The creation of ponykind WARNING: THIS FANFIC COULD INHOLD MINOR SPOILERS!!! Note: This fanfic is inholding made up data, and is just something that i just came up in my head once. So this fanfic is just made up? Eeyup! Note more: An draconequus (Also chaos bringer) is simplified the same thing as discord.
Note even more: This story unfolds for maybe more then 10,000 years...
I don´t want you to wait anymore (actually i am lazy) so here is my theory: Once upon a time, when the crystal empire was much more then twice as big. The entire population of equestria consisted of alicorns (except for the forest creatures, dragons, etc). The land was controlled by an dussin ancient royal alicorns, who balanced the whole world... Some controlled the bees and leaves and other nature things, other controlled the wind and weather, but the most powerful ones was chosen to control the sky. The night sky was controlled by two married alicorns, while the day was controlled by two other married alicorns. The two couples was four very powerful alicorns who was the best of the best. But one day something terrible happened. the sky was full of chaos bringers, something that the alicorns wasn`t prepared for... the chaos bringers used their magic to destroy the city but the citizens attacked the chaos bringers but without success. Their magic was to powerful for them... they just fell down from the sky like big boulders, but something was wrong... some of them continued flying when some fell down... the ones who fell down had missing wings, and some of them even missing horns, the flying ones suddenly discover that their horns was missing and fell down from the sky in pure surprise and fear.
The chaos bringers had splited the alicorns and they had only one thing from their originally form: some had horns, some had wings, and some didn´t have either.
But then an sudden "boom" was heard... The royal alicorns had arrived to fight against the chaos
bringers. The chaos bringer was maybe more to the count but ancient royal alicorn magic was very powerful. An great battle between the chaos bringers and alicrorns was now under progress over the terrified pony´s unicorns and pegasuses.
The battle was one of the greater in pony history.
The battle was very even but when the chaos bringers took out their whole potential the alicorns was very weakened and some of them even fell dead to the ground, until they was only four alicorns left: The two alicorn couples... The couples only chance to save the kingdom was to banish the few chaos bringers to an unknown dimension.
The alicorns had won the battle but was very weakened and was on their way to die, but before that could happen the alicorns pured all of their remaining magic into one of the crystal decoration trees who later would become the tree of harmony...
The remaining ponys unicorns and pegasusues was horrifyied and shocked from the battle, but then they splited and walked to different locations... But some of the pegasuses had changed more than just wings their bonys was black as coal and whit many holes around their legs and their wings had turned into thin and transparent insect wings, who all flew south to find an better climate for their sensitive bodys.
But all alicorns wasn´t dead the children of the two couples was still alive, but the night couples only child a mare was very harmed... she had similar damage as the insect pegasuses and she did also flew to the south to rule the other insect like pegasuses... The two children of the day couple was more undamaged than the other child... the oldest one was named celestia and the younger luna, the two filly´s was terrified of all the wild gore that had happened outside the castle that now just was a big pile of crystals.
The two daughters was exploring the ruins and soon found an smal and strange creature who called himself discord. The two sisters took care of the little creature.
They lived in many years under the tree of harmony who keeped the two sisters and the weak creature alive.
They lived there for many alicorn years (Witch may or not be 100 human/Ponyears) until they was found as maybe 10 years old by an wise and old unicorn named starswirl the bearded.
The unicorn was the first pony to see an living alicorn in many years. the unicorn did fast bring the fillies to the institute of history where many pony´s watched the two fillies trying to escape their little cage. Desperately trying to contact the pony´s that discord was still out there lonely and afraid. The alicorns could of course not talk and could only communicate whit screaming and waving. but the pons diden´t understand them until starswrl used an spell on them who made them be enable to talk. The strange thing is that no one of the other unicorns could kast the spell on them, because of that the mysteries creatures possessed an very powerful automatic defense magic.
But when they arrived at the tree of harmony discord was gone, in pain in suffering in rage...
Starswrl told them everything he knew about magic, and they did soon became the most powerful magician in the whole equestria. They even get so powerful that the bigger sister once raised the whole sun alone, witch before required more then one hundred unicorns.
And some months later luna was successful in raising the moon and night sky.
Then after the hearth's warming eve everyone understod that friendship was indeed the most powerful force of them all...
So one day the most loyal, the most funny, the kindest, the most generous, the most honest, and the best magicians put everything they knew about friendship into six gems, that then was put into the most important place in equestria: The tree of the two sisters who latter would be called: The tree of harmony.
The end
Reply to tell me if it´s needs something more