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Everything posted by spade

  1. Wow there is a lot of Star Wars love here! I had no idea. Love it! Which has more hype: Star Wars the force unleashed or Jurasic World?
  2. well Star Wars was far and away my favorite until Episode I came out. The originals tho, will always be my favorite.
  3. I agree 100% Even topics that usually cause tention like religion and politics are somehow very polite and understanding here. By far the most egalitarian social group I've ever been a part of
  4. For me it's about open hone friends who share the same odd interest in ponies. This site immediately made me feel welcome and at home. That's why I come back, for the comradary. Thank you so so much everypony. mlpforums ponies are best ponies.
  5. I think it's part of the philosophy of use for each. Ps4 is more a dedicated gameing console where as xb1 is more of a entertainment center. They are each best used that way.
  6. I have both and I find I play my XB1 way more than my PS4. They are both great tho. It's hard to say that one is better than the other. Just comes down to game preferences. I don't know about the Xbox live money thing but I'll look into it.
  7. That... Was... Awesome!!!!! I find thy when presented with an argument of fact (for example my favorite thy Jesus is likely to never have existed because he is just one of literally hundreds of Sun deity incarnations like Horus, Krishna and others who all were born on Dec 25th of a virgin who performed mericals of healing and, at age 30, started a ministry with 12 apostles only to die on a cross.) They tend to deny the facts and, unable to rebut or dispute actual facts they feel like it's an attack on Intelligence. This is unfortunate. I do not think Chritians or any other theists are unintelligent, I feel like they have not put the effort into researching all sides of the matter. If I were to ask you your oppinion on a topic you know nothing about before you give that oppinion you must first look at all sides and only after having seen the arguments can you decide. Theists hear one side then refuse to acknowledge that the other side's legitimacy to even be presented.
  8. The europian way of writing numbers is opposit to the American way. The use , to separate whole from partial numbets and . to separate thousands
  9. This presents a dilemma. Atheism is pragmatic. It dirives it's authority from logic and science. While I do not wish to hurt anyone feelings (and I truly mean that), I also disagree with the fundamental principles of religion as they are based on untruths. People often believe in God because they have not the facts. So how do you tell someone who believes in a god that you believe he/she/it doesn't exist without sounding condescending?
  10. Looks like what we have here is a classic bell curve result. I would definitely put myself in the Rainbow Dash camp. I wear pony tees to work but I don't actively seek out opportunity to bring it up. I know a good deal and have some merch which is sufficient for me.
  11. Oh an update: Luna as Boba Fett Discord as Jabba the hut Daring Do as Han Solo (The parallels are just too perfect) Zacora as Lando and Rarity as Lea Also Scootaloo as young Anakin
  12. So if George Lucas was a pony and had the equestria ponies as a cast who would play whom? For this purpose ignore gender. I'd say Twilight as Luke Celestia as obi wan Rainbow Dash as Han solo Flutershy as Chewbacca What do you think?
  13. Well I hope it's at least a neutral reputation. I can be opinionated but I try to stay respectful and support my oppinions fairly. Everyone deserves to be respected and given the opportunity to say what s on there minds. <3 You tell me what my reputation is. I'm a little biased.
  14. I think a big aspect that has eluded this conversation is changing media in the 21st century. When we were all very young the programming accessibility was limited to live tv (that is if you were not in frot of the tv at 7 you missed the 7 o'clock show Period) or vcr or very expensive video cassettes of shows which were hard to find for all but the most popular few shows and even then very expensive. YouTube, Netflix, hulu, etc are how we get libraries of vedio now. We are all talking as if new shows presuppositions the audience to not be fully vested in the show. I for example didn't get into mlp unrtill the third season were I Binge watched entire series to date in a few days. A feat unimaginable 15 years ago. This changes the Relationship between generations of people and of seires. TV production would be wise to consider the implications of this. Now forever adding content to an established universe is possible while a new generation is likely to watch every past episode. In my day if I started watching a show in the third season I'd of had to pit together the past story arch by deduction now I can just watch from S:1-E:1 to the current episode as fast as I want to.
  15. The worst thing that could happen is an indefinite loop of exhausted characters and plot devices. We have already seen the use of thematically similar content it would be sad to see this go the way of land before time or star wars where a once great franchise has traded great content quality for quantity. I would offer that truly great works simply end. There is nothing wrong with the entire series comming to a conclusion. In fact that may be the best thing that could happen. This series has set a new benchmark for both toy based kids shows and also proven that demographic differences can actualy be overcome. That is historic. Let the merits of that bring the show into ledgend by letting it run its course and end with dignity rather than loop into obscurity. A new MLP will come a year or two latter Maybe not (preferably) even in ponyville. P.s. I'm still going to see star wars opening night regardless of how bad it might be.
  16. In the 90s there was an Indiana Jones commercial for diet coke. It was kinda cool and this tottaly reminded me of it. Awesome. Anyway here it is. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=3x0rVb-6CY_HsQSp4oGQBg&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLdNwaa7w3q8&ved=0CCYQyCkwAA&usg=AFQjCNGOxpIuJT4mDQPqGerTFVXoZcPodA&sig2=JanJnbv1bUELy_hHsGdN7Q Also any speculation on miss Do appearing this season? I thought that the pun was axiomatic. Perhaps I was mistaken. (you have no idea how long I've been waiting to properly use that word in post. Hehe.)
  17. XB1: mapleleafmauler PS4: mapleleafmauler games battlefield 4 on Xbox
  18. spade

    general questions gamer tag thread?

    Where would I find on this site a place for ponies to share there gamer tags and such stuff in order that we may play games together. I feel like a dedicated place for those that want to can post info like gamer tags and social media links if they desire Is needed. Thanks.
  19. Daring do is my fave by far but Miss Dash was my first favorite for the same reasons. RD represents adventure, and perseverance. But daring do is more of a go-it-alone kind of pony, much like myself.
  20. The basic fandom of WD is composed of fans of the zombie genre. Those of us who like horror movies and Zombies and thrillers will be more inclined to choose WD. BB is more on the lines of crime drama and those who can't get enough CSI/law & order/ncis etc. Will be more inclined to choose BB. It's hard to compare the two because they are very different audiences.
  21. such a long day. woke at 330am, drove an hour to work. got out at 330 pm drove an hour and a galf to my other job, got home at 830 got stuck in the snow in my driveway then ate and now brd

    1. Fleur-De-Lis


      Your day sounds so horrifyingly boring I could barely read to the end ... thats one long day though *pat pat* snow sucks. Thank goodness this region of Texas never gets any!

    2. spade


      Texas weather sounds nice right about now.

  22. http://images.vans.com/is/image/Vans/TSVBXH-ALT2?$356x356$ Love vans, I wanted the slip ons but these are great too.
  23. At the end of the commercial is #superbowlrally. The entire commercial is to get people to hash tag online. Which means it is unlikely that it was ment for small kids. How many bronies did just that. Heck, look how popular this thread is. It means this community is seen by entities as large as the NFL as having influence. As Apple bloom said in "Twilight Time": We have arrived.
  24. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=PuHOVKCiF9SsyATKhoCgDA&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DZMKBeUJf_Bs&ved=0CC8QtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNGVYWq4zbAH5tCsOCEgGEmB2nb-NQ&sig2=xrfplA7c2YDzx-JtGTpHeA I'll find a better one but here is this They are all in Colts gear which makes sense as the only to equestrian NFL teams are Colts and Broncos
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