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Itchy Hooves

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Posts posted by Itchy Hooves

  1. Haha! Thank you! ^^


    And indeed it is! Albeit a painted one. I considered making it an actual self-inflicted wound. But I think that even for a killer clown, that kind of scarring might make her stand out too much. Can't get away with much if everyone knows you're that kind of crazy. XD



    Posted Image

    One more picture before I go out of state to visit my boyfriend, tomorrow.

    I think I should have sketched this out on paper first. I may redo it later.

    Anyway, Dizzy/Itchy Hooves. She's simply beside herself.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. No problem! Like I said, just thought I'd share for anyone that thought their Applejack looked a little...naked without her hat. XD


    I know mine did. XD


    Truth! I hope a good one for the regular Applejack toy pops up somewhere too. Dat gurl be needin' her haaaaaat!
  3. It doesn't look exactly like the show and is not plastic. Therefore it is BAD AND WRONG AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED, RHO!


    I kid. If it was the same as the show, it would just keep falling off. The ears would make it impossible to fit exactly like in the show if it were smaller. And cloth hats are usually easier to keep on than plastic. So yeah, this is as good as it's gonna get, most likely. Thanks for sharing, gurl. :wub:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Posted Image

    This would be Itchy Hooves. Ugh... Those ugly lines... Anyway, she's just a pony version of my longtime human clownsona, Dizzy.


    Posted Image

    My best friend Rhona's pony, Dusk. This is better because I didn't to the sketch with the mouse and I used colored lines. YAAAAY!!!

    Rho's on the forums too, btw. She's a bro. Jussayin'. :wub:

    • Brohoof 3
  5. I don't think he's referring to them making fun of Bronies specifically. It's just a general example of something that makes fun of just about everybody in the same manner College Humor does. South Park doesn't get taken seriously, neither should College Humor.

  6. I personally don't believe people get 'converted' from hater to Brony. The term is just... So extreme, really. I think that some people just give the show a chance after so long and if they like it, too many people make a big deal and call it 'converting' or 'surrendering' or 'being drawn into the herd.'


    I simply think of it as someone disliked something they'd never really given a chance because it was popular to dislike it, finally gave it a chance for whatever reason, and used their new education to develop their own opinion instead of simply picking a side in a conflict that's cool to be a part of. They came to a conclusion without getting all of the information, they finally DID get the information, and they changed their conclusion. That's not converting. That's educating oneself and forming a new opinion based on that education. And heck, there was just as much chance that he still might not have liked it after watching it.


    Either way, it was wrong of him to be as hateful as he was before. But if that's changed, why hold it over his head? Same with any "hater," who happens to change their mind.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. I saw it a while ago and I thought it was quite funny actually. A little bit offending, but funny. For example, I laughed hard at "Put me anywhere just not next to the fleshlight"


    Probably my favorite part. XD

    I've been discussing this a bit on tumblr.


    Although it does perpetuate negative stereotypes I still find it hilarious!

    We all need to laugh at ourselves every once in a while.


    Sad that those Bronies do exist. I mean anypony who actually bought one of those Pony Fleshlights is probably not too far off from what the video describes! :P


    Pretty much. Every fandom has a few of those types. XD


    Part of why I just prefer to laugh at it. MLP isn't the first of my fandoms to get fun poked at it. And it certainly won't be the last. :lol:

  8. It's a bunch of slander and lies that corporate asses like FOX are going to use to attempt to attack us again. Seriously, we're already hated; do we really need more negativity added to the stereotypes everyone thinks we live by? Because I really think we don't need that crap.


    Okay, gonna be honest... This kind of attitude is one of the very things that I think makes us such a big target for ridicule. I mean for once, it was a joke, nothing serious. And secondly, College Humor linked with FOX news? Really? I highly doubt that. I mean I can understand being offended by a joke. But as was said many times before... Even a joke that offends should be taken with a grain of salt and such offense should be dealt with in a mature and reasonable manner.


    To say that any of this was influenced by FOX news is... Really kind of a paranoid attitude. College Humor deals in humor. Joking and poking fun at everybody and everything. FOX deals in biased opinions that they call news and take the shit they spout seriously. Though I'd still say their 'reports' are a joke to anyone with half a brain.


    Anyone spouting any hatred after watching that video probably hated us to begin with anyway. Not because they saw a silly animation on the internet, but because of their own ignorance to the fact that the average Brony is just like anybody else. Like Ezynell said, nobody takes College Humor seriously. They're comedians. And they make fun of everyone. Taking it seriously just shows how easily offended you are. And these reactions are what builds the hate. Not the jokes. If we could all just shrug it off or if we're offended, expressing it calmly and maturely without getting ragey and paranoid that it's some conspiracy against us, I guarantee we'd not come out looking near as bad.


    Hell, something as big as College Humor probably has a lot of people involved. And who can say that a few of them aren't Bronies themselves? I crack Brony jokes myself, from time to time. And that's just what they are. Jokes. It's not some big conspiracy to make us look bad. It's poking some fun. And the people who do take it seriously, whether Brony or Anti-Brony, have completely missed the point.


    tl;dr - By all means, if a joke offends you, be offended. But don't get ragey and paranoid about it. You just end up making yourself look just as bad if not worse than the stereotypes and give the real haters a reason to hate.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Nothing major. But I remember playing Evil Zone for the first time. I was determined to beat it on every difficulty with every character in the period of time I had it rented for. Which granted, it wasn't the most difficult fighting game. But I did end up with a nasty blister before it had to go back. I worked through it to accomplish what I wanted. But I just could not play games for a while after that.

  10. I don't mind the video,

    my issue lies in the ignorant viewers that believe that the video is how bronies really are.

    Someone on the internet was told me all bronies were like that,

    their prof was cet video.



    Yeah, people really should get to know people better before making a judgement based on a fandom. An animation intended for comedy, I can handle. But truly judgmental people, I don't like. Though I prefer to be as chill about it as I can. Taking their stupidity with a grain of salt is the best way to prove we're not like the stereotypes they're spouting, imo.
    • Brohoof 3
  11. That was super creepy weird

    There may be people like that but I hope they are less than 1%


    It's hard to say what the percentage is. I'd like to say people like that are in the minority. But even then, it's always the extreme types that draw the most attention. Simply because they put it right out there where it is seen by everyone. Those of us who are more chill about it don't get quite as much notice, I think because we don't put ourselves out there quite as much.


    In this case, it was just a joke. But there are real haters because they see the worst of the fandom through those types. But I think if the rest of us just stay cool, we can change a few minds. Maybe not the majority, but the few non-Brony friends we make might understand better that we're not all like that.


    I originally stopped the video halfway in because I was insulted. I now watched the whole thing and I do have to say the flashlight part was funny. I personally don't remember them making fun of other fandoms. However they usually are good at making it funny for both sides. What I was trying to say was that their videos are usually funny. But I do not recall seeing them make fun of another fandom. And if they did, I don't remember them having many insulting jokes. But I do change my mind because the brony video actually made me laugh after I watched the full video.

    What I'm trying to say is, I haven't seen any of their videos that made fun of another fandom. I noticed my post was kinda going in circles.


    Well, not really saying you had to like it or even go back and watch it again. I was mostly just saying that it's not the first time college Humor had done something like it. Like I said, if someone's offended, that's fine as long as they deal with it reasonably. Just... That someone who can laugh at others should be able to laugh at themselves.


    Not to be rude, just to make the point.


    But if you really did enjoy it after watching the rest, that's cool, I guess.

  12. @Tom: And that's fair enough. Finding the humor bland is a perfectly reasonable... well... Reason to not like something. Simply an opinion.


    @Dozzy: See, I don't see how it's any more insulting than some of their other stuff. Like Fire_Fly said, they make fun of a lot of subcultures. Not just bronies. So basically, to find this one insulting when there have been plenty of others directed at other groups is pretty much saying "it's funny if it's directed at any fandom but my own."


    And like I said before... Things like this aren't really directed at the whole group. They're directed at the people who take it to extreme levels. And you can't deny that Bronies like that exist. There's people like that in every fandom.


    Now if you find it offensive, as I've said, that's acceptable. But it just... Kind of rubs me the wrong people are okay with comedy that mocks other fandoms or groups but then get offended when the same kinds of jokes are made of their own fandoms or groups. I don't think a person should laugh at other groups if they can't laugh at their own.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Well, yeah, it can be taken offensively and as an insult. And I can understand that. It's mostly just a matter of staying civil about it, as Neikos Jubilee said.


    As I said, I personally found it funny because I have seen a lot of that side of the fanbase between some of the stuff on Tumblr and FurAffinity. Like the guy my friend blocked was because she had posted a G-rated picture on a G-rated account of some changes she made to her Fluttershy's hair and he had decided it was perfectly appropriate to come on to this picture and give the gritty details on what he does with his Pinkie Pie. Even worse, he continued when she had said it made her uncomfortable and asked him to leave.


    But I think the thing that gets me about some of the comments on the video were just... So extreme. It really doesn't do much to prove that the fanbase is better than that when you get the ones that come in on full rage mode. If we want to be seen as mature, than I think that those of us who aren't like that need to do our best to take a joke. Even if we don't laugh at it, at least being mature about any offense we take.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I met a brony on Omegle once. Which I guess the whole point of that site is random encounters, and it's still internet, so it may not count. But we did have a pretty good talk. Especially when she found out I was a girl too. She'd not met a lot of other girls in the fandom. Though we both still called ourselves Bronies, as neither of us really cared for the term, Pegasister. Sadly, I wasn't able to get any of her messenger info before the conversation was cut short. But it was pretty cool.

  15. Okay, I will not be linking the video, and I don't recommend looking for it if you're a child or easily offended as it gets relatively NSFW. But for those who have seen it, I was wondering what you guys thought?


    I ask this because it seems to have caused some controversy, offending some Bronies on YouTube and, unsurprisingly, erupting into a bit of a flame war between Bronies and non-Bronies.


    Personally, I wasn't particularly bothered by it. because while the portrayal may not be accurate to the majority of the fandom, I feel like I can't really deny that there is a dark side to the fandom that does fit such stereotypes. My best friend had to block such a person on Fur Affinity. And while there are haters, I do feel that a majority of these jokes are directed at the crazies, not all of us. And I prefer to laugh along. Because I have seen that dark side of the fandom. And as disturbing as it is, there's really no changing it or distorting the truth of it. So the best thing to do, in my opinion, is laugh it off and say 'glad I'm not that kind of Brony'.


    So yes, I actually got a few laughs out of the flash, despite how disturbing it was at points. While it does generalize, I still stand firmly by the belief that it's not intended to target us as a whole. Rather those bizarre few. And... Really anyone who can't take a joke.



    • Brohoof 4
  16. Well, I'm not necessarily saying these things shouldn't be lying around. Obviously, they should be there. I'm just thinking from a perspective of how it works aside from just... Writing it off as video game logic. Which it's fine to do so, I'm just someone who enjoys over thinking things and coming up with different ideas of how they could work. Even if they weren't exactly intended to be thought out so thoroughly.


    Personally, i like to think the comic relief baddies such as Gami Gami Devil tend to leave their keys under the 'unwelcome' mat and forget about it. While someone like Kefka in Final Fantasy VI would think of it as a fun way to toy with those pesky heroes.


    That point about equipment always conveniently being the right size! I think about that too sometimes. Especially when you switch equipment between characters. Leather boots that were once worn by the petite, female thief being moved over to the hulking goliath of a warrior? It's hilarious to think about. Though I imagine with the fantasy RPGs, it can be explained away as some kind of enchantment. I had read a novel based on the Fable universe where this had been the case. A gauntlet meant for a larger hand just happened to shrink and clamp down to fit a smaller person. Which makes sense going by Fable standards when you consider the fact that you may be wearing the same thing for ages, but you're constantly getting bigger as you become more experienced.

  17. Looks just like my Wallpaper...








    Well, it's probably referenced. That's how a lot of people improve. By looking at something and copying it down. It's all I did when I was first learning. XD


    Anyway, I think it looks great. Keep up the good work, OP!

  18. May as well share some art. But I'd not really done anything recent aside from what I do for my ask blog. Until today, that is. Was listening to my music on shuffle. "The Natural Playboy" from Bust-A-Groove started playing. I got inspired to draw Hiro because he's a sexy beast. So it's a start I guess.


    Sketch only. Not up to coloring right now. Maybe another time. But just as a warning, the picture is... pretty damn big. So I'm going to be putting it in spoiler tags.



    Posted Image


    • Brohoof 3
  19. Last night, I was playing PoPoLoCrois for the PSP. I had made it to Gami Gami City and had to infiltrate Gami Gami Devil's castle in order to get an important piece of a flying yacht. As is common with various RPG baddies, he even challenged me to seek out the control room where he was hiding. As expected, there were a lot of dead ends, broken elevators, and other such obstacles. But of course, through a lot of backtracking and taking routes that weren't quite as straightforward, I was able to find switches and a card key to activate everything that needed activating. And of course, when I got to him, he was completely prepared for a fight.


    Now you may be wondering what the point of sharing all this is. It's just a typical RPG dungeon experience. But that's just the thing... Your way is always blocked. But always, there is some sort of key lying around or a switch that needs pressed. It's always a little out of the way and you may have to backtrack a bit, but they're always there. Always making it possible to get through the 'impenetrable fortress.'


    Now Gami Gami may have challenged me. But the more I get to know him after that incident, the more I realize... Aside from being a brilliant inventor and designer of machines, he's none too bright...


    And it's brought me to wonder... How many villains have laid all these things out for you intentionally as a challenge to keep you busy and prove your worth before facing them? And how many are actually just stupid enough to leave their keys lying around for just about any intruder to find?



  20. Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate it! :D I still want to try and do a better version at some point. Recording right after I eat usually doesn't go too well. <.<


    I'll try to get some music in the background too, next time.

  21. Just got done watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Never gets old. ^_^


    I lost track of the number of times I've watched that since I found a VHS at the antique store way back in... I think December? By far my favorite Disney film.
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