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Passion Page

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Posts posted by Passion Page

  1. Well if you haven't read it I recommend you do, it's an amazing book and one of my favorites and if you have read it that's great I'm diying to talk to other people who have read it cus they know how awesome it is! Lol.. So yeah, if uv read it what did you think and have you read a wise mans fear yet?

  2. yay! i get the first post! and yay ur on here kitty, this is gana be so much fun lol we can RP and everything. this site just got 20% cooler! =D

  3. Passion noticed that her coltfriend hadn't heard a word she had said again, he tended to space out sometimes, so she walked over to find something to munch on and maybe a drink. She saw some delicious carrots to eat and some sparkling apple cider to drink.

  4. Morning star smiled."Trust me, passion there are books and scrolls everywhere plus the nine thousand steps that need to me polished, but i won't turn away help wen it's offered so sure you can help me clean the tower just when you get done don't be shocked when you come back outside".


    "Why would i be shocked?" passion asked with genuine curiosity. She started to think of reasons as to why she would be shocked."Maybe its because when u step outside you cant see for a minute, or everything is distorted" She kept thinking to her self with a pondering expression upon her face.
  5. Morning star smiled but he went on helping set up for the party. He was humming a tune to himself that he knew when he was just foal.

    passion seemed so nice to let him help but he just went on working.


    "Oh, i didn't know it was your home. It cant be that messy, i mean I have seen some REALLY messy places" She said laughing out loud. "And even if it is i could help you clean it up if you would like" she said with a friendly smile.
  6. Morning star smiled and replied to passion."Will picture this a lone lake out somewhere in the EverFree forest and a tower in a dark gloomy fog welcoming you with the Sun going down over it just right".


    "That sounds both beautiful and creepy" She said giving a slight chuckle.
  7. "Um no I haven't" she said."What is it?" She asked curiously?. She pictured a beautiful tall golden colored tower with ivy and flowers climbing up the wall.

    Morning star notice some pony coming in. But that didn't stop him from doing his work."Ms.Page , have you ever heard of SunTower"? He waited for passion to reply to his question while he waited he continued to work.


    "Um no I haven't" she said."What is it?" She asked curiously?. She pictured a beautiful tall golden colored tower with ivy and flowers climbing up the wall.
  8. Morning star replied."Well , i like to read up on some new spells but besides that the paperwork that the collage of magi sends me keep me really busy so i don't have a lot of free time to myself". Morning star focused on working and talking to passion at the same time.


    Passion started to cook while she though about what Morningstar had said. "It must be nice to be part unicorn" She said as she thought about the possibilitys. Passion heard a faint knock on the door, it was hard to hear cus she was in the other room, she went to open it and saw embers there. "Oh hello, why don't you come in before you catch a cold" She said slightly chuckling.
  9. Morning star smiled but he went on helping set up for the party. He was humming a tune to himself that he knew when he was just foal.

    passion seemed so nice to let him help but he just went on working.


    "So what do you like to do for fun?" she asked morning star with a smile

    If the RP is full, please change the prefix to Private on the RP thread. I've already gone ahead and done so for you.


    . Sorry about that, I haven't been on much lately and my coltfriend hasent told me everything I needed to do cus I started this RP all wrong. I'll remember that in the future, thanks :)
  11. Morning star nod his head at passion. He handed her the tape and glue which he fond laying on the floor near her sofa. He spoke."So ms.Page have you ever wanted to become a scholar"? Morning star waited for page's reply.


    "I've never really had time to think about what I want to do, I've been so busy helping rais my two year old nephew I've never had time for myself" She said with a slight frown...
  12. Morning star went over and helped her with the box .


    "thanks so much for helping" she said while she smiled. "So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked curiously. "oh, HAve you seen the tape and glue anywhere?, i was thinking on making my own decorations too" she smiled.
  13. "A little bit" she said slightly embarrassed, it's just a little big she laughed. "some times I wish I was a unicorn like me dad, things would be way easier to do if I were" She chuckled at herself.

  14. Passion got the box of party supplies pinkie had given her and got to work, "I can't wait till this party, I think it will be loads of fun!" she said enthusiasticly to Morning Star.

  15. Passion shut the door behind her and Morning Star then turned around to look at him "so, what do you want to do first? we could set the table, hang the streamers, blow up balloons, the choice is yours" she said with a smile.

  16. Passion saw the purple pony and walked over to her "Hi, do you live around here?" She asked with a friendly smile on her face. "No matter if your not, here's an invitation to a party I'm having tomorrow night, I'd like it if you could come." she said still smiling "Well I have to go for now, I hope to see you tomorrow night ?" she said with a friendly smile, then walked back to Draw and Morning Star "Well draw it was very nice to meet you and I hope to see you at my party tomorrow night." she said hopefully, there was a light blush spreading across her face and she didn't know why, maybe she thought she sounded desperate "I'll see you later Draw" she said to him then turnd around and went inside assuming Morning Star would follow.

  17. "Yeah, I know I am" she said to him. "But just think how boring I would be if I was normal" she said as she leaned back in to give him one more kiss before pulling back. " what do you want to do baby?" she asked him with a smile, trying to resist he urge she had to kiss him again.

  18. Apparently the rp is full even though it says searching....


    sorry, i havent had a chance to change that cus my lil brother has been hogging our computer...



    hey, i need you to reply to the RP so we can get it going again =)
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