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Gone for good

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Everything posted by Gone for good

  1. Yeaaah no bronies can be pretty easy to troll, along with any fandom you can name. There are exceptions, buuut for example with bronies I still see people making threats to Howard Stern. So far the only rule of the internet I've seen be real is rule 34. Even then, there are a couple things I can name that don't have any porn of it and thank god for that.
  2. Gone for good

    visual art Krystal

    You know, before Crona gets to this (which I know he probably eventually will since he brohoofed it) I wanna say a couple things about this. First, and probably the most important, is that I like it. I think that the high contrast and figure are interesting and fun to look at. Great work on the tail and face, by the way. I'm especially liking the scales, I'm assuming, peppered in on the shoulder. Now, there are a couple issues imo: 1. The lines on the shirt should be a bit more off. I know that it sounds weird, and I'm not a girl so this may sound somewhat creepy, but I know that when ex girlfriends, friends, sisters etc would wear a shirt with a graphic on it the overall figure and form of whatever graphic was on the shirt would be really screwed up by their breasts. 2. The lines on her legs look kind of strange. It's hard to tell if she's wearing pants, shorts, or that funny looking red underwear things that superheroes wear because that line isn't all the way around. Granted, I'm sure you have a good reason for not finishing it but right now it's just too hard for me to be able to tell what she is wearing. Other than those two otherwise minor things, I like this. I'd love to see it in color. I'm not sure exactly what a scale forum is, or what a scale is for that matter, but that doesn't matter much.
  3. I use a gamepad for the most part with this game. I would freaking murder for one of those ps3 arcade sticks for this and street fighter, but I'm too poor atm
  4. What this man said. I'm pretty interested in taking part, even though my writing skills are probably atrocious.
  5. This right here. I'm not going to get too deep into it, but I've gotten into some deep trouble from the internet before which was a lot worse than this scenario right here (granted, I wasn't doing anything that related to pedophilia) and I didn't get into any actual trouble. If they're gonna bust you for something like pedophilia, they are going to need a lot more than some stupid forum post on the forum games of all things on a freaking forum about My Little Pony for crying out loud. By the way I just read what I typed and it looks like in a way that I'm implying that Sarge is a pedo. He's not, and honestly I don't think he knew about this person's age. I don't know the full situation with this kid's dad, but from what I have seen so far this person's a fool; for both flipping out about this and for letting his daughter online unsupervised.
  6. That's all part of the fallout experience! The first two games were glitchy as hell, too! It ain't fallout if you can't abuse whatever crazy glitches you will encounter. Also I'm a huge fallout nut, sooo any mention of fallout 4 makes me happy. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't get into Skyrim no matter how hard I try.
  7. My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and I'm not sure why because we're like polar opposites. That being said, I don't have an obsession over her. The only two ponies I have on obsession with are Derpy and Pinkie Pie, with the latter almost coming out of nowhere.
  8. Sooo I'm a big fan of fighting games and this one is no exception to the list. I play on thetrotspot.tk servers all the time, buut are there any other good ones out there? Preferably ones that people from hear play on?
  9. I'm not one of them, but can I talk too? It'll be awesome meeting the alicorns and royal guards and yeah I want to be one some day ;_;
  10. I know that feeling, dude. Every time I try to watch a movie over at my house, unless it's in a stream or I'm with friends, I just get bored half way through and need to get up and do something else. The same thing goes for most TV shows, as I usually can only watch about half an hour before I just feel the need to do something else.
  11. I love you. Anyhooo, I've seen tons of girly things before in the past, and I honestly don't give a damn if it's "girly" or not. As far as anime goes, I've watched the entirety of stuff like Card Captor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Nichijou, Hamtaro, Sailor Moon (overrated), Clannad (another thing that's overrated, although I thought it was okay), and probably a lot more than I care to remember. As far as American television goes, I'll occasionally watch crap made for those crazy stay at home moms. You know, stuff like Hoarders, 16 and Pregnant, Geek Love etc. I honestly have no clue why I watch those shows occasionally, because every time I do it makes me question my sanity and for the most part there is always something better on. Now, I've seen tons of soap operas. Most of them I haven't enjoyed, because the majority of them have been so poorly written and painful to watch, but I was stuck watching them for awhile. I was homeless for a while, and one of the few things I had was one of those pocket TV things that would receive local television broadcasts, and unfortunately for me the only one it could get happened to be the really bad soap opera channel that anyone who was sane would steer clear from, but it was better than nothing.
  12. I think you hit it spot on with TLC. With Animal Planet, though, I haven't watched much of it since I was much younger but I will occasionally watch that RIver Monsters show as that's kind of interesting, although everything else I see when scrolling through the TV guide seems uninteresting. As far as Discovery and History go, though, I think they're fine. Once again, much like Animal Planet, I don't watch these channels on a regular basis but when I do they all manage to keep me entertained without any major gripes. When I do watch the channels, it's usually Mythbusters on Discovery or some crazy documentary about the solar system on History, although I also enjoy watching Pawn Stars and that show on History about people who go out and buy random crap from people and then try to sell it (I can't remember what it was), everything else I think is fine for the most part. I am looking forward to Shark Week 100%, though.
  13. I don't approach the show in any fancy way; I just watch it. Sure the show's art, and anybody who argues otherwise is a fool, but not all art should be viewed as ultra thoughtful, life changing, morally straight, or whatever weird and crazy things I've heard people describe to me as what art should be, and most if not all Saturday morning cartoons don't fit the bill, mlp being no exception. That being said, however, I find the show to be extremely well done and while I did just say that you shouldn't view the show as something much more, it sure is fun to do so and I wrote an essay in my psychology class about Pinkie Pie (right after the one about Hitler, too)!
  14. My internet speed should be a lot faster, but my wireless card that I use is pretty bad. I got it for about ten dollars five years ago, and I am shocked as to how I haven't gotten a new one yet.
  15. Well I'm looking at some of my earlier posts on here and most of them are long and sophisticated and always seem to advertise the fact that I was blowing off school work to work on writing that, which was true but you know wasn't anything too big. It's weird, all of my posts are now usually only ever so slightly over the character minimum where as my older posts would be giant walls of text.
  16. It really shouldn't have an affect on me, but I did buy some apple cider after watching that one episode. Sooo I guess it has, in a way. I dig apples, but I haven't eaten an apple alone in awhile.
  17. I'm really dig the Mitsuku chatbot. There's just something about it to me that, compared to stuff like Cleverbot, is just a lot more human. I'm really not sure what it is, either. http://www.mitsuku.com/ if you wanna mess around with it.
  18. This thread has Crona in it so therefore it must be __________________
  19. Baltimore is extremely ghetto and outside of a couple things there really isn't much there that I like.
  20. I'm a big anime nut, although it's not the only thing I do/watch. Welcome to the NHK is actually my all time favorite anime, and I've recommended it to a couple otaku I know IRL due to their lack of anything productive in their life.
  21. I am going to stop that cycle from last night from even starting again by banishing you to the moon. There, now we can't start a friendship hug that involves us slaughtering each other and some bizarre love triangle. Actually dang it why'd I do that? That was fun the other night OH DEAR, I ACCIDENTALLY BANISHED THE WRONG PERSON I SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR THIS
  22. While messing around I found a website that has all sorts of strange and silly holidays, and apparently every first Sunday in August is Friendship Day. Now, the idea of the day is pretty simple: do something that involves friends. It is extremely straightforward and pretty easy to go through with ,but I was thinking this: why not go through and celebrate this while putting a pony spin on it somehow? I know that a few other bronies have ponified a couple of other holidays, so I don't see how doing something that involves friendship couldn't be any harder. As of right now, the only ideas I have are giving cupcakes to people or something silly like that, but uh hey maybe you all can help me out here and it'd be pretty cool if this gets big. By the way, if you want to see where I found the holiday you can read about it here. http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/August/friendshipday.htm
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