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Spotty Flash

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Everything posted by Spotty Flash

  1. "* GAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSPPPP!!! *" - Pinkie Pie, in her introduction in the pilot episode or "It's Over 9,000!!!"
  2. As much as I enjoy Bethesda-style RPGs, my favorite is either Dragon's Dogma or an RPG Creation game (I own one for PS1). Ilike the difficulty and wide range of weapons, which also makes Dark Souls II one of my favorites as well. Skyrim would be my absolute favorite if there were a wider arsenal.
  3. Well... sorry about your wing... not that there's anything I can do about it. And I'm okay. I can get faster on my own! I'm currently training for a race with Comet Tail - even though I can definitely stop much faster. Oh, and don't be too sour about your wing. At least the rest of you is okay!
  4. RAINBOW DASH!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!! RAINBOW DASH IS THE GREATEST FLYER IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA!!! SHE SAVED THE WONDERBOLTS!!! Of course I'll race with you two, but we'll have to mark the finish on solid land. I am an Earth Pony after all.
  5. H... hi Fluttershy... I'm sorry to trouble you with a question, but what is your favorite board game, and could we play it? It would be fun to play a board game and become friends.
  6. I've got five bits that say that you are not the only one. Am I the only one here that thinks that this is a meme reference?
  7. Hi, Scootaloo, I'm Spotty Flash. I live by the river in solitude, a nice, quiet existance, but have you ever thought of delivering treats for Mr. and Mrs. Cake? May very well get your Cutie Mark that way.
  8. Ask me, one of the fastest Earth Ponies in all of Euqestria, Spot, ANYTHING! Please note that I live in Equestria, by the river near Ponyville, in a cave with a wooden wall added, so I know nothing of Earth politics. Otherwise, I'm more than ready!
  9. I was at a play practice when somepony suggested lip sync battles to raise funds, and I start fake belting out "Smile".

  10. So on Thursday, I was at a play practice for Fools, and we were doing exercises and discussing ways to fund our venture.e

  11. I'm beyond certain that over 9,000 other Bronies have already said this... but Takahata101, for he is the best Nappa.
  12. Vinyl Scratch is mah favorite. 10/10 would dance.
  13. Pinkie Pie reminds me of my mother, that is to say, neither one of them has a filter.
  14. I'm in high school and get a bit of crap for wearing my MLP merch, but I wear it anyhow. I need a hoodie, thougg, preferably Spike themed or Pinkie Pie themed.
  15. I like Pinkie's when she makes rock friends. But there is also The Incredible Derp, when Derpy goes nuts after discovering that the bakery is out of Lemon Surprise Muffins.
  16. I would like to request an OC Avatar pic of my OC Spotty Flash. As far as the pose, I would like a profile, sitting down upright, eye on the camera and smiling, enough of a picture to show his Cutie Mark. I have an appearance and Cutie Mark description for you: Appearance: Spot's fur is light tan, and he has a white underbelly, and his nose has a black diamond on the bridge. He is not particularly tall, although he's taller than Applejack and shorter than the Flim-Flam Brothers. He has big blue eyes, shaped like Pinky-Pie's. His mane is dark grey-tan, bangs cut shorter than Twilight Sparkle's, but not quite a crew cut, either. Cutie Mark: Seven Cheetah spots, in a similar pattern as the stars on the Seven-Star Dragon Ball. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2005/125/8/c/No_7_Star_Dragonball_by_KapootMeister.jpg If you need anything else, feel free to msg me.
  17. Fluttershy is fantastic, and would be an awesome friend. That's all I really have to say... except for the fact that I laughed for about five minutes in the Season 2 premier, when Discord was trying to turn Fluttershy but she was too nice
  18. Thank you all for your kind welcome. I noticed an art group here, would it be possible for me to comission a work? I'd like a profile picture of my OC sooner than later.
  19. Welcome (for what my input is worth, being new as I am). I hope you have lots of fun here, and I hope we get a chance to socialize at some point.
  20. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: Google. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Bored out of my wits one afternoon, saw it was on, watched, Instant Brony: just add water. My username is Spotty Flash, after my very first pony OC (who has no artwork as of yet), and I enjoy reading, writing, video games (mostly RPGs, puzzle games, and... Assassin's Creed), and, obviously, watching TV, especially MLP and Mythbusters. I'm kind and gentle, unless someone is downright mean to me, otherwise, if I'm unpleasant, something has happened outside of the site. I am very excited to be a part of the Community, and also hope to be at Bronycon!
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