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Posts posted by Endpol

  1. I can't say I've ever heard stupider insults, of any kind, in my life. My 8 year old neighbor dissed my bronyhood better than this dude did. I mean, his weak insult of "you look pretty flat chested for a teenage girl... oh wait, you're just a brony, nevermind" was a lot better than things this guy came up with like "#13: Did you know that Rainbow Dash is a rip-off from Nyan Cat?" I mean, that's not even an insult, and even if was intended to be one, it made me sick past the point of facehooving.


    TL;DR: I honestly don't know what to say about this video. I'm not sure I *can* say anything. I'm in shock from these incredibly lame insults.


    It never specifically said '20 insults' it just said '20 things not to say'
  2. 12. This is a really, really desperate way to take up women. (I couldn't hear shit here, any help is very appreciated)


    1. Greetings, my boy friend! Stay for a while and listen. For I want to tell you about the epic journey on how I acquired my Cutie Mark, which is a Horadric Cube.


    It says "who are under the age of consent" (at least what I heard)

    Also, I believe he said 'pony' where I bolded

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Wait... so you can kill the ponies? :(


    Yeah, they were doing it in the video. :

    Still, it's kinda cool that a giant company like blizzard would have something like this in their game.

  4. Watduhfuq......

    It's not really that pony influenced, seeing the care bears and such. And that from the looks it's just unicorns so far.


    According to the top comment on the video that he posted

    (which says:


    A few of the enemies that pop up in this level are

    "Rainbow Western"

    "Midnight Sparkle"


    "Nightmare is Magic"

    My flank this isn't a Pony reference.)

    I think it's related.

  5. my avatar? I am not familiar with ponyisms


    I think they said it to mess with you, it was a quote from the show (which you didn't watch completely)


    Welcome, though! :D

  6. Wow, you went into great detail for such a small thing. xD

    Though it surprised me also, with there being so many males (but seeing as a lot of them aren't main characters my opinion still stands).

    Where did you get all of this information?


    EDIT: Whoops! I read the small print at the top.

  7. Shining Armor is the most major male character, and he was essentially a prisoner for 96% of the episode


    Next to Shining is Big Mac, who only has two lines generally unless he decides to have an epic moment


    So yes, males could be integrated more into the show


    Edit: I forgot Spike, oh no! But then again, everyone forgets Spike...


    Probably because he's not a pony! (I forgot about him also)

    Either way, yeah I agree with all of you, it's better with the female characters, but could be good with 1 or 2 male added in.

  8. I've been thinking of this a little, and I was wondering (just my curiosity) what you guys thought of females being the dominate gender in the series?

    I think (even if it is a girls show) that it's good that females are the dominate gender, because a lot of the time in shows, the main characters and dominate genders are male (at least most of the one's I've seen).

    • Brohoof 1

    Btw, i got alot more apps, I just keep them all on the second page so I can always see Derpy's cuteness when I go to the main menu.


    Also using Vex3d's awesome Doctor Whooves wallpaper on my comp.


    Btw, how do you guys change what it says in the slidebar on the lock screen?


    You have to jailbreak it, then download something called 'Springtomize' (there're a lot more but that one lets you change the most stuff, and is most likely to work). If you want to jailbreak it, it would probably be best to google a guide.
  10. There is this other brony in my school, but I'm not really friends with him. So my friend was making jokes about him (not to his face) in german today, (he knows I'm a brony, but he doesn't think I'm that into it or whatever) saying "He actually watches it because he thinks it's a legitimate show! How gay!".... I had to sit through that...


    So wait.. He knows you're a brony, but doesn't think you watch the show? o.o
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