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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Wicked Funky

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Everything posted by Wicked Funky

  1. @@Love Doctor Blaze, Allisa laid grabbed the dwarfs head and turned it forwards away from the man, "No.". Further ahead laid the noticeboard, no more then a single rugged paper was spiked to it. The note read "Contract: Pack of rabid ghouls spotted in the western part of the nightwillow forest, the reward is 120 petals paid upfront dispatched by the keeper at The joyful Wyvern." "Ghouls huh... We can't depart until nightfall then..." She said before ripping the paper of the board and taking a closer look, "We're going to need silver tipped arrows and some arfaj roots... Upland arfaj, for that matter..." Allisa inspected her surroundings before turning to her dwarven companion, "Well, this is most definitely going to be a pain in the ass...".
  2. 1x1 with Love Doctor Blaze https://mlpforums.com/topic/149045-a-dwarfs-and-an-elfs-mischiefs-rp/ @@Love Doctor Blaze, The town is going to be abandoned.
  3. @@Love Doctor Blaze, "In a hurry are we? It should be right around these parts." The smell of wet moss was slowly fading as a strong smell of smoke and farm animals filled the air. "And you should not be smoking such dwarvish heather, It'll kill you one day." She said not giving the cigar a single look. The town could now be seen further down the path, it didn't seem as busy as usual, in fact not a single soul could be seen as they neared the settlement.
  4. @@Love Doctor Blaze, "Yes, yes whatever you say..." She once again inhaled deeply and created a large ring of smoke slowly rising to the sky. "What it may be shan't riddle us till that moment is upon us." she said quietly before polishing her smoking pipe with a small piece of cloth and putting it back into her pocket. "It's not far now, and I need you to behave. You know how these folk can get nervous over every littly filthy ghoul.".
  5. Arling, Mid day https://mlpforums.com/topic/149043-a-dwarf-and-an-elfs-mischiefs-ooc/#entry4427150 The forest was quiet except for the distant sounds of a woopecker and the chirping of the forest birds. A haze of smoke arose from Allisas mouth as she looked up to the slightly cloudy sky which was barely visable through the thick mass of trees. There had been word of a bounty in the next town ahead, it was a small vulnerable forest town named Ardleby. To Allisas side walked the dwarf Durus, a strong rather... rash, soul. "So Durus, what do you think might be bothering the folks of Ardleby this time? Goblins again?" she said and smirked to herlself as she inhaled more vapor of elvish briar.
  6. Can't write an application right now, but I'm probably going to. Just a heads up.
  7. @@SlenderSlayer24, Question, can my servant be non pony?
  8. Too good to miss, I'll join. Can't write my application right now though.
  9. Well, I didn't mean it was going to stop me anyway And that's the struggle of being on phone, sorry.
  10. It's a bit funny how you litterally made the same nation as me but more developed
  11. @, Where will we be starting? In space before the crash?
  12. @, I won't be able to make my application right now but I'll be joining very soon! @, I've been trying to write my application a few times now but I just can't seem to figure out what exactly you want to know. Am I supposed to fill out all of those sheets or is there one in particular?
  13. It wasn't long before the rebel crew consisting of Rosie, two other mechanics and a guard team felt the sudden drop in temperature, snow tainted trees and rocks surrounded them and frost had formed on everything around them. The layer of snow ahead revealed a multitude of hoof prints, seemingly a line up of ponies. "Shall we investigate?" one of the guards asked, "There's no nearby settlement of ours, nor any groups patrolling this area... We better check it out." Rosie answered and started fallowing the trail. The once thin layer of snow soon became like a breached barricade, the thick snow had already been passed through opening a path for them to simply fallow. The harsh weather gave second thoughts but their minds were set, and rewarding it was. A large cobblestone structure made it's appearance, "A wall... Out here?". ​The gates were slightly opened and Rosie glimpsed into the fortified area, not only could she hear them but she saw figures moving, ​"Definitely not rebels....". "I'm going in to investigate." One of the guards urgently approached her "I'll come with." Rosie nodded in response and the two quietly sneaked through the gate. Their clothing wasn't the optimal for sneaking but it'd have to do, they tried their best to stay behind the building and in the shadows. The fact that the watchdogs always were so obsessed with their scavenging made the whole thing a lot easier as most of them were busy. Whilst passing one of the seemingly old building something caught Rosie's ear. She tilted her head slightly and made hoof gesture to signal the guard called Wolf to stop and enter the building. Cautiously they sneaked to the entrance of the building taking every step with upmost seriousness. Upon entering the building there were more options, but they simply fallowed the voices. At this point she felt like it was necessary to bring out her rifle. After walking up the staircase slowly and gently she could peek into the room only to have her suspicions confirmed, watchdogs, some pony the watchdog in front of her seemingly was very angry with and... "Some sort of assassin?". "Wolf, Report back to the others, I'll be with you as soon as possible. Just stay out of sight..." Rosie whispered and Wolf, of course, obliged and returned down the stairs.
  14. @@Ethan Sawyer, @@1Bit, @@Snowflake Frostflame, Is it OK if I, eh, run into you on the way?
  15. Shushi, No doubt. Don't get to eat it as often as I'd like to though.
  16. C'mon, I was just about to post this (It's really damn good though)
  17. Cloudsdale mechanic station Rosie had recently been promoted to head of engineering at the ground level (Meaning settlements and such), she was glad but no matter how many promotions she got it wasn't going to be enough. Large oil stains tainted her mane and coat, she'd been working on her motorcycle for days now. It'd taken a serious beating on her last supply run, "Damn watchdogs just had to be there didn't they?". She sighed and carefully inspected her work, "No, no, This isn't gonna do....". The bike was nearly prestine, but in her eyes that wasn't enough, It wasn't Perfect. The screech of speakers overpowered the radio playing in the corner, "​All ground units get ready to be down in 10.". Rosie laid a hoof on her precious bike, "Guess I'm gonna have to roll without you this time pal." she said before grabbing her rifle and saddlebag. She walked up to a desk with a red maned mare behind it, the mare seemingly ignored Rosie for a few seconds, "Aren'tcha gonna clean that pretty face of yours up?". Rosie looked at the mare with a slightly irritated look, "Just give me the orders Yen." "Fine". The mare named Yen handed Rosie a few papers with she instantly took and started reading, "Baltimare eh?". "On it." "Just come back in one piece now, don't you dare waste those looks of yours." Yen said with a slightly provoking tone, "Whatever" Rosie answered as she went to exit the station.
  18. @@Love Doctor Blaze, May be interested, Sounds pretty interesting. What kind of traits are we talking about though?
  19. I'm gonna hit you up with these, hopefully someone can have some fun with them. @@Seamore Sandwich, As for you, I'ma redraw one of your drawings soon.
  20. @, That would be awsome, I would do it myself but I wouldn't be able to run one of these.
  21. @, I know, but I can at least try. Hopefully this gets rebooted at some point, I really liked it.
  22. @@Lordav, Just to confirm, Is this 100% dead? Because i'm 100% on if this is going to be a thing.
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