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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Gestalt

  1. Permabanned for talking that smack to me
  2. Sweet, you could actually here BicMac's part in the song. (And his reaction to ponies questioning his strength totally makes me want a BigMac strength competition episode maybe with snowflake) And I've been waiting to compare the animatic to the final product and assess the carry over cuz that thing was beautiful. Until otherwise stated my head-cannons are that the smudges masked evidence leading to a closer kinship that was at first assumed, maybe 1st, 2nd cousin, coughsistercough. Totally should have just asked Pinkie's family. What are the odds of smudges three times in a row. I would have to call the plot convenience police.
  3. When you're on steam click on "store" then go to the games tab and select the "Free to play" from the sub menu for a more complete list of games. At the bottom of a game's main page should be the system requirements. As stated, TF2 doesn't ask much of you hardware though it will certainly take advantage of extra graphics power. If need be tune down the settings under game options.
  4. Over-clocking anti-feel shields. Feels detected. Feel impact imminent in 1, 2, 3, 4. I’d like to start off with a resounding FUCK YES given that I’ve witnessed the first ever FULLLENGTHAPPLEMOTHERFUCKINGJACKSONG, hot damn. People let me reassure you that that was some genuine fiddle and banjo. Albeit, hoof on fiddle is slightly far-fetched, but then again, so are candy colored talking horses. Two problems with that episode. Firstly, all that cute should be outlawed by the FDA. Overdosing isn’t any good for my health. Second, Applejack’s parents. The two stars were more than enough conformation for us to assume that they are deceased. That was of course followed up with AJ’s need to make the most outta this family reunion because she never knows when it might be everypony’s last. My beef is not with her parent’s death; however, It saddens me that they weren’t included in the flashback or any of the family photos. I am saddened. BUT, I can understand why it may have been left out. Other than that, this was a solid applesode, for me. I mean seriously, kick out the other five already. “My Little Applejack” tear-jearker ain’t it? Babs voice really grew on me this time ‘round. I’ve got a hankering to see a Manehattan CMC-centric episode come season 6. Bon-bon and Cloud-Chaser...apple family? Seems Legit. I could use a pony comic on the very peevish sneaking of unrelated peeps into family reunions. (hint-hint: find it) Thanks for smelling me, I’m off to make graphics interchange files. That shit was magical. Sorreh if there were any redundancies... /fangasm
  5. This is your first forum you say? Forums are like the magical back door to the internet, and mlp forums is among some of the largest. Welcome. There is plenty of fun here.
  6. I'd ask Pinkie Pie to throw my 18th birthday party. Not only would I get the finest cake in all the land. But…She’d bring Vinyl-Scratch and epic wub, wub, WUBZ will be had. Best. Birthday. EVAR.
  7. @, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, thats wicked stuff man. thx.
  8. It's a starfox reference...Wolf O' Donnell leader of team StarWolf. He's more of an anti-hero than an all out villian. But overall i tend to favor the darker characters in stories. Ya know, something that portrays that lire ain't all sunshine and rainbows. Don't get me wrong just because its the antagonist doesn't mean instantly i like the character. There are plenty of fail villains. Also my current avatar is Aku from "Samuri Jack." Quite the swagger if i do say so myself.
  9. Ohaider, random stranger. Whom i've never met on anyother forums about space-flying vulpines yet whose username seems awkwardly familiar. I agree to some extent on all is best pony. SOME EXTENT!!! As they all have there moments, yet one mare in particular gives me diabetes, and is the only reason i begrudgingly decided watch mlp. <sarcasm>Totally, not gonna stalk ya’s </sarcasm>
  10. ‘Twas a very awkward moment when my teammates first rounded the corner right as I was stuffing a truckload of mlp merc (another brony got me) in my back-pack. Well f**k was my initial reaction. And they annoyed the crap outta me for a few days…till I stood up a gave them a stern speech about being yourself even in the mist of adversity. Eventually it wore away when they saw I was pretty serious about the stuff and unyielding. Today, we even hold casual conversations about the main characters. However, that was not my real problem. My real fault was keeping myself from bullying bullies who were picking some other brony. I had a short fuse back then. But now, when I encounter someone I explain the show and the fandom a little bit and they walk away intrigued and willing to give it a try. Many bronies were made. Many.
  11. Fox news claims i stay home don't work only to file for disability Uh, What the heck is disability and how does a 17 year old file for it? Sad thing is if it weren’t for sheer the luck of me joining this fandom early on I might just be believe all of the ridiculous labels put on Bronies. And that’s why news media sometimes scares me. What other things have I been mindlessly misinformed on?
  12. The lost baby idea is a great charactization building proposal for RD, however your kinda losing me with the changling bit. What your suggesting is recurring villains which has yet to be touched in mlp. Although, i'm all for a gilda/trixie return recurring villian wise.
  13. If it is possible for a forum to get too awesome. Then, Mlpfoums.com is the prime example of too much awesome. I'm going to hurt myself.
  14. Sup. Looks like Bigtimebrony meets big time brony forum. I can garentee you'll have a great time here.
  15. Mother of Laren faust, your user name is EPIC, sir. Welcome to the world of pony. All day, erryday, 24/7, 31. No doubt you'll have the most welcome of stays.
  16. Gestalt


    Hey der, I shall grant thee a traditional O'Donnell welcome. Just remeber to try and take breaks on this website. Or else, You'll end up like me: HAVEN'T SLEPT IN DAYS. Coffee helps.
  17. Hmm. A mark. A single mark. One that identifies every single fiber of my being in one compact square inch macro. After much consideration: Applejack.
  18. Hey der, welcome. Just remeber to try and take breaks on this website. Or else, You'll end up like me: HAVEN'T SLEPT IN DAYS. Coffee helps.
  19. Hmm... Vibrantly colored coat and mane. CutieMark sybomlizing who i am to the very core. Dinner practically grows itself. Break into song whenever. Meet the M6. ....Hell i'd do it anyway
  20. Hhmm. He's green. Small wings. Pea Sized. It screams..."Green Bean". But like Doctor XFizzle pointed out a backstory helps to name a pony.
  21. I would Be liek...erruhm...O____O ................................... /shufflesaway
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