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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by OhWoeIsMe

  1. Imma go catch a few Zhis, then probably get arrested for kidnapping... Goodnight people!

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      'night! and watch out for the robot police! :D

  2. Just binge watched Fluffle Puff Tales, the car noise always gets to me

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      just thinking about it made me laugh. :D

  3. Been playing the MLP game from the Windows app store on PC for a few hours, it's so good

    1. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      Havent tried it, Maybe i should...

    2. OhWoeIsMe


      It's a free to play game by GAMELOFT SA, one of the first results from a search

  4. I'm finding it ridiculously tempting to eat all of this Terry's chocolate orange right now instead of just half

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OhWoeIsMe


      Go wild! :) I went on a no sugar diet for a month once and I looked no different then to what I do when I eat 1 chocolate bar/bag of sweets a day

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      it's not a weight problem, i have the kind of metabolism which makes it difficult to gain weight, not lose it. it's more of an accessibility problem

    4. OhWoeIsMe
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