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Posts posted by PrincessLobay

  1. One day is unlikely to be enough for me to effect any significant changes, so I don't think I'd be too concerned with fulfilling all of the duties of a princess, nor would I try and change the status quo when it's obviously working and such changes typically take months or years to have an appreciable impact on society.


    If I was a princess — any of the princesses — for a day, all I think I would do is tour Equestria and learn how the common pony feels about the way things are being run. It would be educational for me and no doubt encouraging for them to speak directly with one of their princesses.

    i can not brohhof it, stupid comeputer, but i like it :)

  2. Silva trotted forward to the ponies, clearing her throat. "Excue me, good ponies, but do you know where i could find something good to eat?" Silva asked, in a strong voice, yet caring not wanting to scare them. Looking directly at the ponies small frames. 

  3. @,


    "I'm a doctor, specialised in bones. I got my cutie mark when I graduated from medical school back in Las Pegasus, so not as exciting. Not complaining though, after the growth pains I was happy for some peaceful goings. For a bit anyway, got bored and wanted to see Equestria."


    It was the basics of things, minus a few details she figured wasn't needed right now. Not because she was too secretive or something, but when most of your life sums up as *was in hospital*, you learned to make a few holes to have something to talk about later.


    "So you're like a sort of elemental?"








    "Just trying to find out How you keep getting those things there. I swear, there is nothing and then poof, like I blinked and missed the trick."


    She looked a bit at the inviting muffin he held out towards her.


    "That being said, that really do look like a good muffin...


    Awh what the hay, Inter-dimensional muffins is not likely to kill me sooner than anything else."


    With that, Last slowly grabbed out and took the offered muffin, sinking her teeth in and trying to see how it'd be. He eyebrow raised slightly in surprise at the taste. The glaze really did go rather well with the muffin.









    A dragging sound was heard as Blitz had gotten the un-used things in her bags out, had spread the bag around one of the bundles of ice, put the things in front along with the gathered bark and was now in the process of pulling it in slow jerks towards her hut. It was a bit heavy in it, but there was simply too much to leave it behind, and she'd likely need to come back here and see if more was left when she had dropped this off, just to not miss things.


    Blitz barely noticed things around her. Just the bushes, where she had come from, the pony that was suddenly there, not to back into bushes. All the regular things basically. Although, normally she didn't forget when she noticed somepony near her, but right now she'd had a brain fart and was mostly focused at the task at goof. Perhaps she'd notice if the pony started to move, speak or something. Guess they'd see.


    ((OOC: Welcome to the RP: ^^. Could you be so kind as to post a bios or picture of your pony? Just to make sure we know how you appear and don't mess up anything. :) ))

    (OOC: of course and thank you... Well basically my pony Oc's looks like my profile picture, because well she is my OC, but imagine her with a black cape on, not seeing the wings, her horn and her face.)


    Silva studied the ponies in front of her, hearing them talk about their special talents? Interesting.... 'maybe I should make myself known?'...'that would proably be good.'

    Silva trotted forward nearing the ponies.

  4. img-3688796-1-Princess%20Silva%20Cutie%2

    (PS: In case you can't see it due to the background, the top flower has white pedals)

    A double ended flower, the lighter one representing the giving of life, the darker one being the destruction of life. Both sides also show her varying personality(caring and protective, yet stubborn and hot headed)

    Hope ya like it!




    A fusion of a pillow and a shield. While it is a bit silly, I feel it does represent Cocoon. A shield for the defensive magic and shield spells. The pillow represents two things, the sleep spells he can do, and the fact that he hides his emotions(As some who try to release stress punch or scream into a pillow, instead of talking to others). It's a bit of a stretch, but I hope you like it anyway.




    A camera made from a gem. Representing making a copy of something in gem, as a camera recreates an image with ink or pixels. It may not be super creative, but it was the best I could come up with for the talent. Enjoy!



    The second I read the talent, I knew exactly what mark I was gonna make.


    A magnifying glass with a pencil handle. Showing the transition from study to sketch. Hope you like it!



    Honestly, I really wish I could have thought of a better idea for this mark, but the talent just wasn't inspiring any other ideas but this.


    A sword that loops around to simulate the path of a flying acrobat. Again, I'm sorry I couldn't figure out any better ideas for this. Hope you like it anyway.

    I love the cutie mark! Good thinking Thx man.

  5. Glad ya like it :)

    This second request will be placed last on the list, as it is your second one and I have others to do ;)

    (By the way, to everyone waiting right now, I have to go to work. So no more marks for a few hours.)

    FINE BY ME :)

  6. Well whatever you want it to be actually, you can rp about it, or you can just write it as you just did

    Well, if you say for a day, it means the entire 24 hours in my eyes. "hey, what you doing today?" "i'm just gonna play video games and eat pizza."

    So a day xD

    and i wouldn't fulfill duties, i'd just troll. 

    I'm confused though, is this an RP or is it a thing to just comment in? I see others just doing things. XD

    Well whatever you want it to be actually, you can rp about it, or you can just write it as you just did, I frankly don't really care, I just wanted to make this an opportunity for others on here to become a Princess for a Day or Night ;)
    • Brohoof 1


    YOU as the Princess (or Prince) of the sun/moon, how would you handle such responsibility?

    Comment your response below.

    -your duties and how you would fulfill them.

    -how you would act against your subjects.

    -your daily routine in your castle.


    (If you want you can also do it as the Princess of LOVE or the princess of FRIENDSHIP)

    • Brohoof 2
  8. OC/Ponysona Name: Princess Silva (not a Mary sue, don't worry)

    Talent(s): Giving and destroying life... Life as in forests and trees, plants and such.

    Passions/Personality: caring and protective over her forests or anything to do with plants, in general. She is however very stubborn, hot headed and when she have her mind on something she won't stop until she gets it, although she can be reasonable. Lonely. Scary.


    (I found a temporary cutie mark, but I wanted her to have her own, you know?)

  9. I think it's directly related to power. When she was defeated, the elements of harmony took almost all of her power, but by the next episode we saw her in, she had regained it.

    I think alicorns' manes are directly linked with their power. Celestia and Luna are the most powerful alicorns, probably because they're 'natural' alicorns, alicorns from birth. Cadance and Twilight ascended to alicornhood, so they don't have nearly as much power, and their manes don't move like Celestia's and Luna's.


    Anyway, have a pic of the different forms of Luna.


    img-3678793-1-Luna_All_Versions.pngAnother pic of Luna. This one I like particularly because it follows the show style pretty closely, but also adds several subtle touches of its own.



    I kind of have the same thought, but as to in season 4 twilights Kingdom P1&2, where Luna and Celestia and Cadance looses their power, their manes are not, not flowing, so it might be that their power is slowly decreasing from their mane, because of them loosing their magic (and cutie mark)
    • Brohoof 3
  10. Hooves against the dirt, walking through the Everfree forest, with her Cape on the hood covering her head. Silva heard voices in the distance. 'Ponies in my forest? I have to investigate, it is rare that ponies come into my territory. Not many ponies come, not after T...twilight Sparkle and her friends.'

  11. Hello every Brony and pegasister!


    I don't know if any of you have thought about this, but you know the thing about our Luna's 'different' forms? As in the first episode!! Where she dosent have the flowing mane and tail with starts and her fur...coat? Wasn't that dark an in 'Luna Eclipsed', 'sleepless in Ponyville' and in the other episodes after season 1 episode 1? I have this theory as to why, but it is not completely done, I will post it on here when it is, but if any of you have had thoughts about it, I would like to hear them! :) don't be afraid with your ideas :D

  12. :D thank you, I think I might start on another drawing.... But I don't know whom I should draw.... I'm thinking now that I've drawn Luna in her..... Imagine as we've first seen her in the beginning, why not draw her in her 'natural ' form... If you know what I mean? Or Celestia? What do you think?
    • Brohoof 1
  13. Welcome, good miss! Hope ya enjoy yourself on the forums :D here's a complimentary welcome gift! *gives cake* enjoy!


    • Brohoof 3
  14. Hey there! Nice to meet you! We both like Fluttershy as our favorite Mane 6 pony and Luna as our favorite princess. See you in the many threads I'll be creating or participating in.

    :D sure! Of course! You could message me or something, so I could participate :)

    • Brohoof 2
  15. Anyone who really likes Luna is technically already part of the Luna fan club. So, yes.

    Oh well that's great! I just finished drawing my first Princess Luna :D
    • Brohoof 2
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