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Gone for good

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Everything posted by Gone for good

  1. I'm sure that if you are talking to somebody who is, I dunno, more internet culture savvy they probably wouldn't care if you ask them but I'm not sure about anyone else. My step father is an old marine from the Vietnam era, and when he saw me watching the show he looked at me as if I was the biggest sicko on the planet. Can't wait till he eventually sees me on an MLP forum!
  2. I live in Baltimore, so I'm gonna be rooting for the Orioles even though they haven't done terribly well at all in recent years...
  3. I dunno, I've met a guy who liked the show who doesn't even have a computer (why'd I originally type T.V?) at his house. Granted, it took him coming over to my place and seeing my desktop being pony related for him to even say anything about it. It is overrated, I will agree, but I'm not sure if it being a meme had really anything to do with it. I mean, sure 4chan kind of sped up the process of it becoming popular, but Lauren Faust was pretty big already so whether 4chan coined it or not probably wouldn't have stopped people from liking it.
  4. Yeah my parents are pretty conservative people. They, uh, think I'm gay because I like the show. I'm not, but still kind of leaves that "well jeez, thanks for supporting my interests" kind of feeling. -EDIT AFTER 2 YEARS AFTER I POSTED THIS- LOL!!!!!
  5. But Starswirl, what about the other dragons that were introduced in Dragon Quest? While at the moment all of the dragons are too focused on violence and greed, it's only going to be a matter of time before they realize they too can rule Equestria if they work together. In The secret of my Excess, no pony even including the wonderbolts were able to stop Spike's rampage, the only thing that was able to stop him was his heart, something that I believe that most dragons simply do not have. Now, if Spike managed to do this much damage, imagine what crazy things all the dragons in Equestria could do if they worked together. Although to relate back to the subject at hand, Spike destroyed Ponyville during The Secret of my Excess, I think that his crimes towards ponykind should be punished, and if being a servant to Twilight is his punishment then he has it out easy. that was the weirdest thing I've ever written.
  6. The only pony dream I've had was weird. Basically, I was somehow transported to the future where there was an evil dictator who ruled the planet. Now, while he was psychotic, mean, cynical, and nerdy he also was a big brony. He somehow managed to wipe out the rest of human kind and replace the world with his own rendition of Equestria with actually cartoonlike ponies included. He got rid of everybody else, but for some reason he liked the fact I was from the past and he decided that I should be kept alive. Now, at this point I kind of knew it was a dream and I didn't care at all, until I realized that it's my dream and even if he isn't real he deserves to be taught a lesson for basically killing every other human and destroying everything that they have worked hard for. I mean, if he was this big of a brony he should have remembered the rule about love and tolerance for crying out loud! I went up to his throne, and I can't remember exactly what I told him but it was against what he had done and it was said in the most cocky way imaginable, so as I'm sure you can figure he was ticked off. He called in the guards, which happened to be the cute little cartoon robots, until he ordered them to kill me which then made them turn straight into basically horrifying monsters with hooves. For some reason I had a gun on me, and I decided to fire a shot straight at the dictator himself, but he had a magic shield on him. At that point I quickly fired a round at the guards that were flying and running towards me, which got one of them down but that didn't stop the rest from tackling me at full force. Being tackled by probably thousands of pony robots sounds kind of cool, but when they are hideous and more resemble rabid dogs, it's not as cool. In fact, it was scary enough that I woke up at that moment. The first thing I did was kind of get mad at myself for even bothering trying to fight back with a puny little gun, and then I went straight to my computer and typed up the dream to remember it. It was the coolest dream I've had in awhile, that's for sure. I'm hoping my next dream about ponies is an actually, you know, peaceful dream, but hey if I have another dream about this dictator guy I know exactly what I am doing when he sends out those guards.
  7. I know it's not finished, but what I do when I am making a video is I will show some people it when I'm half way finished just to see if anybody has any serious issues with it just so I don't submit the final product and find out that it is the most hated thing since something like, say, Miley Cyrus. Besides, this is the first time I have ever done anything even resemblant of a PMV or even an AMV for that matter, and I'm kind of worried that I may be doing something wrong. But anyway, here's the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=587_sF01XMw Also, if you haven't seen the original intro you can see it here The short breaks were there to signify that there is a gap in what is finished and what isn't.Even though the original idea was to redo the game intro with ponies instead of anime characters, I'm gonna edit what I have done here to make it 3D just because it adds more flavor to the video and having ponies flying at your face would be awesome I also still need to finish up the video itself, find/write more text to slap in there, get more vectors and blah blah blah. Anyway, tell me what you think so far.
  8. I'm no expert on depression, in fact all I have as far as psychology experience is some AP class in high school, but I'd say that the main thing that makes people less depressed as far as ponies are concerned is just really the community. I was going to say the fact that ponies offer a form of escapism and have a more positive outlook on on life and yadda yadda yadda, but so do things like video games, other TV shows, movies, books, and really most forms of entertainment. The community is a really big part of the brony fandom, infact I've seen bronies once or twice on other sites say they don't even like the show and they just like all of the memes, music, YTP's, and overall just the community as a whole. Even though there are sites out there like gamefaqs, sonicretro, rottentomatoes, hamuhamukingdom (not sure if that one still exists,) the brony community from what I've seen is actually one of the nicest ones out there and unlike a lot of the other fandoms, the fans themselves get a lot of attention, sometimes even more than the show itself at times! With all of this attention, these starting and growing friendships, and these meetups, I'd say that really any pony can really get a sense of self worth, importance, belonging, and if you wanna take it that far, joy from the community which simply counters the symptoms of depression which are feelings of being worthless, not wanting to do anything, hopelessness, and all of those unfun things. Of course, everybody, brony or not is different and we all have things that make us feel good and things that make us feel bad. I'm probably far from being correct. I kind of slept during class when we were going over depression, so yeaah...
  9. Oh where do I start with all the trouble I've gotten into... I think the funniest one I have was a few months ago. I was doing some stuff for an art project that was due the next day, but passed out in the process at around four in the morning. When morning came, my parents went down to see why I wasn't upstairs getting ready and saw me passed out in the middle of the hallway, hugging a monitor and motherboard, and also in my underwear for a reason I can't remember. I have some actually terrible things, but maybe the internet's not the best place to share. Oh wait, dang it I just noticed the title was the biggest thing. Umm, well I'm kind of being the most lazy person on the planet right now in school and am getting straight F's in everything other than Art, Paramedical Biology, and AP psychology. I personally don't care because I'm going to community college due to financial issues, but my parents are now reluctant to provide any money for me. Not the same kind of punishment as getting grounded, but not having any money stinks.
  10. Not on this site, but every time elsewhere. Have you ever gotten bored and decided to draw a mustache on your face with a sharpie?
  11. It was the first two episodes of the second season that really made me realize "I'm watching ponies and I love it", so I'd say throw those in there.
  12. lol actually, since you are all about vandalism right now, around here underneath a bridge I did actually find some MLP related graffiti. It's not that great, and I'm not sure who made it, but I can post it if you want. Seeing Twilight in a place where I probably shouldn't have been was such a surprise, I had to take out my camera and take some pictures.
  13. While I probably will come off as a jerk, I think that the prevention of this guy's suicide and really the fandom as a whole isn't exactly accidental, but coincidental. I mean, I can't remember where I read this, but I read somewhere that Hasbro themselves said that the original audience for this was pretty much little girl exclusive. Now, whether or not that was true, the idea that somebody would pitch a show about cute little ponies and also make it for male audiences and people suffering from depression is probably silly completely forgetting that it eventually did become where it is right now. Now, it's great to see that it brought some joy to this guy's life and that has brought us bronies and pegasisters together, but the main thing that made this cartoon that was made for young children was the way it was pulled off, in the sense that the characters had much more believable personalities and the overall story line was a lot more complex than something like, say, little baby Jonathan is playing with little baby Sarah's toy so Sarah cries and gets it back; the end. That being said, it is great to see that Hasbro acknowledges that there are people like us and this guy out there and is making a whole bunch of merchandise and other media more catered to us.
  14. I'm kind of both sides on the trust people on the internet thing. While I know that there are people out there that just want to take any information they have on you and use it to their advantage, I haven't seen too many bronies that I can imagine doing terrible things (nasty pictures not included.) I'm sure these "evil" people do exist, but I think it is much more enjoyable to trust people and if I'm not comfortable sharing, I probably shouldn't be doing such things to begin with. Granted, everypony on this site is, whether they like it or not, a human and we all have secrets whether we like it or not, but I guess maybe it would be better to have less secrets in the end than more. Of course, to relate back to the original question, I do have one brony friend on the internet who I would trust my life with which is saying a bit because I wouldn't trust a lot of my real life friends with over fifty dollars.
  15. You don't know how much I enjoy being on a forum where I can say that. But uh, yeah, hi. I'm Lordbababa, real life name is Christian. I'm 18, male, graduating high school in two months, I think Fluttershy is the best pony, yadda yadda yadda, I first was against the fact that I liked the show and refused to participate in anything related to it in fear that everybody around me would judge me, but then sometime in November I found myself inside Target buying a Rainbow Dash toy without really thinking about it, and after that I just kind of realized that nobody really cares. With that brony conversion story said and done, I joined this forum because I am a brony and also because of the couple of other forums that I visit, the majority of people there are just flat out mean and the brony community is much less cynical and from what I've seen it is also much more enjoyable than the communities I used to be in. Other than that, I'm a bit of a video game dork, I'm a YTP tenniser (which I'm going to assume that only a few of you will even know what that is) I enjoy drawing and painting things, even though I am not terribly good at it aaaaaand I want to be famous. So yeah, nice to meet you all and I will probably see you on the main forum sometime discussing something other than myself.
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