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Posts posted by FlutterSleep

  1. well today I went yardsaling, and my foster brother knew ahead of time that afterwards id be going to a friends, and willing came with me but complained the entire time that I was gonna be just ditching him, and why he even came in the first place... I I don't know... that just bothers me... :/

    • Brohoof 1
  2. umm k so first of all hia ^.^ and secondly I was wondering if anyone had any tips to help me draw better ponies? I typically screw up around the ears and wings (for Pegasus' of coarse) I'm trying to get better at drawing them so I can eventually draw my own pony... but no matter how many times I try I always mess up the ears and wings :'( if anyone here has any drawing tips that will help, it would be greatly appreciated.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. ugh probably the most garbage town in all of Canada. Linsday, ON... thank the heavens I don't live there anymore -_- its claim to fame is having the highest teen pregnancy rate in Ontario -_-

  4. forgot to look both ways before crossing the street... at 9:38 at night... on a bike... wearing all black clothes... without a helmet.. had to spend 5 hours in emergency getting x-rays all over my body :/ severe concussion... broken bones, totaled bike... half my hair (which has taken 4 years to grow to the length it was) was ripped out, convulsions in the middle of the road... like I flew 33 1/2 feet completely conscious... until I smoked the ground going approx. 50 km/h... definitely not one of my greatest feats in life....  

    • Brohoof 3
  5. I was born '98 so unfortunately ALSO missed out on the 80s but it doesn't stop me from living it every day ;) I actually collect different items from the 80s such as cassettes and cassette players, jean jackets and such.. and honestly I love it cause going home and popping in Reign In Blood album or Take on Me by Ah-Ha is just so great :3 every time I find a new cassette I kinda feel like fluttershy when she first found out about spike lol ;P but yea... that's just my opinion of the 80s..

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Hey, I'm looking for ponies to join my alliance in the game Modern War on mobile devices... im also looking for new  PvP games to play with other ponies.... sooo if you play modern war join my alliance .. My alliance name is "EryPonyGettinWrcked" , and my Invite code is 712759359... hope to see some of ya join me.. and together PONIES SHALL RULE THE WORLD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ^.^

  7. The point of venting though is to get all the anger out of your system, and playing a happy casual game would only make people more made case they may think "hey who he heck granted these guys all this happiness and whatnot" plus if you play a violent game after shooting probably 3 people And stealing 2 cars all the angers gone so in my opinion it would decipate but quicker than it would if it were a casual game..

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