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Everything posted by UnknownFry

  1. No need to blame the inventor for his works when others have abused for their own selfish purposes, as there were some things that not ever Starwirl could have foreseen.
  2. Nah. It is not Starswirl's fault that some of his spells and devices have been used for ill gain, so he does not deserve a beat down for the wrong doings of others. Starswirl does need to make an appearance sometime during the show or even the MLPFIM is movie at some point, but from most sources he comes across as a good guy.
  3. At the very least she will be a notable recurring cast member, and she does open up some dynamics for the show, so she has potential to work pretty well.
  4. Appleoosa's Most Wanted- 7.3/10 Slice of Life-7.3/10 Made in Manehattan-7/10 Brotherhooves Social- 7/10 Crusaders of the Lost Mark- 6.7/10
  5. Equestria was never a utopia in the first place even if some aspects of it tend to be idealized. To put it simply one can not destroy what never was or is.
  6. The Cutie Re-Mark Part 1 Plot and Characterization "Starlight Glimmer, hoping to obtain revenge against the Mane 6, acquires a spell that could change the past, present and future of Equestria forever." Starlight ambushes Twilight at Twilight’s castle after Twilight returns home delivering a lecture about the importance of Friendship and Cutie Marks, and begins a sequence of time chases where Twilight tries in vain to prevent Starlight from preventing the Sonic Rainboom with each failed attempt leading to increased worse timeline as far as the situation of Equestria is concerned. It was an entertaining first act full of intriguing possibilities with these altered timelines with Twilight’s efforts to prevent Starlight’s scheme. Spike was a nice sidekick who managed to help Twilight from time to time in her earlier efforts. Starlight Glimmer came back for revenge and acted vindictive with her reasons remaining a mystery for such an act. She certainly is no slouch when it comes to magic as she was able to alter some of Starwirl’s spells. It was interesting to see how everyone else fared in the altered timelines, but one potentially missed opportunity concerned itself with the whereabouts of Twilight in such timelines, but it is not a gamebreaker. Great start to the the finale and as such this episode scores a 10 in this department. Animation and Music: Background music was solid and fit the episode appropriately enough. Animations wise there was some impressive spell effects, and they really went all out with the depictions of these altered versions of Equestria, and it was great to see the varying designs of the same characters in such altered realities. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue Voice acting was par for course as it captured the struggle of ideology between Twilight and Starlight well enough, and the episode was ripe with some gems of memorable lines/ 10.10 Overall this episode nets another 30/30, or another 10. Excellent execution of said premise and excellent presentation sets the pace of this finale as off to a strong start with high stakes and plenty of tension between Twilight and Starlight. The Cutie Re-Mark Part 2 Plot and Characterization "Princess Twilight continues to fight against Starlight's attempts to alter the past, but they fear that their efforts may be in vain." Twilight was her usual self in refusing to give up to Starlight’s schemes even as things were starting to get worse, and the situation increasingly futile, but she managed to hang on while eventually being successful in appealing to Starlight. Apparently this experience was the strangest ordeal Twilight went through before encountering her human counterpart in the human world. If you can’t beat them then befriend them, and that is what Twilight did. Spike was less of a presence in this episode than he was in the first part. Starlight’s motivations were finally explained at long last. Nothing too fancy as she really believed in her ideology after a painful experience with losing a friend due to a Cutie Mark. Starlight’s reformation was widely known before this episode, but she does give Twilight another angle to Twilight’s character after being taken in as her student. Still nice to see how the other ponies fared in the altered timelines, and it was nice to see the four major ponies from The Cutie Map make an appearance as Starlight apologized for her actions at the end there. It was amusing to see the other five ponies show up wondering what happened between Starlight and Twilight. The plot was still exciting , and the clash over ideology was explained as both ponies presented their cases by showing the past and the consequences over the continued time war. The moral was pretty decent and it seems to further add clarification to Twilight’s mission as a princess as other bonds between other sets of friends are just as important to the well being of Equestria as much as the friendship between the Mane 6 is. 10/10 Animation and Music The background music was appropriate, but the one song they had towards the end there was pretty catchy while fitting pretty well with the theme of these two episodes. Definitely one of the stronger songs of season 5. Animation was superb with the continued depictions of the altered realities and the depictions of the characters therein, an impressive magic duel that wound up in a stalemate, and the depiction of the ultimate fate of Equestria as a result of this back and forth war stood out the most. Excellent. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue Voice acting was as a sharp as ever, and the dialogue in this episode stood out even more so than the first one especially with the exchange between Twilight and Starlight over the futility 10/10 Overall this episode scores a 30/30, and another 10 which makes for a whooping total of 14 for me this season (Friendship Games included.) Entertaining and engaging plot with superb presentation makes this one another winner in my books, and the implications for Season 6 are quite intriguing in regards to Starlight’s character.
  7. The Mane Attraction Plot and Characterization "An old friend of Applejack's has become a huge pop star and Applejack fears that the singer's manager does not have her best interests at heart." Pretty basic and straightforward plow with the manager taking advantage of the product he created with Coloratura for his own gain, and it had an alright message as far the moral goes but a little bit weaker compared to the past several episodes in this department. One of the more predictable episodes in quite some time. Applejack was rather straight forward while calling things out as they are, and it was nice to see more of her past with her backstory with Coloratura. Coloratura was handled pretty well in regards to her Countess persona, and also her real self while struggling with some confidence issues as played the part of the Countess to the point where she might have been starting to believe herself it after her manager walked out on her. Svengallop, or was the classic sleazy manager taking advantage of his client to better his own gain. Similar to Zeb the Zebra from G1, but Svengallop may be worse as he was not working for anyone else. Everyone else was kind of there with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight playing some of the more notable minor roles with Pinkie Pie handling the demands, Twilight using her skills to expose the manager, and Rarity trying convince Applejack over the creative process behind Countess Coloratura. The CMC’s were there too. 9/10 Animation and Music The music was pretty decent for an episode taking place around a charity event concert. I did not care for the first song used in the flashback and also as a reprise in the end of the episode, but the other two songs, Time for the Spectacle, and I am Just a Pony were somewhat memorable.. Animation was quite lovely with all those theatrics in the performances at the concert and initial run through, and seeing Pinkie Pie’s facial expressions as she was being worn down by the manager’s demands was nice. Nifty recording and projection spell used by Twilight as well, but this episode seemed rather toned down in this department compared to other episodes having things stand pop out in terms of such details. 8/10. Voice Acting and Dialogue Lena Hall did a nice job of voicing and singing for Colortura, and everyone else sounded spot on. There was not a whole lot in terms of memorable zingers, but the dialogue did its job in telling the story while conveying the emotions of such characters by keeping things simple. 9/10 Overall this episode scores a 26/30 or an 8.7/10 (after rounding up). A little weaker than the past five episodes, but a pretty good episode for what it is even if it has some flaws that drags it down a little bit for me. A pretty good way to end AKR’s tenure on the show, and a solid penultimate episode for this season, but next week is going to be crazy.
  8. No. There are too many unexplained discrepancies between the two characters for them to be the same character/
  9. The premise of the finale sounds great, and so far I liked everything I have seen from the promo and images. It is looking like it is going to be easily the best of Season 5. My guess for the first picture is that Starlight is able to take control and equalize Ponyville, and that second picture may be Twilight and Spike trapped in a crystal during their time travel adventures.
  10. No. Especially considering there still is a sixth season and a movie still to come.
  11. No, however I think they are too small and not distinctive enough for my tastes. It could be better, but it could be worse.
  12. Well she finished it off with that last part at the end after solving the issue with the casting the incomplete spell, so I am going to say yes.
  13. She might not more than the show lets on, but she is no Twilight Sparkle when it comes to having master or rather knowledge of a wide array of spells.
  14. I would not mind as I am not all that concerned about seasonal rot, but I not would be opposed to having the movie wrap things up too.
  15. The Hooffields and McColts Plot and Characterization "Princess Twilight and Fluttershy are called by the map to settle a dispute between two feuding families who can’t even remember why they are fighting.” Twilight was over excited being called on her mission with her usual excess of preparation to boot, but not the point where her behavior was excessive though she seems pretty happy about her title now even if she imposes lofty standards to go with it. Pretty impressive usage of her magic in this episode, and she finally learned that all the answers are not found through books and studies. Fluttershy has a nice and calming presence with her focus on taking care of the animals that ultimately paid off in finding the cause of the feud. Not too shabby. Big Daddy McColt and Ma Hoofield were the only ones of the two feuding families that got much in the way of characterization, and both were depicted as stubborn and set in their ways but in a humorous way that kept the episode engaging and entertaining. The plot and moral was relatively simple and straightforward compared to the past few episodes and this is not bad a thing as it remained engaging throughout the entire episode. The humor and the pacing was certainly on point as well. 10/10 Animation and Music Background was appropriate to episode capturing the feel of two backwoods families engaged in a feud Aside from the wing animation error towards the start of this episode. animation in this episode was superb with an excellent depiction of the Smoky Mountains, excellent spell effects, fine character designs for the feuding families, and I was impressed by the style used when telling the story of the origins behind the feud. It was amusing to see Twilight and Fluttershy pelted by tomatoes and bales of hay. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue Voice acting was on point per usual with special nods going to Big Daddy McColt, and Ma Hoofield with their colorful accents. Dialogue was sharp and rather witty while effectively carrying the plot forward and I found several exchanges and lines to be particularly memorable. 10/10
  16. I think it will at least break even, so a modest success in that regard, but I don't think it will become a mega blockbuster. At the very least it should do better than the first My Little Pony movie, and better than Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks as far as the theatrical run is concerned. Quality wise I think it will be just as good as some of the best episodes in the show. At worst no worse than an average episode.
  17. Yes. Magical potions may be the closest to thing drugs in the show, but there may be special plants as well, so we may only see them for healing purposes.
  18. Twilight is justified in being suspicious of Discord, but under no circumstance would I ever say she would be justified in treating him poorly even if Discord continues to get under his skin.
  19. Celestia has the track record of ruling alone, so by default that goes to her. Twilight is too much of a green horn, Luna can be abrasive. Cadance might be okay, but Celestia seems like the better option. But things seem to work better when there are other princesses around to help share the burden,
  20. Deserving may be a strong term here, but Twilight is the only one who can define the title and who she is through her decisions and actions. Just because she has made her share of mistakes along the way does not make her any less worthy of such a title,
  21. Well if Twilight is going to be danged if she does, or danged if she doesn't than she might as well just do. Anyways she is just fine as a Princess of Friendship, even if she has plenty of lessons to learn in the process. I dare say she has let her title get best of her at times because she has a rigid definition and expectations of the concept, and she also has those perfectionist tendencies which is the core of her character leading her to make mountains out of molehills. She is still growing into the position.
  22. What About Discord Plot and Characterization "Twilight returns from a book sorting vacation to discover that her friends have developed an inexplicably deep bond with Discord. Puzzled by how they became so close in her absence, she starts to suspect that Discord is up to something sinister." Twilight was wrong about her friends having a good time with Discord, but correct in suspecting that there was something more to it. Interesting to see her descent into jealousy, and how she started to treat her friends poorly in regards to the potion, but it was good to see more of her scientific and methodical approach take the stage in this episode. Discord was Discord being his goofy self perhaps a little mean spirited towards Twilight in their interactions with each other, but is was nice to see him bonding with the other five. Discord still has much to learn about friendship though, but he was a good sport in the end. Turns out the both of them learned valuable lessons once the situation reversed at the end there. The other Mane 5 were there and had their moments bonding with Discord, but good on them for sticking up for Twilight once Discord spilled the beans about him encouraging them to not invite Twilight. Spike was adequate in filling his role as Twilight’s assistant with a little bit of snark going for him. It was nice to see Zecora again. Other than that Ponyville was surprisingly devoid of life in town, as I don’t think we saw anyone else in this episode. A simple plot exploring the dynamic of friendship when someone was away while addressing the concerns of missing out and jealousy. Solid all around in this part and it was scattered with the usual humor found in these episode. No major complaints here so a 10/10 is in order. Animation and Music No songs in this one, but the background music was appropriate in conveying the plot and various emotion in this episode ranging from goofy to resentment and jealousy. Animation wise this episode was a visual treat as expected of a Discord and Twilight episode with visual puns galore and some notable visual references such as Bob Ross, and What About Bob?. More of these can be found in my observations comments. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue The dialogue was full of puns more than the usual episode, but not a problem since a pun is its own reword, and it actually made some great points in pointing out the behavior of certain characters. Voice acting was sharp per usual with Twilight being the standout here as her performance ranged from dead pan to jealousy insecurity,and remorse about missing out. Discord is an honorable mention as he made some vicious comments towards Twilight throughout the episode several times while still maintaining his carefree demeanor 10/10. Overall this episode scores a 30/30, or another 10, and it is a strong start to the final month of Season 5. This episode a having solid moral about jealousy and missing out with an interesting story going for it makes this one another winner, and as a bonus it was an interesting character piece focusing on Twilight and Discord to boot. Excellent.
  23. I honestly DON'T Think Twilight is the natural opposite to Starlight's Ideology. She is a better fit for being the opposite ideology for Starlight when it comes to friendship and also the concept of Cutie Marks as well which was the big issue in The Cutie Map. Frankly there is also the issue of magic at play here to consider as well and no one else out of the mane 6 except Twilight matches up well against Starlight as a magician because they can't cast magic, their magical talents is limited and their knowledge of magic is limited too meaning they would not be able to stand up well in case a conflict breaks out. The other reason for magic to be mentioned is possible ideological differences when it comes to using magic as well too, and the season finale looks like it going to be involving extensive magic usage as well too as much as it is going to be an ideological struggle as well. But I just happen to LIKE Starlight as a villain and don't see why she'd be fixiated on Twilight in the first place. Perhaps the season finale may give you the answers you seek when it comes to Starlight's focus on Twilight. One of the benefits as mention to Starlight reforming is that it gives Twilight something new to do, and perhaps open ups new dynamics with Twilight's other friends as well. I don't think she will become a regular character, but a notable secondary character. For that reason, I feel that Starlight Glimmer has the potential to be a strong recurring villain. Well she is already the closest thing to a recurring villain, but the show is not designed for long story arcs or even recurring villains due to the nature of it being about friendship, and the fact most episodes are made to be episodic and stand alone episodes. What I don't get is how anyone can say Starlight, a character with an actual Ideology who fought more through manipulations is "the most unappealing villain" Probably because she is not as flashy as some of the other villains, and she does come off as not being that much of a threat compared to some of the others. Her attitude may also come across as off putting, and her motivations for doing what she is doing are not all that clear either.
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