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Everything posted by Omar

  1. It's sad to see that he can no longer be with us here on the forums. Farewell candy star and I hope you have a good life. God bless
  2. Ukkonen finally arrived at the dock after spending the last ten minutes trying to find his way around canterlot. Thankfully, he had encountered Steel and Grell along the way who then assured him that he was going in the correct direction. The sound of busy ponies running back and forth filled the morning air as they hurriedly prepared the ship for the voyage. It wasn't quite the same as the calm forests that Ukkonen was used to, but it wasn't too annoying. "This is it", Ukkonen thought walking towards the boat. "Depending on how long this quest is, it could be a while before I ever see equestria again. Who knows, this could even be the last time that I see Equestria". He then enters the boat.
  3. Omar

    gaming Terraria?

    So 1.3 came out today, I'm pretty hyped for it.
  4. 4/10 ehh, I can see why some people would like it; but it's just not my favorite type of music. 10/10 for the animation though.
  5. 6/10 It's definitely interesting, but not exactly the best in my opinion.
  6. Yo, welcome to this amazing community of awesome people. I'm sure that you will have a great time here and find many friends. And sorry about the loss, I can't imagine how hard it would be to lose a family member. If you ever need someone to talk to you can always PM me.
  7. You just described a lot of different fandoms... I wouldn't say that the fandoms are going too far.
  8. Omar's eyes widened as the scent of dinner grew stronger, it smelled like it was going to be a delicious meal. Curious about what they were cooking, he entered a small makeshift cooking station that was currently unmanned (that he knew of) to hopefully get a peek. "Hey, what are you doing near my stew!", yelled an unknown stallion angrily. Omar, being startled by this unknown voice, quickly backs away from the pot of stew almost bumping into the angry stallion. "What?", Omar blurted out not knowing what to say. "I said what are you doing near my stew! You aren't stealing anything are you?", the stallion asked demandingly. "Oh, well, I was just looking at what this amazing smell was, that's all. I WAS NOT thinking about stealing anything, that's just not something that I would do", Omar answered. "Ok, just making sure you weren't one of those thieves that have been roaming around. Just yesterday I had a possession of mine stolen. Thankfully it wasn't a very valuable one, but it was still stolen. Ever since I've been sure to keep an eye out for suspicious ponies lurking around my possessions, and you should too. It's still as dangerous a place as back home I'm afraid..." The cook said cautiously glancing behind his back a few times, "Oh, how rude of me. Name's Ivan Swifthammer, yours? Surprised by the friendliness of this stranger, Omar replies, "My names Omar Ironhoof, nice too meet you." *extends his hoof for a hoof shake (that's a thing right?)* Ivan accepts the hoof shake. "So you wanted some dinner right?, Ivan asked with a faint smile on his face, "There's a few bowls of it over there", He said pointing towards a table near a campfire. "Oh, how did I not notice that earlier", Omar said laughing to himself, "So you want to talk again sometime? I'd like to get to know you a bit more", he continued as he started to walk towards the table. Thinking for a moment, Ivan then replied, "Sure, though my schedule is pretty much filled with cooking food for the next few days until we get a few more cooks. Anyway, I'd better get back to cooking, have a nice evening". "You too", Omar half yelled, "Now time to actually eat something".
  9. "The sunset is such a beautiful thing", Omar thought to himself as he sat on the shore. The salty smell of the ocean filled his nostrils as he took a deep breath. As he exhaled he could see his breath turn into a mist and rise up into the air. He then began to pick up the scent of food that was being cooked somewhere near. Looking over to where most of the campfires he could see cooks making large assortments of foods to feed the masses. As he observed this, he began to notice the growing hunger in his stomach for he hadn't eaten since earlier this morning. "Now would probably be a good time to join the other ponies by the fire", He thought as he stood and started in the direction of the nearest campfire.
  10. Yo, if any of you guys are interested, CEO 2015 (a super smash bros tournament) is being streamed on twitch right now. Link to Super smash bros melee stream Link to Super smash bros for Wii U stream It's over.
  11. Another interesting technique, if you press A and R at the same time F.L.U.D.D will release a huge burst of water instead of just the normal blast.
  12. Calvin and Hobbes, never gets old.

    1. P-Jay


      "Do you think if good things lasted forever, would we still appreciate it?"

    2. Omar


      "It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept."

  13. (this is really late isn't it) "My apologies for being late, I accidentally slept a bit too long", Ukkonen said as he walked into the Royal Chambers. He then proceeded to notice that the room was empty. "Curses, I really am late", he thought to himself as he left the room. Ukkonen hurried towards the dock dodging civilians and hoping that he was going in the correct path.
  14. It's the summer solstice? I'm definitely going to be getting a Celestia avatar soon.
  15. I guess I could, but I barely ever have cereal in the first place.
  16. I've always wanted to try putting fresh fruit in cereal, but I never really took the time to actually do it.
  17. This is the eternal kingdom of Zeal, where dreams can come true. But at what price? - Doreen (Chrono Trigger)
  18. What if... Just what if it... No it couldn't be... Could it? I don't know... But if it was? No, I refuse to believe such a thing... But what if it's the truth? What if it's right? What if they're right? What if it... Was right all along?
  19. I've actually never seen you before (unless I have and you changed your name).
  20. Of the few anime that I watch, I watch it in japanese. The only exception is Dragon Ball Z since I grew up watching it in english.
  21. Just got back from a 3 mile walk. I should really do stuff like this more often.

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