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Mane Quest

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Posts posted by Mane Quest

  1. I am feeling surprisingly alright at the moment, I have been listening to Matt Nathanson (excellent underrated musician) and I just got the art I commissioned from Ruhisu. Though my good mood isn't going to last long, I have work at 2:00 this afternoon, so I will have to leave in about 2 hours... I hate my job so much :P

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Zelda Twilight princess HD and Zelda Wii U, both of which I have pre-ordered, also Pokemon super mystery dungeon which doesn't come out for just under a month in Europe, also pre-ordered. After that I am not really excited for any games this year, Shantae: Half-Genie hero looks awesome and I want to play it but I haven't completed any other Shantae games yet so I am not to bothered about it.

  3. I think thats entirely reasonable, only old people who suffer those old-person favoritism-to-how-they-did-things would have an issue with it, or the vocal minority major fanboys.

    I am certain that one of my physics teachers has a grudge on me now along with half the college I go to because I said that I don't like Star Wars, it is a maths and science college which basically explains everything :P

  4. Also remember that whilst a good chunk of MLP fans are older than the target audience, there is still a big enough audience of the younger fans who may not yet be old enough to watch or understand Star wars or some of us (please don't kill me :P) that just don't like Star wars enough to care about a new movie, or for that matter any of the old ones.

  5. For me on the 21st of January, the thing that made me smile the most were 4 youtube videos, all giving examples of misheard lyrics from anime openings, endings and other songs from anime, I cannot get over the second death note opening, here are two of the misheard sections that are actually tame enough to post "Many bandana's from England" and "Want some fuzzy pie, home security." it is very weird.


    Oh, I also had to stifle my laughter a lot because I was in a physics lesson at college, if I was caught I could have got in trouble.

  6. Honestly, I don't care if they are or aren't a brony/pegasister, if they didn't judge me for it then they are alright with me, though I can see the major plus of having a brony/pegasister as a bf/gf since watching new episodes together could become a weekly date type thing whenever the show is on :P also, it would mean that if you were arranging a date likelihood is you would both want to avoid scheduling it when an episode was released so you could still watch it without seeming like you were rude. Still, I doubt I will be in a relationship any time soon, college means I am busy and I just don't get to talk to anyone much.

  7. ACtualy her contract expired so she NOT coming back into the who universe. yeah it meta info but still.   and yeah have to admit the claria thing was rediclous to extremes. also the doctor being hip and cool with the dam guatar and sonci glasses crap.. ugh!! yeah cuas when yo uthink Who you think guaitar!!

    I said that I doubt she would come back, and even if her contract has expired she can technically negotiate a new contract if she REALLY wanted to, though they probably would be reluctant to do so. Also I found the guitar to be interesting, sure it wasn't necessary but it added to his character, the sunglasses annoyed me a lot though.

  8. This year's Christmas Special 'The Husbands of River Song' was without Clara. We'll have to wait until next year to see if she's really gone or not, as the writers have left a big loophole open if the actress changes her mind.

    Though the way that they ended it, if they brought her back then it would hardly work as she had to go back to her fate even if she took a bit longer to do so, if she came back then it would be an excuse to forget a major plot point, so I highly doubt she will come back.

  9. Capaldi's run I really haven't liked; Smith was great until Clara. I'm not sure if I don't like DW anymore because i'm older so the magic's gone, or it just isn't that good in terms of quality. I'm going with the latter; there have been quite a few shows and games that have sparked the same magic DW used to give in the past few years, so i'm just thinking DW has lost its spark.


    Tennant is possibly my favorite season; it was the one I used to watch so in my opinion is was just such a fun, original, and magical season. Donna best companion.


    Smith was... okay. So okay, it was average. Amy was a good character, and I really liked her, same with Rory and River. The episodes felt a bit dull and too complicated, though. Wasn't as fun as Tennant. It went downhill when Clara came, I really don't like her concept.


    Capaldi is a good actor, but the writing... ick! I'm sure that Capaldi, if given a good, magical script, would work wonders, but that hasn't happened so far... also is Clara gone yet? The story is/was revolving around her and I really don't like that.

    Clara is gone, she actually stuck to her word and left the show like she said she would before only this time for real, and I totally wasn't in tears when it happened, I swear :P

  10. I'm sorry but I stopped watching Doctor Who years ago. Most of the new, and when I say new I mean in the last 20 odd years, just don;t hold a candle to the original Doctors.


    Gone are the days for me of hiding behind the sofa in abject terror at the sight of a Dalek or Cyberman in black and white on Saturday evening TV :pinkie:


    I think it was when they introduced Sylvester McCoy as the new Doctor that ruined it for me, and the only two Doctors I ever liked after that were David Tenant and Christopher Eccleston.

    I am starting to watch classic who since when it first came out my dad was only 2 years old and my mum wasn't yet born, I hadn't had exposure to it, but personally so far I don't really like the first doctor, he spent the first two stories being a generic grumpy old man style character but with a time machine which just seemed stupid, I can't comment on any other iterations of the Doctor until New Who as of yet but I found Eccleston to be my second favourite and Capaldi to be my favourite, Tennant was the Doctor for more time than was good for development and so the series began to feel a bit stale, then Matt Smith came in and I found him to be too happy go lucky, and for the most parts serious stories felt a bit weaker with that style of character, also the writing in his stories was weak, as I say, I can't comment much on Classic Who but I am working my way through it slowly, I am currently as far as the serial where they are searching for the keys so that the Voord can be controlled.

  11. My favourite Doctor is actually the 13th Doctor (Generally called the 12th but I count the War Doctor as the 9th) series 8 was pretty disappointing but series 9 was a lot better in my opinion, also I can see parts of me in the current Doctor, especially after the Christmas special with his obvious dislike for Christmas music which for anyone who works in retail is an easily understood feeling, the only series 9 episode I didn't enjoy was Sleep no more because what has the world come to when the episodes enemy is Sleep dust, the stuff in the corners of your eyes, that just isn't right...

  12. I posted a while back but it doesn't match me at all, at that point I was still a bit unsure myself but since then I have grown as a person and I can recognise myself more than before, I can now honestly say that if I could then I would transition right this very second. I hate being stuck in a male body, it just isn't who I am.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Are you referring to Fallout? I don't have an opinion due to never playing it but damn, they need a serious makeover! :D

    Yep, I decided that I had to make a fallout reference since you said ask a ghoul, my mind jumped to fallout immediately.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Old, The Ink Spots (1930's) are one of my favourites, but anything up to the 80's I don't mind, after that I feel that music really went downhill, though I like particular types from those times, some songs from back then are ridiculously cringe worthy...

  15. So, I recently came out to myself as transgender male to female, so I would love to have my OC changed to match this, Here is my OC in male form: 



    thing is, it feels wrong to have a male OC when Tom (my official birth given name) is just not me, I identify as a female, I go by the name Erin, at least to people I have come out to, so I would much appreciate a vector of a female version of my OC, thank you for any help.

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