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Everything posted by nolongerabout

  1. My great-grandfather was one of three brothers who served, and the only one who survived. He enlisted at 15, the youngest of the three, in 1914 and fought at the Somme and in northern Italy. Unfortunately he died a few years before I was born, but I have most of his medals, and the medals issued to his godfather, who died at Ypres in 1915. One brother died at the Somme (I've been to his grave) and the other's body was never recovered. He's most likely buried among the Germans in one of their mass grave cemeteries. on my father's side of the family, my great-grandfather was in the 95th Rifles, now the Royal Green Jackets, stationed in Egypt in the years running up to the war. He was wounded early on, as part of the British Expeditionary Force, at the Marne, and returned to fight a year later. He survived, and died in the sixties. And those are the only ones I know about. It's likely there's more members of my family who served, as my family on my mother's side is huge. Those are just my "immediate" family. Glad that my family has such a storied history when it comes to the great war.
  2. Zulu, 1964. That or The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Same?
  3. 7/10, not one of their best
  4. Ah, tiger. But I think my Greek zodiac represents me better. Leo, the Lion.
  5. 10. Doesn't pay to be ungrateful. have you any big trips planned for next year?
  6. Merry new year and all that toss. The christmas sherry is gone, now for the new year's cider!

  7. Cameron Drown. Comes from the old English "Drowne", or Drone, worker bees. Seems my ancestors were bee-keepers. (and yes, I can swim) Same, if it doesn't bother you?
  8. 5/10. I never really liked anything by judas priest after 1989...
  9. Drinking. Heavy, heavy drinking. And playing Garry's mod Elevator Source. Same?
  10. As a drinker of that cider what makes your head feel spinny, I see this as a right bash at cider drinkers everywhere. How dare they change a kiddies programme where they drink a pint of ol' scrumpy and then get sloshed? 'Tis an important part of Summerrset livin' and the sooner they learn to have a good drink the better, I say. I am a cider drinker, I drinks it all of the day, I am a cider drinker, it soothes all me troubles away... Satire aside, it really doesn't bother me. It's a kids show, and if anything hasbro has a lacklustre record when it comes to censorship, so what do people expect? What does bother me is that some people are missing out on a good ol' pint of thatchers over there in the states. Oh wait. https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2014/09/thatchers-cider-makes-move-on-us-market/ Get on that yanks, you're missing out. Better than Applejacks, no doubt. Oo arr ooh arr eh, oo arr ooh arr eh...
  11. 8/10, excellent song. Seems relevant, as it's just turned Crimbo over here. IT'S CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTMAS
  12. Jolly crimbo and all that. Can't wait to get sloshed on sherry tomorrow!

  13. On world of tanks, my favorite has to be the Hotchkiss H35. While neither a particularly pretty or successful tank, it's very... Plucky. First tank ever made to have a fully cast body, too. War Thunder, that'd be either the Pzkwf. III M or the Tiger E. Don't have any particular reason other than they handle well and are generally fun to play (When you're not getting sniped by Cromwells or Churchills... Why the hell did we have to make such OP tanks)
  14. I make perhaps one every 3 months, and I consider that enough. no need to be filling everyone's notifications, after all. Read any good books lately?
  15. Free healthcare, the best food in the world, the Queen, and the best pint of cider this side of everywhere. Oh, and the leave vote. Apart from that, it's full of old gits like me.
  16. 4/10 Very much... Not my thing at all
  17. Red Dwarf. Seasons 8 and 9 are barely worth watching, but the newer stuff is actually pretty good.
  18. Red Dwarf and One Foot In The Grave were probably my favorites.
  19. Wouldn't mind owning a Jaguar XJS. My father drives an XJS 6, but an original would be much nicer. I, personally, have a penchant for old cars. Have an MG Midget 1500, vermilion red. Nice car, but at 6ft I'm a little big for it. Same?
  20. The man with no name versus Richard Sharpe. definitely be a good watch, that. Not sure who'd win it, either
  21. The ride never ends, chaps and chapesses. THE RIDE NEVER ENDS

  22. Don't want to spoil a game that's just been released, but the Battlefield 1 singleplayer has some sad story arc endings, especially 'Through mud and blood', "Avanti Savoia" and 'The Runner'. I ain't going to say what happens, though. You'll just have to play them and find out.
  23. nolongerabout

    gaming Battlefield 1

    More or less all I expected it to be. Seems as chaotic, brutal and senseless as the real thing was supposed to be. Probably the best single player campaign of any first person shooter I have played, knocking CoD 5 off the top spot, and I don't say that lightly. Just wish it was longer. Best FPS to emerge in years, by my reckoning. And the scout class can get a Martini-Henry. That is my sh*t Soon I will listen to the theme of Zulu while getting my face blasted off by a b*stard with a Lewis Gun safe in the knowledge I've got an awesome gun. Shame the bloody krauts aren't armed with spears, might make it a bit easier. Too bad I have to get to rank 10 with the scout to unlock it ah well, back to the trenches
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