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Everything posted by UnknownFry

  1. The kid will likely appear in an episode in Season 6, as the Season 5 finale is focused on something else. The kid will most likely be born an alicorn or unicorn There is a fair chance that the kid will be Princess Skyla, but there is a fair chance it will be something else. I suspect it will likely be a girl since princesses tend to outsell princes when it comes to toys.
  2. The excuse that it is a show for children is no reason to excuse it from criticism, but there is a fine line between criticism and hyper criticism and nitpicking. Fact of the matter the show is designed so families can enjoy it together while it promoting the toyline as well, and people need to keep some these points in mind when analyzing the show. Of course people are free to express themselves as they will but frankly the show should not be something to get worked up all about it. That said expecting realism out a of a show full of magical talking ponies is bound to leave one dissapointed especially in the context of a show that places it's ideology above anything else, and it keeps thing simplified. Yes it it has taken a more grounded approach than its predecessors, but it is still set in world that allows for a creative framework to tell such stories using magic and other fantasy elements,
  3. Nothing aside from a lack of episodes focusing on her. Honestly I would say the biggest problem is people's head canons concerning as sometimes I think people expect too much out of her at times.
  4. I think Maud Pie was chosen exactly for that reason it was a play on words as far her name is concerned. The Pie family was interesting with their rock based traditions, but I liked Limestone the best aside from Maud because she was not putting up with the crap from outsiders. Marble barely said anything, but I found the parents to unique in their puritanical ways.
  5. There really was no reason to hold a grudge against her in the first place even if she treated others poorly at times, but yeah I am entirely not sold on her reformation as that was too simplified and too quick for my liking.
  6. I think it was meant to be more of a gag and not so much indicative of their relationship. However as some pointed out there were more presents, and the whole reason Twilight was opening the gifts early was because of Spike in the first place. However there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, and thank goodness for that as we would not have any conflict on the show if all relationships were perfect. Friends can make mistakes as in Castle Sweet Castle as they were decorating for the wrong reasons until they realized what was going wrong and the other five soon corrected their mistake. I would also point out that episode also had Twilight realizing the effect of the loss of the library that it had on Spike as well too. I think the writers understand the close nature of the relationships among a group of good but flawed friends. But then again, this is the pony who didn't even invite Sike to her birthday in Canterlot, so maybe I'm giving her too much credit. I would say you are giving her too little credit with the argument you are trying to make here. Maybe she did not invite him to the party because she thought he would be bored or maybe Spike did something wrong to merit such disciplinary measures.
  7. I would say this episode arguably has one of the best written and delivered morals for the show period, and yes the Pie family was quite interesting as characters and also their traditions.
  8. Twilight Sparkle gets some really nice episodes even if some of them do tend to more of the milestone ones, so I vote for her and she is just as capable of carrying her own in normal episodes as Amending Fences, Three's A Crowd, It's About Time, and Lesson Zero attest. Through in Equestria Girls as well as she or her counterpart have been the main focus or co-focus in all three of the them, and that makes for a difficult combination to beat., Rainbow Dash probably would come second as she has pretty good episodes including MMDW, Testing Testing 1,2,3, Read it and Weep, Tanks For The Memories, and even Putting Your Hooves Down. Fluttershy does not get a whole lot of episodes compared to the others but she usually is pretty great when she does get them Hurricane Fluttershy, Filli Vanilli, and Scare Master would attest. Pinkie Pie's episodes are wildly inconsistent as they hit some of the highest peaks and lowest valleys. Rarity comes fifth. Her episodes tend to be solid for the most part, but I tend to find they also leave something to be desired more often than not. Applejack tends to suffer as her episodes lack variety compared to the others. They are not bad episodes any means though. Scootaloo probably has the best episodes as far as Cutie Mark Crusader episodes go. Don't care much for Sleepless in Ponyville, but Flight to the Finish was just that good. Followed by Applebloom, and then Sweetie Belle. Spike probably gets the worst of it, but I don't find his episodes to be as bad as some people make them out to be. All in all there is case to be made for every character when it comes to this list for wherever one ranks them as, but this is my humble take on the matter.
  9. I figure it is more of a matter formality as Shining Armor does not seem like the type to insist upon being called his title, and it may also have to do with the greater recognition the general populace has for the alicorns as well as those are far more easier to recognize and acknowledge by title. There is also the notion that the title of prince is not as important (at least overtly so) as princess as well. I don't think it is a big deal, and I would it say depends on the pony in question referencing Shining Armor as well. Twilight and Cadence, and the other princesses are unlikely to reference him by the title prince, but some of the other ponies such as those in the Crystal Empire would. Maybe for the same reason as Twilight? Twilight has been referenced by her title more so than Shining Armor especially since taking on the role of the Princess of Friendship, however you may be unto something here as Twilight is not really big into formalities herself.
  10. I don't think I would support the idea given the possible relationship between families, but I think it is a little soon to do as such given the little interaction that Big Mac and Marble had.
  11. I think it is a good trend if it is indeed one as having an episode now and again while throwing the normal rules out the window enables greater creativity and more unique approach to story telling.
  12. You're a hearthbreaker, Dream maker, love taker Don't you mess around with me. Hearthbreakers Plot and Characterization "Applejack is excited to celebrate Hearthswarming Eve with Pinkie Pie's family but soon discovers that the Pies have very different ways of enjoying the holiday at their Rock Farm." Applejack finds the celebrations for the holidays on the rock farm to be odd and tries to impose her traditions on the family in hopes of showing them a better way. Applejack was on a high horse for most of the episode, but she learned a valuable once she understood what she did wrong. Pinkie Pie struggled with reconciling between her friends and family over the difference of traditions, but she was her usual bubbly self for the most part while sharing at time Applejack’s zealousness for the holidays, The other Apples were up to par with their usual selves but a secondary concern for the most part. Maud Pie was a delight per usual, but the real treat was meeting Pinkie Pie’s family ranging from the puritanical Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz to the stern Limestone and shy Marble Pie. It was a nice touch learning a little about Twilight’s traditions in the cold opening. Pacing was rock solid for the episode, and it delivered an excellent moral concerning respecting and valuing one’s traditions as well as others. 10/10 Animation and Music Background music was appropriate to the episode, but I was somewhat surprised there was no song for this one, but not disappointed. Animation wise I loved the backgrounds in this one as it covered a wide range covering Twilight's Castle, Ponyville, the rock farm and the land surrounding it. I also enjoyed the style used when Applejack was giving her boring sister lecture about the holidays and watching the fault crack was a delight. Facial expressions were pretty good in this one as well.. 10/10 Voice Acting and Dialogue Voice acting was sharp and sounded on par for course, and Pinkie Pie’s family stood out in this department especially Limestone and Igneous Rock. The dialogue was simple and amusing leaving few good nuggets here and there while effectively driving the story. 10/10 Overall this episode scores a 30/30 or a 10 and the second half of Season 5 continues its resurgence and another holiday episode comes up next before the final month of Season 5 arrives. What a ride!
  13. I believe I understand what the episode was going for, but it didn't work for me. Fair enough. Frankly it does not bother me all that much as I am rather detached from the show, but there are valid points to be made for the nature of the test.
  14. I got better things to do with my time than to waste hating it on fictitious concepts or engage in petty insecurities over how characters are treated.
  15. I don't see the problem here as one can enjoy both of these franchises without betraying the other.
  16. The kid's race will likely be one that they think would sell the most toy, but whatever happens it will cause an uproar in the fandom.
  17. Twilight was relieved the Empire was saved, but at the same time she was still concerned about her test as the episode played that angle up throughout the entire episodes. I see nothing wrong with having mixed feelings from her perspective on the matter as she seemingly threw away her chance at passing test doubting that she would get another shot at it with her future in doubt. Twilight would have liked it if she was the one to deliver the Crystal Heart as that is what she decided what the criteria for passing the test was. I assume Celestia had a back up just in case things went south though which is why she was okay with taking the gamble. A bit of risk but Twilight would likely have been one of her top options regardless of the test. What I don't understand is how Celestia knew that Twilight would be put in this sort of situation? She might not have known at all but she tends to act on hunches which makes her a bit of a gambler, but she left the terms rather vague. However Celestia would be aware of how Twilight tends to act when it comes to these tests and that is not the type of behavior she wanted to see out of Twilight in regards to future plans for her in advancing her studies. Therefore, I don't think that Celestia's "test" was what Twilight or any of us believe it to have been Fair enough, but whatever the test was Celestia was pleased with Twilight's performance and decision from the way she heard of if it.
  18. I never fully understood why Twilight kept the device. Possibly to avoid having it fall in the wrong hands (there really was no where else to go or put it safely elsewhere as she was occupied with games all day), and the other is that her curiosity got the better of her even if she was sorry for the events that took place at games. Truth be told I don't think she fully comprehended the consequences of the magic herself even after she was told off by Sunset and all that she saw during the games. Make no mistake about it Twilight made a mistake and had to learn from that mistake first hand, but she was not in a great state of mind at that point so she made some irrational decisions while her guard was down succumbing to the allure of understanding the magic when she unleashed it. It is what it is though, but it made for an interesting climax at the very least.
  19. I believe it is solely based on stereotypes of snowboarders and skiers that would have Double Diamond be a druggie, but you are right in that nothing in his behavior would suggest that.
  20. I don't think you are the only who thinks that way, but I don't Twilight understood the gravity of the situation until late in the episode. I think Celestia was more interested in seeing Twilight's decision making in the process, and by that Twilight could have saved the Crystal Empire but still failed the test in the process depending on her actions. Celestia intentionally left the test vague for a reason to get a better a gauge on her student would react to the situation. She also did not specifically state the terms of passing the test either. So yes she was playing mind games with Twilight, but she took the risk anyways as she was confident in her student to do the right thing. Celestia was right in the end as Twilight's decision to send Spike down with the Crystal Heart instead of herself was the difference between victory and defeat. Twilight did as such thinking it was going to jeopardize her chances of passing the test. It was this kind of maturity that Celestia was looking from her student that is a willingness to lay aside her own self-interest for the greater good. Celestia also never told Twilight to do it alone, but she did say in the end it would ultimately be up to her to do whatever it takes to save the empire alongside Cadence and Shining Armor. Twilight just took her instructions too literally and almost messed everything up but things came into a clear picture once she realized the test of personally retrieving the Crystal Heart was meaningless compared to everything else. Twilight was also kind of following orders in Twilight's Kingdom, but she learned her lesson well when she made that key decision even if it ran against what everyone else was saying. Risky choice though. But it wasn't Twilight's choice The decision to send Spike down with the Crystal Heart down was her choice, and Spike even initially objected to it. Spike might have tried to force his way to tag along but Twilight eventually acquiesced and it turned out to be a good decision. So those are two sound choices Twilight made.
  21. I fail to see how being born an alicorn princess would negate Twilight's and Cadence's achievements, but it certainly would break some head canons espcially since not much has been done with Luna and Celestia.
  22. Princess by birthright, but she could also be born as an alicorn as well too.
  23. I think that was intentional on the part of the staff to show how things have come full cycle by having Sunset being the one to befriend Twilight as far as the climax is concerned and there were several references to the first movie thrown in there so I can see why some people might get that vibe. However Friendship Games does plenty on its own to make it stand apart as its own unique entry.
  24. I say that it did quite and then some while surpassing Rainbow Rocks in some areas.
  25. Not that we know of, but I the closest thing to children for Celestia or Luna might be Cadance and Twilight at this point. and now they are all related. Cadance was adopted as Celestia's niece , and Celestia took special interest in Twilight as well both of them at young ages in their development. Things may change depending on if and when they decide to do more with the alicorn mythlogy.
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