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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. "I plan on using light weighted gear since we are in the desert, we will need to be able to move faster, we have no cover, except possible sand dunes, moving over sand is already harder than other types of ground, I guess you are wondering why most of us never wear any armour? That is the reason, most of us prefer to be light on our feet, tough the Vernomians have a different case, as they usually fly, it would depend on their build and preference whether they would sacrifice defence or speed when choosing in equipping armour." "What we tend to do is place people in different squads and roles depending on their weight and overall skills, the more armoured and more equipped soldiers would be placed in a squad together while the lighter weighted and unarmoured would be placed in a different squad to make combat tactics more efficient," Therisha explained. But she then saw Windphaser studying his build, so she knew he wanted to know more personally about how she fought. "But to keep it more at topic regarding your original answer, I am a fast paced person, I prefer to use my signature dual pistols in battle since the firepower is what I favour during fast movement, but when it comes to close combat, I use an adjustable double blade that is holstered in my left arm brace. I have worn heavy types of armour in the past, but I only wear such types when its required, other than that I don't wear such heavy armour willingly." "But if you want to get into the more extreme stuff, my leg and arm bracers actually have an attachable wingsuit, and my right arm brace also has a tiny grappling hook build in. I even have gloves that have sheathable claws, excellent for climbing and slashing at my opponents." Therisha said with a smile. "I hope that is enough? I can tell you more, but there isn't much else to say about me except for the fact that I am a daredevil." Therisha said with a smirk. Jack nodded as he closed his eyes and squeezed in Evelyn's claw. He took a deep breath and then open his eyes. "Come to think of it, what are you going to do once we move out Evelyn? And what you Luna and Celestia? We haven't exactly discussed that yet." Jack mentioned.
  2. "You worry too much, have some more trust in us because I am going to be highly disappointed if you are only going to focus on what she can do and leave me to be forgotten, I am your partner in duty, am I not?" A voice said behind Windphaser, which sounded a little disappointed but also a bit optimistic. Behind Windphaser sat an elegant Raukan, having a light orange fur and with light green eyes. She was wearing a bandolier, as well as some sort of necklace around her neck. "The name is Therisha, I have heard you where part Raukan yourself, and since we are going to be partners, I can guess it is only proper we introduce ourselves? Nice to meet your Acquaintance, Desert Warrior Windphaser." She said as she walked over to him and offered a handshake Jack smiled at Evelyn's answer. "I guess you do have a point there, luck would never have been enough to have me make it this far." He, however, flinched a bit when he felt Celestia's magic without expecting it beforehand as he hadn't heard her approach, but it didn't bother him. "Wouldn't it perhaps be best if Celestia does the part with getting out the bullet while Luna does the part of using her magic to make sure my body won't react badly to the procedure? I know that i suffered a bit of a shock when we tried it before." Jack suggested but he then also remembered something. "Could i also perhaps squeeze your claw again? it did work good last time." He asked Evelyn. "Tough i admit it does feel weird that i end up planning this yet i am the one that is wounded and needs to be patched up, i guess that is what i am good?" Jack said silently to himself with a chuckle.
  3. "Ah, Bright Horn, you have returned, Tell me, what news have you brought us?" A new voice said. "Master Korphian, the deed has been done, during the attacks of those green beast we have made intriguing discoveries, not only did we discover the current numbers of soldiers that the Solar Guard and the Night Guard have, we have discovered more visitors, huge figures clad in some sort of massive armour, wielding big weapons, almost the size of a pony itself." Bright Horn reported back. This made Korphian raise an eyebrow. "Really? Tell me in better detail, what was the colour of their armour, what did their symbol looks like?" Korphian asked "Hard to tell master... Their armour was dark red coloured and on their shoulder pads was the symbol that looked a dark red blood drop, with black wings around it and a white skull on the front." Bright Horn told as he recalled his memories. "Interesting, Interesting... And what else did you discover? I know you are not finished, so do speak up." Korphian told his servant. "Well... Shimmer Flash has fallen... Murdered by the Solar Guard Captain, I did not-" "He served his purpose, as we will all do in the end, whether someone's time comes early or later, that does not matter, only that we satisfy the gods in the end, what else?" Korphian said as he interrupted him "Before we left, we overheard that the Night Guard Captain and a detachment of her squad left somewhere, some presumed it was to negotiate with those red-clad things. But master if they were to team up, we would not-" Bright Horn once again was interrupted. "Team up? Humans distrust aliens to no end, they would only team up in the direst of circumstances, but even then, they wouldn't really have a reason to team up as things are now, by the time it does happen, we have already succeeded. Now, go fetch me my blade, we have something to prepare." Korphian said with a smirk. "Yes, master." Bright Horn said before he left.
  5. jRpeFXG.jpg

    1. CypherHoof


      prefer the Leviathan from UT2004 :)

    2. Snow


      It's the baaaaaaneblade!

      I like the Leviathan also, that is why I'm going to build one ;D

  6. Trying to write a serious comment on a serious topic when you are laughing so hard for no apparent reason and just can't resist but make lame and dry jokes?

    That is me in a nutshell right now.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      @Mickey Adaptus We were in the same boat then :P 
      (Pun intended)

    3. MickeyAdaptus


      @The Cerberus A wild aqua cat has appeared!



    4. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      @Mickey Adaptus Um...I don't have words for this

  7. To be fair, I don't think the gaming addiction should be seen as a disorder, but rather the term *addiction* should be considered a disorder more because people can get addicted to so many things, don't get me started on how I can get addicted to daydreaming. But then again, we should also consider on what level of addiction, like some of you said, not every level can be considered an addiction, I personally do see myself to a somewhat computer addict.
  8. "I can understand your intention, but it doesn't work out well that way, Maple had specifically asked me to be placed in the second group, she still has that personal thing regarding that Warmachine and all, it wouldn't be fair of me to put her into another group now, I would be taking away her motivation like that, which is a bad thing to do. But.. if you really feel like you must have her in your group, it might be best if you ask her first, i am not really fond of the thing myself since then we won't have her type of durability, which is crucial in the second group. That is all i can say on this matter Windphaser, i tend to stimulate others to fight for a good cause." Karthspire told him. "I am sorry that i cannot talk any further, i have much to discuss with others now, we need to prepare alot in such a short amount of time, i think you can understand what is at risk tomorrow, so I cannot make any mistakes. Just start the patrol whenever you feel like." Karthspire said to him, he then went over to talk with some of the other individual soldiers, asking what groups they would like to be placed. Jack looked at Luna heading towards Celestia. "Evelyn, please be honest here, do you think i will be okay? At sunrise things are going to be very dangerous, not to mention i am not even sure how everything will be handled. Because i know i won't get really far with the state i am in right now..." Jack asked her.
  9. Bright Horn stood before his destination and knocked a few times on the door, and a cloaked pony opened the door. "Password?" The cloaked pony asked him. Bright Horn leaned closer, whispering the words very quietly. "Speak the words of Lorgar and you shall live forever in the glory of Chaos. Speak them not and every one of you shall die today." The cloaked pony gave a nod "Enter." He said as he stepped aside, and when Bright Horn had entered, the cloaked pony then closed the door tightly behind them, clicking 4 locks back into their handles. Bright Horn used the stairs that lead down to tunnels that lead under Canterlot itself, and he then started to walk the tunnels, torches where placed among the walls, the flames illuminating in the darkness. In a nearby room, where his destination was, there was changing going on. "As the followers of chaos we are one, and we preach the words of Lorgar, his dedication surpasses all, while it fuels the gods of chaos with more power, death to the false emperor, for Khorne we spill blood, for Nurgle we spread his pluages along the wind, For Slaanesh we torment our victims to sate his never-ending lust, For Tzeentch we find the hidden knowledge, and twist the strings of fate itself. For we are chaos undivided, and we shall stand strong." The chant was performed in perfect unison, and it rang out through the tunnels with lots of choirs. When the chanting had stopped, Bright Horn entered the chamber, and sat down, waiting for the council to happen. But inside the barracks of Bright horn and his fellow unicorn friend, it was a disturbing side, where they once had resided, it now looked like a murder party had been doing on, blood was everywhere, symbols and text where written all over the walls, in the middle of the room an 8 pointed star had been drawn with blood, in the middle of the circle lay a blade, which still had fresh on blood on it, meaning it had only been used recently. But what was more, that circle itself was not there for just decoration, it was for rituals. Blood Sacrifices Inside one of the lockers came muffled screams, because inside there was an earth pony stallion, blindfolded and bound, he had been trapped in there for 8 days and looked messed up. It seemed no one had come in to check that part of the barracks before it seems, which was rather odd.
  10. I would say to the wormhole... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX!!!
  11. I live in the Netherlands, in the state of Utrecht, lots of farms over here, but also a good amount of horses and cows. Typical Dutch X3
  12. "Of course, having 4 eyes is better than 2." Karthspire said with a nod to both Maple and Windphaser. "If you 2 could patrol around the south side of this rock, we can't be to careful now." "Tough I might suggest you are careful with using up too much of your energy when the sun rises we are moving again, and you will be needing all your energy when you start leading that group." Karthspire gave Windphaser a fast reminder since he knew how stressful leading could be when you were tired. Jack laughed a bit, as well as his grip on her claw, was loosening until he let it go. He then heard what was Luna saying, and he had a bit of a worried look on his face, but not because she couldn't get the bullet out. "Luna... I know you want to do this for me, but why haven't you asked if Celestia helped you? If the 2 of you work together it should go easily. If you are feeling bad because you couldn't do it alone, don't be, because i don't judge you on what you are capable of, but who you are, you are my mother, how could i think bad of you?" Jack told Luna with a smile. "We are going to get this solved.." He then turned his head. "Could get anyone Celestia real quick? I would normally do it myself but I am not really in a position of doing it right now.." He said
  13. Happy Birthday!

    1. Envy


      Thank you!

  14. "You have seen one side of him, I guess it will be up to you to judge whether you will like his other side as well, mixed opinions like I said, I personally do think he is a pretty good man, perhaps a bit to self-willed, but nothing that would bother me." Karthspire said as he started lighting a cigar. "I do see that you are full of determination, so if you feel like doing something, i have a task you could do. We are lacking a bit of patrol around our area, do you think you could fill in for one of those patrols right now? I thought it would be a good idea since you don't really tire because of your machine body, so if you are up for the task, it is up to you." Karthspire asked her. Jack smiled and started to squeeze Evelyn's claw as hard as he could, while it was taking all his effort, he really wasn't getting close to making it feel tight around her claw, especially since he was already rather exhausted. But her method was working perfectly as Jack was now actively doing something that didn't require much willpower, but rather with focusing his growing tension straight into the squeezing of her claw. The bullet itself was getting close to coming out, but it would require a bit of a larger opening, which might require making a bigger opening, but it with alot of luck, that might not even be necessary at all, it would all require on luck and concentration.
  15. "Kiran? Yes, I have known him back then, in fact, most of us who served back then knew him as well. Since we are more of an army that isn't limited by highly trained soldiers only, but also contains mercenaries, survivors, civilians, anyone who wants to bring the fight to our enemies in a more united fashion, i guess we classify ourselves as a massive resistance group rather than an official military at this point, which has always been my style." "He was known as a rather distant and self-reliant individual, he tried to do everything himself, and would only come to ask for aid when he truly needed it, but even then, the most he would ask was things like equipment, bombs, even time he asked for this type of ammunition that they use in tank cannons." "Tough as known as he may be, the opinions of others about him where mixed, some would call him a traitor and a selfish renegade for the way he tends to act, choosing logic over someone's emotions if need be, which is not something that has always sit well in situations. But others would call him a hero, his methods of infiltrating behind enemy lines and infiltrating conversion centres was unmatched to anyone we knew. The only times he did allow others to join him is if he asked for it specifically, but was very sceptical of the help he would get, rather focusing on someone's role and outstanding attributes in which that person would excel at, rather than someone's character or skill overall, only wanting to work alongside the best." "Tough at one poin't he got captured, nobody knew how, some say he did it voluntarily to accomplish one of his other crazy plans, but that was around 28 years ago. His return has good and bad sides to it, he is an excellent individual when it comes to warfare and overall operations in battle. But the bad side is his overall character, he has a serious hatred againts military command structure, given his past, should he meet up with those he had met before during his military services, you can expect it could come to bloodshed. Well, except for some individuals." Karthspire told her. "If you are around him, i suggest you stay on his good side, he is very strong when it comes to the matter of doing things, but he is very weak when it comes to the emotion, because i can bet during his imprisonment he did not manage to stay sane entirely and escape unscathed, that is what i can say about him from what i know." Karthspire told her. Jack nodded, his skin tingling from the feeling, he was still a bit panicking but it was apparant he was trying with all he had to try and keep it under control. "Evelyn, could you hold my hand? I need to something to pressure, do you think you could handle that if i?" Jack asked Evelyn, as he needed it to cast away the tensing feeling that was constantly swelling up inside him.
  16. Bright Horn was walking through the city of Canterlot, he had gotten rid of his weapons and armour, and he had been forced to use a spell to change his appearance, obviously it was not even close to the method that the changelings used to disguise themselves, all he was capable of doing with this spell was changing his fur, mane and eye colour. He was glad he no longer had a cutie mark, as that could have messed up the disguise. He was being careful to avoid any soldiers since they were now thoroughly searching for him, including his home and his place in the barracks. Bright Horn could have actually decided to quietly sneak away before they were going to launch that counter-attack on the orks back then, but his master has told him to join them and report on the situation on how many orks there were, and more specifically the colour and markings of their banners. Bright Horn could not understand why his master was so interested in the details about these brutes, but it was not his place to judge. After much walking, he had finally reached his destination. And he had been lucky, no one had followed him, and now it was time for him to report...
  17. "I can't say for sure, I can't look inside his body, you might have to base it on where you think it is." The medic suggested. "You are getting there Luna, but not that far, I can only feel it hit certain spots on my body, but I can't say for sure." Jack admitted. He was shifting around uncomfortably, the feeling of a metal object moving around his body was really starting to panic him. It was then that the moving bullet hit one of the broken of his ribs, and what followed was bad, a stream of pain surged throughout his entire body, it hurt so much that he didn't scream out, but rather was lying on the ground with his pupils becoming very small, his eyes wide open. He seemed to be in some sort of shock, which was caused when the magic moving bullet hit one of his broken ribs, which send out a signal to his brain that had like a panic effect. Karthspire was impressed by Maple's response, it was something he would only ever expect from one of his own more disciplined soldiers. "Your intention is admirable and full of courage i must say, not to mention you are really formal. Tough i will have to mention that this will the hardest and most dangerous out of the other 2 groups, as everyone in that group would need to be capable of defending themselves again situations that you can't push back. Which involves lots of teamwork and swift mobilization. I do believe your words, considering what you had to endure today, i would not even dare to doubt your words about this. I have yet to decide who will be leading the second group, so once i have come to the decision who it will be, you will be informed." Karthspire said to her. "Wich means you are in, though that does lead me to a question, you have been talking about this Kiran alot, how do you know about that?" Karthspire asked her curiously.
  18. "Sir, these accusations of him hold very little value, I saw him getting hit on the head hard by one of those green brutes, for all we know he is being delusional. For how many years have we served her royal majesty? We-" The unicorn, however, got interrupted by his fellow unicorn friend. "It is over friend, these weak minded fools do not understand the folly of their beliefs, we are destined to serve better leaders then 2 failures who feed those they like with power and fancy titles while they are leaving their own population to rot... Ponykind will not survive in its weakened and misguided state... It is time for all of us to embody new leaders, who grant power to those who truly deserve it, not by birthrights and having contacts in high places... No, the eight-pointed star shall hang over the banners of today's society that we call Equestria." Bright Horn said with malice. He knew they were exposed at this point, with all the eyewitnesses, and they had nothing really to back up their words back at that moment, so he had decided to get to action right away. "So here is a message for your princess... Chaos sends its regards..." Bright Horn said as his last words before he put a hoof on the shoulder of the other unicorn. "Go proof yourself worthy brother, it will be like he said, we will get our reward in the end." He said with a growing smile. The unicorn gave a deep nod, and then suddenly drew his sword, and looked at his target, Staunch, the pony who had ruined their plans, but not all was lost, they were going to get their reward one way or another. The unicorn teleported behind Staunch and attempted to slash towards Staunch his neck, the move itself was done rather fast. Bright Horn used this opportunity to jump off the side of the mountain, but while he was descending, he quickly used his teleportation spell, the reason he had jumped down was to increase the distance that he would be capable of teleporting in the lower areas. His exact location was not known now, but he was still somewhere in the city itself. It was a desperate attempt to make their plan still count.
  19. "Yes I want this Luna, I have seen enough wounds like these in my life to know how bad it will end if that bullet won't be removed, please, do it, at all cost. Even if it is going to hurt alot" Jack told her. Karthspire was a bit lost in thought until Maple spoke to him. "Hm? Oh, right, i presume Windphaser had already told all of you about our plan, so i was wondering if all of you had decided in wich groups you wanted to be placed, but do keep in mind, we might have to shift some places if it means it could increase our survival." He told her.
  20. I have a female cat that looks like Garfield xd. She is a cat that really wants attention, constantly nuzzling and licking me, it never ends xD
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