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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. "Aye, I know every one of you, memories, conversations, I can access all of Jack's memories like a data bank, see and hear what he does. But to ask the other question, it is a shared body, though he is still the main host, I can still tap into his body when need be. You remember that DNA that you helped him gather back in that slave centre? That was mine or atleast my DNA with modified properties, it allowed me to gain a place in his body, and keep my soul sheltered there." Kiran said back. "I had no other choice really when I was helping him escape, I knew I would never going to make it myself, my body was too influenced by the energies of that realm after a 9-year imprisonment, so I sacrificed myself in a rather brutal way by jumping straight into the advancing enemies and blow myself up and taking them with me." "But my intentions, for now, i am going to stay in his body and help him out, but once I get my own body, I will be back into the game, kill our enemies, blow upconversion centres, take on suicide missions, but first I am going to pay my dear old friend Karthspire a greeting, and then give him a friendly punch to the face!" He said, that last part in a bit of a joking manner, although it was obvious that he was actually going to do it. "For all things considered, life is rather simple once you got a clear objective wouldn't you agree?" He asked with a smirk.
  2. Kiran looked a little surprised at the sudden question, but he was, however, eager to answer it. "The name is Kiran Iron-Fist, I used to be a prisoner in the daemon realm myself but I managed to escape in a sense when I helped Jack out of there. But for why I am here? Partly to help out Jack but for the most part, I have my personal vendetta against the same enemy that we all share, but I guess i somehow managed to make a name for myself, many of the survivors call me a hero for what i do, the most known one in a number of conversion centers I have infiltrated and destroyed, but then again i do it all solo, but on special occasions i team up with the most skilled individuals, but only when the situation demands it." "The type of thing i do would normally be called a Mercenary, but i am more like a volunteer, signing up for suicide missions in order to get those done, many call me crazy in that regard but unlike them, i manage to get out unscathed. The funniest part of my story is the distaste between me and the military. I used to be a soldier, but apparently disobeying orders from the incompetence of someone else is considered treason, and i have quite a criminal record among them. But it gave me one advantage that i have always wanted, i can now fight this war my own way!" He said with a smirk
  3. "Good, good, it seems you are more of a shield and sword user rather than the quick but short range moves then I did. Gonna give you and advice though, there will come times when your equipment and weapons will start to get in a bad condition, and might even break, should that happen, you will have to rely on what you have left, in most cases a dagger or knife, but if you don't have a single weapon, use your body, use anything at your disposal. But then again I think your friend and mentor Ember has already told you something like this." Kiran told him. "So I would recommend, try out my trick anyways for when that moment should arise, life can be a jerk sometimes and won't hesitate to bring us even more bad luck in situations." He told Festus. 'Jack, I need to talk to you about something, something that is not good for other ears to hear, especially not your friends.' He thought. 'What? If you are talking about that sudden invasion, everyone is already aware of that, the news is all over the city.' Jack thought to him. 'No, not that, something might happen inside the city itself, and lead to an outbreak, not from infected, but from some among us itself, an outright revolt.' He thought to him. 'What?! But why do you want to hide that from the others?! They need to know about it!' Jack exclaimed. It was silent for a moment before Kiran replied. 'There is a good reason, because for once it is better than others are not going to attempt and do it their own way, you may not have heard but when you where not in control of your body, they where discussing your fate regarding your safety, and it turned into a rather heated one, especially when Evelyn exploded against Karthspire like that. I will tell you once we are done with your training because you are only one I trust who is not going to try and get all defensive and offended over this coming news.' Kiran thought to him, a hint of concern in his thought. He then started to fight more and more, until about 20 minutes later when the number of infected had decreased drastically.
  4. "Good one, but perhaps it is time I learn you a trick where you could take out 3 infected in at the span of 5 seconds. Follow my movements and you will see how effective this is against those non-sentient puppets." Kiran said. He was started walking towards a group of 3 infected that were separated from the main horde. "Watch this." Kiran stabbed one of the infected in the head, followed by a fast rotation in which he used his tail to sweep at the infected behind him, his tail impacting like a whip, causing the infected to tumble to the ground. But he was still rotating and his knife landed straight into the head of the 3rd infected, which killed it with precision at its weak point. Then he quickly dug the knife out of the infected's head and quickly ended the second one who had lost its balance from the tail sweep. "You got that one memorized? Good, This is a pretty simple trick, not that spectacular, but it's effective nonetheless. Now repeat it like this, stab, rotate, tail sweep, stab, and kill off the one you stunned with your tail. Try it out, I am interested to see how much potential you got, it already looks promising but i want to see more." Kiran told him.
  5. Kiran raised an eyebrow. "I think you are misunderstanding, this is not Jack you are talking to right now, you do realise that right? Well, i have to admit your loyalty is very impressive, especially towards him, can't say i have a problem with that, just please don't get too much in my way alright? I need a good amount of space if i want to carry out my attacks properly." He said. 'Wow, you are taking this rather well, a few moments ago you were saying *Get him out of my sight, I don't want him to interfere* and you are letting him fight alongside you.' Jack thought with surprise. 'Hey, don't me wrong, I still prefer to fight alone, but your friend over here understands and treats you alot better than some of your other friends I have seen, no questioning, no blaming, just pure loyalty and companionship, that is what you need. If he is good with you, he is good in my book, remember that.' Kiran thought. He then got an idea. "You 2 want to join the fray as well? If he is going to join then we might as well just let everyone fight, no use in holding back anyone at this point." He called out to Ember and Evelyn.
  6. Kiran cursed silently when he saw Festus suddenly joining the fray. He reacted quickly as he took some of the bait and was covering a dead body from an infected with it, and then threw that body straight into the enemies, causing them to divert their attention straight to the corpse instead. Kiran quickly turned around and grabbed Festus his arm, not in a hostile way, but more in a way *stop for a moment way*. "I understand you worry about Jack, but he is fine kid, I am in control and I am not goofing around when that is the case. I want to ask you to not interfere with this. I haven't fought properly in over a decade and I can't pass down this opportunity." He said to Festus with a mix of an irritated and an understanding look. 'Huh, what is going on?' Jack thought. 'It is your dragon friend Festus, he dived down in order to help you, or rather me in that regard, but he is interfering with my battle routine. He really needs to get out of the way, because I can't hold a discussion with him here while those infected are still out there. It would be extremely appreciated if either Evelyn or Ember could scoop him away from here because you know how impatient I get like this.' Kiran thought, his last words sounding more irritated then usual. 'I guess you are right, just please go easy on him alright? He is a very good friend of mine.' Jack thought. 'I cannot promise anything, it is going to depend on how well he will listen, and you know I am not Good with this whole *social* thing..' Kiran thought with a scowl.
  7. Kiran was taking out infected to infected one by one, in each time a unique way, and it was going on for quite a while, after 30 infected he was still going, not showing any sign's of fatigue yet. But most of all, there was a big grin on his face, the comment of Ember seemed to increase his showcasing performance even further. 'I know you where skilled but this... This is just absolute madness!' Jack thought with shock. 'This could be you one day Jack, but it takes more than just getting stronger and constant training, it takes mental exposure as well, some of us went through things that caused us to behave this way, while others didn't, in short words, don't see any form of trauma or any scar in the mind as a problem, but embrace it and see it as a tool to exact your purpose even further, it is in such ways that you can strive even further while the others among you try to get stronger only physically.' Kiran thought back. 'It all comes down to *Psychological warfare*, something that many seem to overlook, sometimes you even have to apply it to yourself to break beyond your own barriers, let that be a lesson.' He thought. 'Wow.. I.. am not sure if i am capable of that.' Jack tought with concern. 'You are, you have done it multiple times already, you remember that brain meltdown you had earlier? It was you fighting against yourself unintentionally, emotions are a big weapon, and for you that could either make you very strong or prove to be your very downfall, and today for you it proved to be the latter about 3 times, go figure how strong you mentally are.' Kiran tought
  8. The battle seemed to be going on and on, the Royal Guard was still holding its position, which was rather impressive considering they had to use a train for cover instead of an actual building. But despite this, the orks seemed to be getting close to breaching the entrance of the train that the royal guards were guarding, ork boyz where piling up against the door as the royal guard ponies where trying everything they could to keep them away, but it the ponies was suffering big casualties from this action. However, the bombardment from the ballistas proved to be doing its thing, the orks that where using their guns from range where throwing into a disarray for the most part, while the bombardment caused a decent amount of victims, the ultimate result was the ork gunners being forced to either spread out or fall back a bit further in the forest. Now if Maple and hear team where to arrive, what would they do in the end? Attacking the orks head-on could cause a few deaths among their numbers, would prove big casualties on her team as well. Would they regroup with the surviving royal guard inside the train and rethink a strategy? Anything could happen at this point, these choices could either make a big difference to the battle or don't change the outcome. There where about 83 ork gunners, some of them having more heavy guns then the others, while the where about 173 melee orks, most of them barring towards the train door, and there where 40 orks who where throwing a good amount of stikkbombs towards the train.
  9. When he was done testing out the strength of the muscles, he drew the knife and then started to make a cut in the bait, which happened to be some sort of meat, but when the cut was made, a weird smell was emerging from the meat itself. While the smell was hanging in the air, Kiran stabbed the knife into the ground, making only the handle visible, and then he closed his eyes and then folded his arms. This was going on for around a minute, at first it looked like he was just resting his eyes, but for those who were paying good attention, he was focusing on any type of movements and sounds, while he kept his smell in check due to the smell coming from the meat itself. At one point his left ear made a very slight twitch, which meant he had heard something, and it was correct, as a couple of infected were rushing straight towards him, some had been hiding in basements while others had been right behind a corner or other places. But even when one infected was coming very close, he was not moving, not even moving a muscle. It was when the infected was only a few meters away, that he then suddenly kicked the handle of the knife itself upwards, the knife spinning through the air. When the blade had reached its right rotation, he quickly grabbed the knife and made a 180 degree rotating while he was still holding the knife in its very same position. And in almost predicated manner, the knife hit its right target, straight in the face of the infected, who was killed instantly when it went through its head. But this rotation was not meant for just a single enemy, as another infected was trying to attack him from behind. Of course, he had no time to drag his knife out of his killed enemy and attack that other infected in this very momentum, instead, he used his right leg to kick the infected straight off balance, causing it to tumble to the ground. And with a swift manner, he dug his knife out of his previously killed enemy and stabbed straight into the other infected's head, giving it a swift death. 2 more infected where coming his way, so he decided to a variated attack, he threw the knife at one of the infected, aiming at its head, and yet another one killed. The 4th infected was charging at him, and all Kiran with was as move his arm a bit back, preparing for a punch, and when the infected came close, he punched it straight into the face, making the infected stagger a bit back. But he was far from done as he stomped on the infected's foot and then held it in a strong grip, before snapping its neck. He casually walked to the 3rd now death infected, and grabbed back his knife, cleaning the blood of it from the smelly fur of the infected he had killed with it. More and more infected where coming, but he seemed to be far too relaxed looking in terms of his body stance, yet he was constantly one step ahead of his enemies.
  10. "Thanks." Jack said to Evelyn as he gave her a thumbs up. He then walked over to the bait he had put down on the ground and drew his knife. 'I see you followed my advice with the enhancement of your knife? That makes slashing even deadlier.' The voice said to him. 'I know, though it did burn the fur off my left hand, I even think I suffered a second-degree burn from that, why didn't my magic work earlier when it touched that heated metal?' Jack asked him. 'Rather simple, back when you still had that curse, your body used to produce a great amount of heat, which made you rather resistant to the touch of such this hot things in occasions, perhaps you got used to that feeling and forgot you still had that luxury? Getting rid of something doesn't always make it better.' The voice said to him. 'Alright, so how I am going to do this? How do I give you control?' He asked him. 'Just lay down the ground, your body will go numb for a few seconds, but that is when I get control, last time I sadly didn't have much time since *miss cake devourer* woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was stopping me, much to my displeasure. But hey, atleast it was not *miss eardrum crusher*! She could kill her opponents by making their ears explodes with that volume, geez!' The voice said to him in a joking manner. Jack nodded as he was laying down on the ground. 'Alright, so what now-' he, however, couldn't finish his thought as his body went numb from the very moment. Jack was lying motionless on the floor for a few seconds until he moved again, he had once again orange eyes, with a more sharp appearance, and his voice had once again changed as well. 'Ok, what is happening... why do I feel like an afterthought?' Jack thought with a bit of panic/ 'Relax, nothing is wrong here, but atleast you know how i am supposed to feel being stuck up like that, i get to move once to for a change.' Kiran thought to Jack as he stood up. He was making his hand a fist and put alot of pressure in it, testing to see how strong the muscles in it where.
  11. "Don't worry, the anger that I showed before back then has subsided to a great amount, Against Maple, I am not really holding anything at this point, she had admitted all her mistakes and even... the things she did for me, instead of blaming her I should apologize to her at this point. Againts Luna i just can't stay mad.. She is my mother now and she has supported me in no matter what situation, with Woody i can't really say i blame him either, he knew about these things before we even got captured, or atleast to an certain extend, i guess i just don't really feel comfortable being around him alot, with all the blaming and stuff. And to be honest i think Celestia has been very good so far, she may not be as active as the others, but she constantly keeps a cool head and never lashes out, but at the same time she cares about the safety of others and admits her mistakes. If.. only she was a bit more active, i had told her before she has a great potential, but both Luna and Celestia just tend to sit on the sidelines for most of the times except for very big engagements." Jack said. He then climbed off Evelyn's back and jumped to the ground. "I am going to get things ready, going to need a few minutes because i am going to be using some form of bait to lure the infected for when my mentor goes into action, when it happens it might be best if the 3 of you take an good vantage point so they won't attack you." Jack advised as he walked a bit further into town to gather the things.
  12. "I hate to say it Festus, but this is what everything looks like beyond what most know as safe havens, death, destruction, what you currently see now is the only type of things you will see in Cyril and most other planets, except for conversion centers and other structures that our enemy builds, I guess you can understand why I became so angry at some of the others for not caring about the lives of others." Jack said with sadness as they landed "Sometimes words are not enough, and you need to see the truth with your own eyes before you can fully understand what is going in these places. But still... Imagine what would have happened if I hadn't warned anyone 5 months before? Equestria could have ended up like that, i know it is hard, but it is the truth." He said as he placed an hand on Festus his shoulder. "I hope you guys now understand why i have become this way." Jack said avoiding their gaze.
  13. "I don't think age really matters these days anymore, I had been learning to fight very early on, at the age 6 by my foster father. Not everyone has the luxury to live in a safe place, infact.. everyone in that city is very lucky, I sure know how everyone else is feeling who is forced to vent for themselves." Jack mentioned. He then looked ahead. "We should really get going now, Ember is already ahead of us." He said. After 28 minutes of travelling, they finally arrived, the town itself was a ghost town, but it had an eerie atmosphere to it, on some walls where things are written red like *Death has come* and *Help us*, but that written text no longer had much of a purpose as there where a couple of graves, but most of all dead bodies, alot of them scattered throughout town. "Well, this sure looks like it, nothing short of remains and flow of death in the air." Jack noted as he looked down from above.
  14. Think my favorite one would be Chrysalis her song during a royal wedding, it gave that feeling she was very manipulative but very cunning, and just her overall character, it happenend to be one of my most favorite villain moments as well. Edit: It is day's aria, i had forgotten the song name xD
  15. "Indeed, should take about 30 minutes from here, let's not waste any time." Jack mentioned. He ran to Evelyn and gave her hugged her foreleg for a few moments. "It is good to see you." He said to her with a smile. He then let go of the hug and climbed on her foreleg, then straight onto her back. "We should get moving, it is like Ember mentioned, it is going to get dark soon." Jack told her.
  16. The battle was growing bleaker by the second, the royal guard had fortified the train into a defensible interior after the civilians that remained has been evacuated. And it proved to work quite effectively in staying alive, but it was not going to hold forever, some unicorns had attempted to raise a magical shield around the train, but that magical shield had ended up breaking from all the gunfire that the orks where doing it, and they needed all other unicorns to fire ranged attacks back at the orks while the ones with bows and crossbows where also doing their part in firing back. It, however, was not going to be enough, orks throwing stikk bombs occasionally towards the fortificaiton, one of them exploded straight into the train, causing around 3 royal guards to die from that. On the other hand, the melee orks where trying to fight their way straight into the train, the royal guard was managing to keep the orks at bay to some degree, as the orks proved to be quite hard to push back from the sheer determination they were displaying. When the ballista's fired, it was raining down very larg sharp projectiles, some of the orks getting killed by the rain of those things, other orks where spreading out, while the more brutish orks simply ignored the danger of the raining projectiles and continued engaging their enemy regardless, it did prove to be a good manoeuvre however at it was keeping the orks a bit more at bay.
  17. "Indeed, we should get going, it should be 30 with flying, Ember, could you carry me again? We are going to need a good pace if we want to make it there in 30 minutes or even less." Jack said. "I wonder how Evelyn is-" Suddenly Jack felt something. "Well speak of the devil, i can feel her life force pretty close, but not that near, seems she is making a pretty good pace at will, tough i am not sure if she will catch up to us."
  18. "Well, I can't say its a really big problem, even if the fur won't regrow, it will serve as a memory, as do all of my other scars." Jack admitted. "Heck, I even have a scar that serves as a good reminder to my friend Wiliam, me and him both made a cut in our right hands as a sign of eternal friendship." Jack said as he showed Festus the scar. "Perhaps it is an odd way as a reminder, but I and he were very good friends, all before... the entire mess happened." Jack said. "Aren't there dragons out there who also take their scars as a sign of pride? From ponies, it doesn't seem very likely except for their most hardened and toughest warriors, for gryphons it would be alot more in that pride I presume, given their overall attitude and all." Jack asked them, wondering if it were the case. Jack also wanted to start moving but he was wondering about this question first.
  19. Hey there! Do you think you could perhaps do one of my oc? It would be really awsome if you could! (Only if you want ofcourse, i can imagine it being pretty hard to do so much after eachother)
  20. The battle at the train was looking dire, the ponies in the attacked cabin had all been killed, the royal guards themselves had fought back against the orks, they had managed to kill 3 of the stormboyz, but had suffered 10 casualties during the act, but this was understandable as those royal guards stationed on that train had been rather new recruits, and at the time had been the only ones available to guard that train. Eventually the last 2 orks on that train had been slain when a royal guard detachment came to the aid, however... Celebrating was far too early, orks never attack such targets with only a number of 5, and it was then that the Royal Guard was ambushed, and while most had remained behind to stand against the ork ambush, a few had left their detachment to escort the remaining ponies out of the train and into the forest, hoping to evacuate everypony from the train, and make it to Canterlot in another way. True to their word, the royal guards were holding their own against the ork horde for quite a while, but how long would they last against the orks, who vastly outnumbered them? It would only be a matter of time until more orks would join the fray, at this point for the royal guards it was either fight to the death or surrender and still get killed, for the Orks would not leave any survivors. Running would not work for them, for the orks would catch up to them with ease, even the pegasus guards would be shot down by the ork gunners if they would attempt to escape, unless outside help would come, they could turn the tide of the battle, but without help, all these guards would perish. What would happen? Would there come any help? And how much help? A few soldiers would make not a big difference for the orks where vastly outnumbering the royal guards. Where the royal guards had about 35 soldiers, the orks had around 235 soldiers, for they where known to attack in hordes, it was by the advantage of fortifying and using the abilities from both earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns that they where managing to keep their stand, for now.
  21. Jack looked at his hand with a bit of confusion. "It.. really burned? I was hoping my magic would stand the heat, guess that spell didn't really work that way it seems.." Jack said with a bit of shock. "For some reason, i don't really seem to feel the burn in my left hand, it just feels absent." Jack said. He then looked at his knife. "But well, i wanted to create these 3 sharp points at the left side of my knife, that way slashing will become a whole lot deadlier, i presumed this method would be the best since i didn't have any tools with me." Jack stated. "I grew up in the most dangerous places after all, i have learned to use things that i can have at my disposal." he said. 'Still, i wonder why i din't feel it, was the burn so bad that it went past my feeling? I guess i will never know.' Jack tought
  22. Oh god i just can't do this anymore...

    1. Telferi


      You can do it, there are people who support you, and i would gladly be one if you let me :)

      I am serious, i feel like i want to help :kindness:

    2. MickeyAdaptus


      Thanks, i just... i just feel like i am having a breakdown, i had an anxiety attack and it has been really affecting me, i have been crying for last 30 minutes, but my head and neck are very sensitive lately and the muscles in my head and neck really tend to tense up by default because i am following a therapy where i am weekly going every friday, i go there so i can get a treathment for my headaches and my overall tight muscles in my head. But after every appoint there the doctor said that pain is going to be common in my body because of the changes that are made. But... My head and neck are really affected by that, and because i am freaking so much out over my anixity attack, these very muscles are tensing up to the extreme, it just putting so much pressure on me that i am just...


      I am just so scared, because in these panic moments i either don't talk to anyone and try to contain myself, or i end up going online in a panic spree, but when i try to contain myself, i end up getting more desperate and panic toughts as it goes own, it leads to bad things, very very bad things if it goes to far..

      Medical treathment doesn't seem to work, i am going to so many doctors and therapist, but even medication doesn't seem to help againts this, my anixity disorder just.. plays part here.

  23. It is one of those moments again where I am once again in this sad and just over desperate state, where no one will either want to talk or understand me..

    It is that moment again where I am going to break down from all the misery, i curse my autism and my anixity disorder, my misophonia and all those other things that are destroying my life...

    Why do i have these things? Just why...

    1. Sione


      I'll gladly help you, we all need a special someone to cry over, i'll be the shoulder for you to cry over if you want. I'll PM you.

    2. MickeyAdaptus
    3. Sione


      Your very welcome.

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