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Derpy Muffins

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Posts posted by Derpy Muffins

  1. Hey Wainbow! :D


    Everypony here in these fourms is very nice, oh by the way, nice screen name! :)


    You'll make friends fast here, trust me you will!


    Here is a link to help you out: http://mlpforums.com/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends ;) That was the emote guide! It has all of the emotes, and when I was new, It helped me out alot!


    You're a Pinkie Pie fan, nice! Here is the Pinkie Pie fanclub: https://mlpforums.com/topic/4726-pinkie-pie-fan-club/


    It's always nice to see somepony join the herd! If you need help, or just want to talk you can PM me anytime! Have fun here!


    Best Wishes,


    Derpy Muffins :derp:

    • Brohoof 4
  2. Well... there was this school made just for Pokèmon, and it was my first day.... I didn't know anyone. Sleepy offered for me to join his friend circle, and I accepted. That's how I became friends with them!



    • Brohoof 2
  3. Chapter 1- Why? :


    It was a nice day.. all was well. I'm Shade, an Absol if you didn't know, but anyways back to the story. Me and only me walking through the woods, I shapeshifted into my wolf form and sighed. I tracked down a scent, and this scent wasn't good. I saw 6 faces looking at me with feirce red eyes. I made out all of those 6 faces they were an Phione, an Darkrai, an Palkia, an Dialga, an Groudon, and worst of all, a Lugia. I shivered and trembled, and then before I knew it I.......




    Chapter 2- That Wasn't A Good Idea... : I smirked, " Think I'm gonna run huh?" The 6 Pokèmon nodded. I smirked and unsheathed my claws, " Well, I'm not!" The Lugia started laughing, " Hahahaha! You? A puny little Absol.." The 6 started laughing. The Darkrai continued for the Lugia, " You're gonna fight us? Well then, prepare to loose!" I wasn't feeling so sure about battling them anymore. I started trembling....

  4. Banned because you banned me, and then.... YOU BANNED EVERYONE!!! Also you're banned because Discord made it rain chocolate milk and there was NO WHIPPED CREAM!!!

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