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Posts posted by Biff

  1. Am I the only person who's bothered by the term "guilty pleasure"? It's not a huge deal, it's just always puzzled me. If you have fun with something, why is there guilt? Because of what other people think? To hell with 'em. You're enjoying yourself. 


    That being said...


    I do have a couple of hobbies/interests that I'm not forthcoming about because it would take too long to explain. Ponies and the drawing thereof is one of them. Listening to Nicki Minaj songs every now and then is another. And eating amazingly unhealthy food while I have a very athletic family is another. That last one is probably my biggest vice, I will follow the scent of fried chicken fingers off a cliff. ;__; 


    Although the music thing bothers a lot of people, lol. xD I'll listen to anything once, I've got nineteen different Spotify playlists. It's kind of insane. But I prefer music that moves me, something that gets me dancing and grooving around my kitchen--remixes are especially good for that. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Good question. I haven't watched the Equestria Girl's movie, but I imagine Sunset Shimmer is much more ambitious than Twilight; or at least, more shameless about getting what she wants. It'd be very curious to see if she'd actually be able to master the magic of friendship at all. It might be more interesting, possibly, to see her try and humble herself and apologize every time she snapped at a friend, like Rarity or Pinkie Pie. 

  3. I dunno, that sounds pretty messed up to me. She's a protege, she doesn't even work for Celestia.

    Could you imagine if your daughter got an internship at the White House, and then the president sent her on a diplomacy mission to Afghanistan?


    Bit different than that, though. Celestia hand-picked Twilight out of possibly hundreds of other unicorn students in order to train her specially in different types of magic. Yeah, the other student's at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns can say they're technically Celestia's "student" (and I'm sure that line works great on fillies in bars), but Twilight's more than just a protege; Celestia saw her talent and decided it was necessary to hone it in a constructive way, especially if Twilight's special gift is her aptitude for magic. 


    I dunno, I always saw it more like, "Yo, dude, your daughter has super-crazy awesome powers. Let me teach her so she won't blow anything up." It's kind of, I don't know, an apprenticeship? If that makes sense. 


    Night Light and Velvet Sparkle have to be proud of their daughter but they probably are worried for her safety. I think they know she's talented and powerful though, and they ought to worry much less now that she's a princess and basically co-ruler of Equestria. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Possibly Monarch and demigod. Because she is powerful and ruler in Equestria.



    Right, but you can be a powerful ruler and still be mortal. Augustus Caesar, Queen Victoria, and the like were all very mortal but still powerful. We wouldn't call them demigods. The definition of a demigod is half god/half mortal, which implies that there was a mare out there who mated with an all-powerful god, or vice versa, and then Celestia and Luna happened. Which still leaves us with questions, like, what on earth happened to that god? Is he still there? Do the Princesses consult their dad if times get too tough? 


    "Hey, um, Dad, there's this Discord fellow who's being quite stubborn..."




    "You mean Twilight? She's still pretty young, we wouldn't want her to get hurt or--"



  5. Definitely shower. I hate baths, sitting in your own filth. Eughh.



    Showers for me. I can't stand drowning in my own filth with baths.



    I prefer to take showers.


    Baths gross me out...  :eww:



    Shower please.


    I don't like the idea of bathing in my own filth.



    ....y'all do realize you can take the stopper out of the tub and then refill it with hot, clean water? I know it's wasteful but it's probably not any worse than taking an hour-long shower. ^-^ Unless you're using a super-expensive bath bomb or something, I wouldn't sweat letting some water out and refilling it with more. 


    But I still stand by that it's too difficult to wash your hair in a tub. Awkward neck angles, yegchh. 

  6. Oh gosh, this is hard.


    When it comes to pure Disney, I can't do better than Beauty and the Beast or Hunchback of Notre Dame or Fantasia or The Lion King. All four of those are incredible, I could watch them for ages and not get tired. I'm one of those oddballs who can watch the same movie over and over and over again without getting nauseated with it. I also really loved Treasure Planet but that's a deeply flawed movie, and I think my nostalgia colors the lenses quite a bit there. Oh, and I can't forget about Lilo and Stitch, which is a great film. ^-^


    Pixar, on the other hand, belongs almost exclusively to Up. Whenever I'm comparing Pixar films Up stands head and shoulders above the rest, at least for me--I know a lot of people don't like it but I adored it. But I love The Incredibles and the Toy Story trilogy quite a bit as well, not to mention Ratatouille is a spectacular film. For some reason I think Pixar films are just more well-rounded, better constructed films, mostly because they take more chances. 


    Dreamworks has some okay movies but I loved Prince of Egypt and Road to El Dorado, those were both awesome romps--Road to El Dorado becomes funnier and dirtier the more times I watch it, lol. Not to mention Kung Fu Panda 2 was really, really great. Actually both Kung Fu Panda movies were pretty good, I enjoy them both. And How to Train Your Dragon remains one of my favorite films to watch in the theater, the 3D for that was just fantastic. 


    Honorable mention shoutouts to Great Mouse DetectiveFinding Nemo, and Spirit. ;)


    TL;DR - all movies all the time 24/7

    • Brohoof 1
  7. (Forgive me if this topic has been asked before, but I ran a search on the forums and came up with nothing.)


    Princess Celestia: what is she, exactly?


    This is something I've always wondered and I haven't quite made up my mind on it yet. She's clearly either immortal or invincible, or at least has a very, very long lifespan. She's definitely in charge, and has been for quite some time--she's got incredible powers (unless you're a Changeling Queen, then I suppose she's screwed). We've seen ponies use her name multiple ways, such as "As Celestia is my witness!", obviously paralleling "As God is my witness!", indicating a sort of deity status, at least among her subjects. 


    It could possibly be that because she's so long-lived, her subjects have simply accepted this as proof of her being a god/deity figure, but she's not in actuality. But I doubt she's just a monarch who's been around a long time, mostly because she's a Princess, not a queen. The title "princess" implies there once was a king and queen, at least at one point in time. But clearly not in recent pony memory, because in A Hearth's Warming Eve we saw that history has kind of been divided into two sections: pre-Celestia and Luna and current times. 


    Anyway, I'm curious about your thoughts and personal headcanons.  :bedeyes:

  8. enhanced-buzz-10627-1363801977-26.jpg




    These three guys. 


    Mr. Rogers always taught me to be kind and love your neighbors, that whatever good you do in the world will never go unnoticed, even the small acts of kindness. He influenced and touched so many people and is intrinsically wired into my childhood--Mr. Roger's Neighborhood was my TV show when I was a kid, I loved it so much that I kept watching it long after I was "too old" for kids shows. To this day he's still revered and talked about, and for good reason--I can't think of a kinder human being. 


    Bob Ross (also my childhood) was probably the most influential, and I ought to take his advice more often. I still find drawing and painting therapeutic, and I ought to realize that my mistakes aren't permanent, and that I can always turn them into birds or clouds or trees whenever I feel like it. Happy little accidents. I've been drawing for years and I need to keep that mantra in mind, that everything can be learned with some practice. 


    Neil deGrasse Tyson will remain my idol despite our conflicting beliefs. I love his explanation of science and he's what originally got me interested in math and the universe in general; he has a way of explaining things that can shrink science down into these small, easily digestible pieces while still painting such a huge, slightly-terrifying portrait of the universe. Everything that he's accomplished is just astounding. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Oh man, I have so many to choose from. What a luxury, to have difficulty selecting a favorite teacher. Quality education, what a privilege. 


    Ultimately I'm going with my history professor and my math professor. I've had tons of great teachers throughout my life and they've all impacted my future in some way, and will continue to do so, but these two really stand out. 


    My history professor is fantastic. He's got this infectious, energetic personality that makes everyone invested in learning what he's teaching; he challenges and sparks debate at every turn with his students, playing devil's advocate in almost every circumstance. What really sticks with me is that he doesn't care what you think or believe, just so long as its challenged and you know why you think it and believe it. He wants every student that comes into his classroom to succeed, and he breaks his back in order to make that happen. Not only is he a kickass teacher but he's a phenomenal advisor/mentor/all around good guy. I love him to bits, and I hope he's teaching for a long time and inspiring other students like me. 


    I was actually terrified of my math professor for a long time--my brother took him before I did, and used to record his lectures. On tape, he sounded so sharp and the math sounded so complicated that I swore to avoid him at all costs. But I discovered he's a completely different person outside of the classroom, hugely helpful and accommodating and will explain something five different ways from Sunday, for hours if necessary, until you get it right. Again, he's really energetic and I honestly wish he'd teach a history of math course, because he gets so excited about how famous equations were developed and crafted into what we use today. Not to mention his classroom manner is hilarious when you're actually sitting in the classroom. 


    Anyway. TL;DR - I have great professors. 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I know that we have Times Sexiest Man Alive and stuff like that, but for the most part, it feels very one-sided.  It feels like the Seinfeld thing.


    Again, I'm sorry for being shallow and stupid.  It shouldn't matter to me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't.  I just want my appearance to reflect how I feel inside.  I know, words spoken countless times by all people from all walks of life, across the ages, from the dawn of humankind until our last breath, echoing in eternity.


    No, you're totally right. I've often thought this myself and it's because men are constantly told through media, culture, and yeah, even among other men that they're supposed to be big, burly beefcakes--they're supposed to be dominant, aggressive, bearded manly animals. And our culture does a lot to build up women, not so much to build up men. 


    You know what? Women are told that we're beautiful, we're queens, we're strong and powerful and can do anything we set our minds to. Which is totally true. But men need to be told the same thing: they're kings, they're beautiful and noble and would give their hearts and souls to protect those they love. And they need to be told it's okay to be gentle and wear something pretty, and not be these closed off, stoic, rugged Marlboro men who look off into the sunset. 


    I don't know. It's late, and I'm tired, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel like there's a lot of, well, not blaming exactly, but definitely expectations for men. And I just know someone's going to jump down my throat about "the patriarchy!!1!" and fine then, bring it on. I love guys, and it sucks to hear about anyone who doesn't feel beautiful. Because everyone ought to, at least a few times in their life. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Probably envy. At least, that's the one that's affecting me most strongly right now. 


    I get so frustrated and jealous of other students who can just breeze through life and wait until an hour before class until they start writing their papers. And they still get B's and A's on their work. And because I'm a thick-skulled neanderthal, I have to work incredibly hard and stay up until the wee hours of the morning just to scrape by--it's frustrating. But when I actually do get something accomplished, like a good grade on a test or a quiz, I feel as though I can't enjoy it because I'm constantly comparing it to what someone else did. So definitely envy at this point in my life. 


    But the runner up would probably be gluttony. I have a carnal weakness for fried food.  :blush: 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I'm sadly untattooed but I've always admired body art. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything important enough to me to get permanently emblazoned on my body, that I can't remove without a great deal of pain and difficulty. I change my laptop wallpaper every other week or so, I can't imagine how quickly I'd become bored of a tattoo. 


    Although, being the huge geek that I am, the only thing I can think of right now that's special enough to me right now is the quadratic formula. And I would be "that person" who has the quadratic formula tattooed on their arm or their shoulder or back or something. 

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Surprisingly I love being a girl. Yes, there's the unfortunate crimson waterfall every month, which is only momentarily halted by nine months of bloating and finally birthing what is essentially a parasite, but honestly I've always liked being who I am. 


    I get to wear heels and lipstick and mascara and wear frilly underwear without judgement. (Protip to guys who want to wear frilly underwear: avoid lace, it itches like a mofo). And sometimes I can get better customer service just by lifting my voice and tilting my head a little. It's sort of powerful, when you think about it. Also, boobs. I don't care who says otherwise, boobs are hilarious and fun and I totally get the appeal. 


    Sure I'm not traditionally feminine--I like hiking and exploring and watching action movies and eating wings, too. I'm not one for romance movies or Danielle Steel but I love me some Jim Butcher. Not to mention, MMA fighting--hoo boy. But I have, once or twice, wondered what it's like to be a guy. It must be easy in some regards, considering they typically don't have to carry pepper spray and whatnot, but it's got to be awfully hard as well. (that's what she said)  I mean, people talk about unrealistic standards for women all the time but y'all have it just as bad. Not to mention hair and sweat and whatnot probably isn't comfortable. 

    • Brohoof 3
  14. I've got a midterm on Tuesday and a paper due on Thursday, as well as a lab practical on Friday. Plus I' have a math quiz to complete and hand in on Monday. I got a 74 on my last test, and I have no food in the house except for Rice Krispies, chocolate milk, and garlic croutons. I'm listening to MLP songs on a loop and getting nail polish all over my English binder, as well as joining random forums for no actual reason. 


    So yeah, this is actually one of the better days I've had in a while. :)

    • Brohoof 5
  15. 5'11'', which is roughly 180 centimeters for the REST OF THE WORLD who uses metric.  :okiedokielokie: I haven't forgiven you America

    I'm 165 lbs, which is kind of chunky if you ask me but I don't care enough yet to start working out. I'm always that chick wearing heels though because nothing strikes fear into the hearts of men like standing up from behind a table and looking them straight in the eye. ^-^

  16. Pinkie Pie: Burnt sugar and the smell of cake batter. Possibly popped balloons and licorice.

    Rarity: Money. make it raaaain element of generosity Only kidding probably something fruity and floral. 

    Twilight: Books and down pillows. Because of the feathers, y'know. 

    Rainbow Dash: Outdoorsy and clean, depending on how many clouds she flew through.

    Applejack: Hay, old barns, and apples, I suppose. 

    Fluttershy: cat pee Flowers, obviously. 

  17. I tend to use Chrome simply because it's faster. My parents (bless their souls) are stuck in the dark ages with Internet Explorer and think I use some sort of tiny-font, pony-theme-wrapped demon browser that eats tabs. Now that I have a Windows 8 (ick) I'm sort of stuck with it. I suppose I could install Firefox but meh. Effort. 

  18. It depends. Nothing hits the spot more than a nice soak in the tub when you're sick or feeling low, but for practical purposes a shower beats it every time.  I can't wash my hair in a tub, especially not when it's ten feet long and weighs about five hundred pounds when it's wet--not to mention there's always that fear that someone will burst into the bathroom while I'm covered in bubbles and clinging to a plastic duck. Not...exactly an image I want to project onto the world. Much more fearsome to be standing and allowing the shower to come down like the tears from my enemies. 

    • Brohoof 2
  19. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?:

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

    Just a heads up, I should be studying for my chemistry midterm but decided halfway through counting electrons and and identifying ferrous that I needed to join a MLP forum. It's been something I've meant to do because my interest in the show has picked up over the past few weeks--something about cuddly ponies has a way of negating any headaches and/or nervous breakdowns due to schoolwork. 


    Anyway, you can call me Biff. It's not my real name but it'll do, and I'm sort of fond of it to be honest. Don't be taken aback by the grumpy panda, that's just my sulky, jaded, narcissistic side which emerges every so often, represented in true cuddly form. 


    In case you couldn't tell, I'm a student. It's pretty much my life right now and I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't have something due or an exam to study for. I'm in that bleak, hopeless time of college where you don't have any energy left from your freshman year and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's hard. (that's what she said). 


    I'm a girl--heh--studying geology, which yeah, means bashing rocks for a living. But right now I'm a receptionist, which I have to say is the best job in the world. I don't care who knows it, I love my job right now. Of course it's not a full-time or life-supporting job, but right now it's fun and my hamartia is new experiences. 


    I love math and science, even though I suck at both. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like schoolwork and I'm that annoying person who cries over a B. So, needless to say, stuff like Chem I is kicking my tail and I'm not proud of it. 


    What else? Well, Pinkie Pie is best pony, although I like them all--nothing cheers me up like a Pinkie Pie episode though. Her character got a little skewed in S4 I think, but I'm not too fussed. It's a kid's cartoon. 

    • Brohoof 8
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