I sit quietly in my small shack, bored out of my mind. It wasn't a lifestyle that I preferred, but what choice did I have? My past experiences at the... place that must not be mentioned defined me, molded me. If it didn't exist I wouldn't live here in the Dark Forest, all the way across the northern Equestria border, I wouldn't have to stay in hiding. I had friends in Canterlot. I had family. But, I had to leave it all because of it. All because of it. Everyday my mind thinks about that pegasus, snarls at that pegasus, swears at that pegasus. I could never forget him. A blue coat, the color of a stormy night on the ocean. His eyes, oh, his eyes! Even if you saw him someplace good, not... there, you would know he was evil. His eyes were conniving, mischievous gone wrong. And what he did could never be forgiven, not even by his family. Unicorn after unicorn, after unicorn. I was lucky enough to escape. I remember the day when I was first sent there. It was a Tuesday, and I was only a child. It was a turn of events, being taken there, because we were all rejoicing on my sister's birth. I remember that I was the one that was holding her when... he, self called "Rick" knocked on the door, loudly and slowly. My father opened the door, and gasped at what was out there.
*Comment and Brohoof for Part Two!*
Be Epik.
I made this a long time ago. Also, the song is by woodentoaster.