregard for the rules.” “Ahem…” Fuse interrupted as he cleared his throat, “Before you two get all buisness buisness buisness; I think we have some of our own to finish? Like my payment?” “Ah of course, Mr. Fuse; I didn’t forget. The stallion tending the bar has your payment.” “Good.” Fuse turned to leave the two, “I guess you two have fun with your little… chat.” Maverick watched Fuse leave before turning his attention back towards Nightingale, “Shame about him, Genius at what he does but… ultimately lacks ambition.” The stallion motioned towards a nearby booth, “Care for a seat?”
  20. @@Fractured, “Well considering this place is fairly new, and I’m very exclusive on whom I invite into my little club here. Speaking of which...” Maverick reached into his vest pocket and procured a small letter which he handed to Nightingale, “This would be yours… well your invitation to be precise.” Were Nightingale to check the letter there she would find inside a mostly pointless formalized invitation at this point as well as what appeared to be a card of some kind; blank white with a symbol of chaos printed on it’s front much like the door that Fuse had used to get here and that was the symbol found on the building’s logo.
  21. @@Fractured, It didn’t take Fuse very long to cross the street with Nightingale in toe; the ponies at the door didn’t give them any trouble and welcomed them to Club Pandemonium with eerily monotone voices. “Huh. This place seems a little more lively than a few hours ago.” Fuse commented as he scanned the club, which was actually now populated with some of the more scumbag looking patrons the pyrokineticist had seen a while. “Ah! Mr. Fuse, I’ve been expecting you.” The familiar voice of Maverick caught Fuse’s attention and he turned his head just as the green maned Stallion sauntered up to the pair, “Good to see you’re still well.” Maverick’s yellow eyes quickly shifted their focus towards Nightingale and his seemingly perpetual smile grew, “Ah, and you must be Miss Nightingale.” He gave a small bow to her, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”
  22. @@Fractured, As Fuse opened the door, Nightingale would be presented with a strange sight; instead of the door opening into the interior of a building it seemed to open into a mirror image of the street they were on; with two main differences. Firstly, the time of day seemed to be inverted, while Bangcolt was bathed in the light of the sun, the place beyond the door was shrouded in night. The second; was the large building on the opposing side of the street; labled with big neon lettering as “Pandemonium”. Fuse entered into the second street, waving for Nightingale to follow him; the sound of bass heavy music, only slightly muffled by the walls could be heard coming from the club.
  23. @@Fractured, “Well, he hasn’t tried to screw me over yet, so I guess there’s that.” Fuse lead the way through the alleyway. He remembered seeing one of Maverick’s little sigils somewhere around here and if they all acted like the one before than completing this ‘mission’ would be as easy as stepping through a door. Fuse poked his head out of the alleyway into the street. From there he could see a door and barely visible on it from this distance was that symbol. Fuse waved her towards him as he stepped out into the street, “Come on, if I’m right, we’re almost there.”
  24. @@Fractured, “A fellow, calls himself Maverick, offered me a pretty sum to break you out.” Fuse explained as he hurried out of the barracks down the street and turned into an alleyway, “Why? I didn’t bother asking. Maybe he did it so you’ll owe him a favor, or he just wants to get on your good side. You’d have to ask him yourself. Still… I wouldn’t trust him entirely. Something about the guy seems… off.”
  25. I wouldn't my kid something obviously pony, but if really wanted to go that route I'd find a way to subtly reference it. Like naming them Jack to reference Applejack.
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