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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by TePineer

  1. I have finally settled on Snow beat, as my favourite season is winter. Thank you all for the suggestions, especially the "___ Beat" ones.
  2. Turning sunbutt´s cutie mark into an equal sign. That wouldn´t work out so well. Nightmare moon could come in again and bring eternal night without trapping sunbutt somewhere.
  3. I hope they don't replace G4 until atleast 2020. *shivers in the corner at the thought*
  4. I find Derpy more cute than anything. Definitely Pinkie pie. (Season 1-3, her rainbow power episode, and season 5 onwards. I generally don´t like season 4 pinkie.)
  5. (Excuse me if this is in the wrong forum) So, a while ago I listened to a song on youtube. It was the Friendship is Witchcraft song "It`ll be OK" but instead of Twilight and Shining armour it was about Shining and Cadance. I have been trying to find it for quite a while now but I`ve got no luck. Does anybody know what song I am talking about, can you post the link?
  6. I love appledash and specifically Those blue wings by Thernobog.
  7. Glaze has uploaded a new song not too long ago by the name of Prototype VIP. It´s really good, and fits into the rainbow factory storyline as a prequel.
  8. Huh. I don´t like chocolate and I don´t like marshmallows. We also don´t really have a name for those here in Sweden.
  9. I am a unicorn. And also Unicron. (not really, though.)
  10. I lurve me some Appledash! But i seem to ship flutterpie aswell. And sunlight. Sunlight is best light.
  11. What is even a s´more? I have no idea.
  12. Yeah, I don´t think so either, but it´s still fun to think about, right?
  13. Discord transformed into a pony when he first met Tirek.
  14. If you saw the season 4 finale, you would know that Discord´s cutie mark was a Hurricane/tornado. His best friend is Fluttershy. Her cutie mark is Three butterflies. Butterflies and hurricanes. Did the writers reference the butterfly effect with this?
  15. What do you call a boss who fires his workers by killing them? A terminator.
  16. My OC owns a video game store in Las pegasus.(Still haven´t come up with a name for him... )
  17. My brother Just told my parents I watch MLP. I have a hole lot of explaining to do. Wish me good luck!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh is she good playin the pian o=)=)=)?

    3. TePineer



      Absolutely amazing! She is a cantor at a church here where I live. Best piano player I have ever seen.


    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      woah that is awesome *hug <3

  18. Just told my parents I watch Ml

  19. Does anybody see the similarities in the youtuber NerdCubed and foal Cheese sandwich? Is it just me? My dad? no, just me? Okay...
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