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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. I give my name a 5/10? My name is Thomas, mine does sound like a Dutch type of name, but I think it originates more Germany? But i also got 2 other names, Iskander and Leonard, not sure how good 2 those would be
  2. "Is it ok if i sit on your back when we start moving again? My feet are getting very tired, I am used to walking a good amount of distances on most types of terrain." Jack admitted. "But really, thank you." He said as he hugged her tightly. ------------------------------------------- Karthspire was standing on top of a sand hill, gazing into the far depths of the desert for a rather long time. "Karthspire, I mean sir, you have been standing there for this entire time, is the reason we stopped really because you thought we should rest up, or... if there another reason for it?" Betamor asked with curiosity. He didn't answer for a minute until he put his cigar out of his mouth. "You remember those rumours? About those attack forces? Guess what we just stumbled upon? One of those very forces." Karthspire said. Betamor frowned and started looking in the same direction, his eyes narrowing. "I don't see anything, how are you able to identify them?" Betamor asked him. All Karthspire did was hold up a hand, mentioning him to be quiet for a moment. And there it was a sound, a loud thumping sound, of some mechanical monstrosity. "You hear that? It is far away, just beyond our sight, but sooner or later, we will stumble upon them, hence why i decided we should stop here, and so we can avoid them." Karthspire said calmly.
  3. "I am not sure if I am really, been just rather tired, haven't really slept since this morning, and all that walking, just rather hard to keep it up for so long, I just travelling through desert's in general." Jack paused for a moment. "I guess my coat is not that thick, its rather thin, i guess the only thing on my coat is that burn mark i had earlier, but other then that i am ok." Jack explained. "Tough the magic feels good, i wish my spell would work on myself before i burned my hand." he mentioned as he looked around.
  4. Nobody expects the holy Inquisition!


    1. Johnny1226


      Of course not that would be too easy 

  5. Jack stood up, gasping for air as he removed his face from the sand, having an embarrassed look on his face after realizing the entire tirade he had caused on himself when he was under the influence of the desert hotness. "Y-yeah, it is working, thanks, Luna." He said with a smile, but the look of embarrassment was still there. "I apologize for that... behaviour really didn't wish any of you had to see that, it happens when my emotions grow to high in hard situations." He said.
  6. "But then what? Walk through another desert for 100 miles? Walk in that same creeping sun for so long? Why not! It is not like one a certain someone can handle it all!" Jack said, suddenly roaring in a rather concerning laughter. He let himself fall face first into the sand, still laughing crazily, even when that very laughter was muffled by the sand. 'Someone in the group who is having too much sun exposure? Check.' Kiran joked "You are having to much sun exposure!" Jack said to him in with the muffled sand, not even realising he should be thinking to him instead. He was just laying there with his face planted straight into the sand, it was very obvious to this point that he was not feeling very well. 'But serious talk here, He has been walking in this sun for almost 10 hours or so, if you count the training part. I don't know whether he himself realised, but even if he did i doubt he would have did anything about it or told anyone, he is not the type that wants to bother others for asking help. Anyways... Evelyn, you might want to pick him there because he really won't be moving for a while, not the way he is acting right now. I sure wonder why no one had thought about creating any form of shadow or something, surely someone must have tought about this?' Kiran said with a sigh. 'I am getting to old for this.'
  7. "He is right, you wouldn't imagine how many would want to feel no pain, they rather give up every shred of emotion and feeling if it means they could acquire that, You wouldn't believe how many times i had preferred to be like that, because then i would never feel pain, need to eat or drink, or even age for that matter, i would become immortal in that sense, you have all of those things, but i can see also on why you would want to feel again, but you remember that person i talked about? Who can create a body? That offer still stands..." Jack said as he looked into the distance. "Just tell me when you have decided." he said to her with a smile, before returning to his toughts. ---------------------------------------------------- It was about a few hours later, as the sun setting still high in the sky. A growl escaped Jack's mouth as he had a big scowl on his face. 'I hate this desert... I really really HATE it... Next, i know a scorpion pops and up and I get poisoned, wouldn't that be ironic? Or die because i get fried to death? It doesn't really matter at this point, there is always something, infected, climates, temperatures, or dangerous diseases, i might as well just try and attack one of the most dangerous towers alone while i am at it, wouldn't that be a relief? There is nothing else in this god forsaken existance then constant misery.' Tought to himself as he want on a tirade, just thinking the craziest things to himself just to keep himself from freaking out over just how bad everything was currently going for him, he was not one who was really capable of putting up with such things after all. 'Heat? Sunburn? HAH! It might as well just rain lava at this point! All praise the almighty sun god! Let there be lava!' Jack thought, starting to get a bit delusional from the overtaking heat that neve seemed to end.
  8. "It is hot to a degree where you can start to see hallucinations, that is how hot is it." Jack said. "But I cannot imagine just how cold it is going to be at night, can you imagine it? Absurd heat and freezing cold nights? And sleeping in the bare sand? Just like the old days.." Jack said a bit absent, bags under his eyes showing. He then looked a bit around, until he saw something. "Maple, you seem to have cracks on your body, changing temperatures at rapid rates, I don't think you are as immune to the temperature as you believe yourself to be." Jack noted to her. "Give me a second." He said as he used a spell that was not any form of freezing, but it made a cold touch, which was meant as a cooling spell for things like forging, but he used it on Maple's hot metal in order to cool her down. "There, that should last for a while, call me if you need more.." He was just staring out the plain desert ahead of them until he heard Festus his question. "Yeah, i haven't exactly slept much other then last night, and after i wen't on that killing spree againts the infected during my training? No surprise there, but there isn't really much i can do about it, we need to keep moving." Jack told Festus.
  9. "Good plan, it can keep me occupied to at any rate, better than sitting there doing nothing." Caerson said. "But why is my left arm now itching as well? Must be some sort of irritated place on my body, thanks to that poison joke." Caerson said as he presumed that. But oh how wrong he was... ------------------------------------------------ Back to the other group, they had started and had been underway for a while, it was going to take around a week before they would arrive at their destination, but nothing was going to stop them. And hot it was, the desert being the place that it was, was really making it troubling for travellers, the sun not showing any mercy, however, some were having it rather easy regarding this. "No matter where i go, it is always either extremely hot, or extremely cold, just what is up with that?" Jack complained as he tried to shield himself with his arms from the sun, wich was a rather futile attempt. "Well, atleast it is only a week, and this time we are not risking of starving to death." He noted, glad it wouldn't the same case as last time they where traveling trough the desert.
  10. The woman was trying to fight off one of the orks who was attacking her, but she knew she was not able to defeat this ork in her current wounded state. However, before she was about to get to hit, the attacking ork got pulverised as a sudden thunder hammer hit its head point blank, killing the ork, making its body get blown away by the force of the hit. "M-my lord Astartes! Forgive me, I was-" The woman said with a bit of a frightened voice but was interrupted. "Status!" The space marine captain told her firmly, as his figure was towering over her. "Right, I was scouting ahead when I noticed the natives of this world and the orks clashing in a battle, but it seems those aliens are starting to drive the orks back." The woman responded, snapping back to attention. "You must know your enemy to defeat them, Orks only retreat to regroup, they will keep coming until either you or they are dead." He replied "Head to the Apothecarion and see to it that your wounds are tended to. We will take it from here." "Of course my lord, forgive me if I speak out of place, but..... What is your next course of action? Wouldn't it be wise to wait until the battle has ended, and then take action?" She asked. "And risk the opportunity for those greenskins to regroup with their bigger horde? No, we are here to slay every single of those orks, we WILL succeed, natives involved or not." The Captain said with resolution. None of these events were happening close to the actual battle itself, but eventual contact would become apparent soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The orks were starting to retreat back into the forest, though it was apparent that this was a rather mild assault for ork standards, which meant this assault force had only been a group of recently regrouped orks. Around only 50 remained, while there quite a few losses to the royal guard as well during this conflict, in theory the defenders of the train location where safe, but would they hun down the last remaining attackers, or do something else?
  11. "I do have it memorized yes, tough i am not sure how well i can perform while i am blind. But regardless, i can tell you how to do it, though you will have to describe what you are doing, use your words as my eyes so to say." Caerson said, but then he realised Twilight must not be used to the way of talking that many of his own kind do. "Ok that might be rather odd thing to say to you, but its a rather normal turn for others of my race to talk like that, old habits never go away so to say." Caerson explained quickly.
  12. "I made it so I take off my augmented eye in case of some wounds underneath it needs cleaning, so I apologize if it scared you." Caerson said as he tried to put back on, but for some reason, it didn't seem to fit, the scales were too thick for him to put his augmented eye back on, but he was not aware of this, but kept fidging with it. "Argh, stupid thing!" Caerson cursed as he was still trying to fidget with it. After a while, he gave up. "Well, guess i can't put that back on, perhaps i will try later, but i wonder if others wouldn't get a bit horrified by the sight of a missing left eye, well, they have faced alot of gruesome creatures by now right? I bet my injury won't even faze them." Caerson said with optimism, but he had no idea on how horrified other ponies would react when they saw that repulsive eye, looking around like some sort of spying camera.
  13. "I do feel a weird itching under my augmented left eye, but I don't think that is it anything concerning. Hmmm, I should check just to be sure." Caerson said. "Please don't be afraid that you won't a left eye, it is something I couldn't really restore off course." He proceeded to detach the augmentation from his left eye, and what showed was... An eye, but it was not his eye, it looked the eye of a reptile, but it was moving on its own, and the area around it had changed a bit like scales almost. "How does it look?" He asked Twilight.
  14. "Alright, please do hurry, i am not sure if this is the only effect of that plant on me." Caerson said as he sat down on the ground, hoping she would return soon. 'Just what is that weird feeling near my left eye?' He thought but decided to ignore it for now.
  15. It was at this point it was clear, The Equestrians where going to win this battle, the last orks where starting to fall back, only 80 remaining, most of them gunners. They started firing back at the royal guard, an all-out charge would be capable of driving the orks back in this battle. The cloaked woman as sneaking through the woods when she suddenly encountered a mob of orks, when they started charging at her. She was capable of holding back the orks to an extend, her hellgun roaring with red laster beams in a rapid rate, one tried to jump from behind, but she quickly turned around and started to obliterate the ork with her firepower, but this left an opening as another ork slashed with his choppa across her chest, causing her to bleed badly. It was then that she threw her hellgun to the side and drew her combat knife, she was already outmatched against an ork in melee combat, but her wound did not help either, but still, she would not give up. "You vile brute, you shall meet the Emperor's wrath before long!" She yelled. "Do yer always yell so much 'umie? stay still so i kan kill yer!" The ork replied bluntly
  16. "Wait... A flower can cause such abhorred things? I thought I had seen the craziest things, but this really takes the cake." Caerson said with a bit of distress. "But i have an question here, why would they plant such a flower in the middle of the courtyard? Such flowers would not grow in such places, unless i am mistaken, but if that is the case then there should be more then just 1 there, it doesn't make sense!" Caerson asked with disbelief. "I just sure hope that will be capable of returning my sight, how can i work if i can't see what i am doing?" Caerson said as he kept muttering things in disbelief, how this would even be physically possible, or if there was some sort of magic involved.
  17. "I think I have become blind... But i can't say for certain, i just can't see anything." Caerson said he was touching his face with his hand. "Also, i can't really recall how it happened, at first i was wandering trough the courtyard, i stepped on the some blue flower, then i went to the bathroom and checked to look in the mirror, but by that time i suddenly could not see more." Careson explained. "Can't say that getting old can cause you to get blind, can it? I know of getting a worse eyesight but this... This is just ridiculous!"
  18. Caerson was still walking around the hallways, trying to find a solid wall that he could touch in order to know where he was standing. "Twilight, is that you? I cannot see anything, all I can see is a darkness... It is-" Caerson suddenly crashed inside a castle servants who had been carrying a large stack of plates and other things, including lots of glasses, which were now broken when the entire bunch landed on him.
  19. Caerson was wandering through the halls of Canterlot castle when, he suddenly felt something strange, he quickly went inside one of the bathrooms, wich was only usuable for ponies, and he stared in the mirror, but to his shock, all he saw was black... he tried to wave a hand before his eyes, but still he saw nothing, he started moving around the room, feeling alongside the walls and then was going trough the hallways, not seeing anything, somethimes walking straight into castle servants. It looked in all aspects just weird and sad at the same time, he was moving his hands trough the air, trying to touch things that weren't there, almost like he was some sort of mime. "Curse this, just what is this madness?!" Caerson grumbled. He was not aware, but he had gone blind...
  20. During that move, one of the Orks moved in readied his choppa axe, and swung straight at her, aiming around the part of her unprotected stomach, the axe gritted past the armoured part that hit, but the slice and went a good amount past the unprotected part, creating a medium sized but pretty deep cut. It was not a very life-threatening injury, but it was sure to leave a scar at that place, a reminder of how savage the orks were in nature. Maple would had been attacked more, but then come to her aid, when Staunch and crossbow-wielding allies fired at the other orks, 3 of them died, 4 moderately wounded. The battle was going longer and longer on, but it was now the deciding blow, if Maple and the others could push through, then they would drive the orks that launched this attack back.
  21. "Please inform me about what they told you, I want to know what is going on out there. See you later Twilight." Caerson said as he walked into the castle courtyard, he was walking around when suddenly he stepped on something, it was some sort of blue flower. 'Huh? This flower is rather out of place, that is weird. But then again, I don't know anything about gardening, surprised they are still bothering to maintain such a garden when everything is at stake, but i am not one to judge, i tend to look at practical uses instead of decorative ones.' Caerson thought. He then started walking back, not knowing he stepped on a poison joke, not even knowing what that was, the effects itself would happen sooner or later, but for now, nothing had happened yet. But then the other question arose, who placed that poison joke there?
  22. No fear shall go unpunished. -Commissar Kitlain of the Officio Prefectus.


  23. "Hmmm, interesting, that there is someone who actually understands technology of my own race, i would expect only Twilight to have such kind of knowledge from that kind of tech.. O well, i guess i will have to some more research on that." Caerson noted. "I will see what i can do, but i can't promise anything." He said as he walked away, heading to the courtyard.
  24. "Hold it there, do you still have the technology or the codes used to reprogram that ship? I could trace her location, then I could perhaps atleast find out if she is safe or not, does that sound something to lighten up this problem a bit?" Caerson asked Cadance, hoping to put her at ease a little more.
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