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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by LucianZ

  1. Late happy birthday here ! I'm sorry bro, I had a medical problem and was so depressed I forgot. Excuses,excuses... :(

    1. catnet


      Hey, don't be like that D: Sounds like you were going through a lot, it's perfectly understandable when you're feeling like that to miss stuff like the birthday of a random internet guy like me :P Belated or not, I appreciate your well-wishes all the same ^-^ And, I hope things have been getting better with you since then :) Stay strong! :D *hugs*

    2. LucianZ


      Thank you friend ! *hugs*

  2. I didn't enjoy the last s5 episodes that much myself. It seemed rushed, the reformation, the backstory, the character developement of Starlight Glimmer. I enjoyed that she became a good pony, but the way she did it was cliche and boring in my opinion. Then again they probably oversimplify things for the sake of the kids who watch the show.
  3. Cynic here. I can spot a fault in everything, and sarcasm is like a first nature. Even towards myself.
  4. It won't, new generations will come as they made lots of money with G4, the internet war between bronies and the haters will go on. You can still rewatch the show, or the older series, get lots of fanart and music, read the many MLP comics out there, create art yourself etc. Also, what's up with the PonyisCool guy ? Is that a joke ?
  5. Had it dyed half blonde when I was a kid. And no, I wouldn't dye it again. I like my natural color, dark brown !
  6. So you were in touch with other bronies before the end of Sep 2011? I became one at the beginning of January this year. But in the sense of being fan of this show, not being part of the community. I still am,but I don't care much (at the beginning I was deluded too, thinking bronies will be my buddies,we'll all accept ourselves etc etc), I just kill boredom once in a while now by coming here. As for you, I get it that it might be harder for some to accept the truth. You might place more importance on this whole thing than I do, you might care more. But why not settle for waking up a few close brony friends instead of the whole fandom ? It's not like your it is your burden to be smart for others, unless they want it themselves. And if you don't succeed, why don't just leave the expectations (or the people) behind and focus only on your passion for the show ? I find the whole thing pointless to be honest. Then again, you have the experience with the community, you might've seen something more than just another fan community in this thing, you might've contributed to the developement of the fandom.I just like the show. Again sorry for being rude or if this is rude. These were my honest thoughts, I find your whole subject refreshing and pretty rare. I hope you succeed in bringing truth at least to some folks !
  7. Well I'm sorry. I just thought you agreed with the whole "imaginary comforting thing" but you might've just slightly dodged the truth in order to reach out a bigger audience. Your experience speaks for itself, you have been longer part of this fandom, than I was.I wasn't damned by many bronies because I don't post much on this forums. But when I do, I usually weigh my words carefully in order to avoid unnecessary conflict.. This is the most honest post I did on the forums I guess.
  8. "People both among us and outside from us wouldn't find us to be such a joke." People will always find you a joke and hate you even if you are "normal" by social standards or not. History proved this over and over. Why do you care so much about what people care ? "The reason for such disappointment is that I entered into this fandom with high hopes only to see it torn to pieces over multiple events." This is a forum of people having a common interest, loving a show, for different reasons. That's all. You sound like you think of it as some imaginary family, reason to feel proud or whatever. "If it comforts you, though, I will take the blame for this. I should not have entered this fandom expecting people to be anything other than people. I was naive - plain and simple." Sounds passive-aggressive as hell but okie dokie lokie! If you really thought this, you wouldn't post it, complaining about how people don't respect us and treats us as a joke. "Let - us - not - pretend - that we are anything that we in fact are not." Yeah, so everybody can like and respect us, so you can be proud of the fandom ! Not because it is unhealthy to play pretending game on the internet, which you are doing right now.
  9. I'll start with myself. I was firstly an anti-mlp dude, because it was cool to troll bronies (reactions were and still are priceless), then I became one a year later outta pure joy for the show. I used to watch many violent and horror movies that later gave me panic attacks, combined with depression and wrong people in my life... I found my way out in MLP, I guess. It reminded me of the freedom of innocence, of being a child. I'm a skinny socially-awkward dude trying to make a living in this lonely meaningless world.. This community helped me big time, and I thank y'all kindly for it ! My opinion on the fandom: Many of us don't realise this "war" with haters is meaningless. We are fans of a cartoon show, nothing more, and we tend to lose contact with reality and live in imagination in Equestria (and it is kind of weird to obsess over MLP as a grown up, but so are a shitload of other things). I used it as an escapism too, but we need jobs and educations in order to survive. Many of us get our bills payed by our parents, just so we can imagine ourselves as perfect beings (ponies). A part of the fandom consists of kids, that need to realise that gay and autistic are not insults, and stop giving in to trolls. A lot of folks need to get in touch with their real selves,to watch in the mirror and not on their online persona. Yeah.. That's how I see it, this is my opinion. I don't mind the cloppers, only the perverts posting pics of them having sex with plushies. It shouldn't bother me really, because it's not like they are in the same "family" I am, we're just talking on a forum about a passion we share. But expectations screw me over too !
  10. I have the same opinion as Kyoshi. You are part of the fandom if you are fan of the show. You can contribute even by buying merch, recommending the show to your friends, sharing your opinions with fellow bronies, practicing acceptance and pony promoted values and so on.
  11. Mom, grandma and sister know (basically all my family). Mom asked me if I'm gay when I told her, I said I'm not. Even if I was it wouldn't matter, but she wants her nephews and stuff. She knows about the cloppers, I told her while laughing my a** off while she was looking terrified. Grandma likes cartoons too, same as my sister. PS: I'm not a clopper, have nothing against them btw, whatever floats their boat! As long as they don't post pics of themselves on the net having sex with pony toys, like the guy ,,married to Twilight" did....
  12. Why does it matter if the show ends ? You can rewatch it everytime or older series; you can create comics,animations,music fanstuff to continue the MLP community until the new generation comes. I'll always be the guy who likes friendship and ponies, doesn't matter who else likes it or if the show ends. And there's Star Wars, Avatar, Furries, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Sonic, Anime, Marvel etc. fandoms you can join, if you feel like the internet community is so important. And I agree, the brony community is most welcoming and feels like family , but if you think it has no point after the show ends, move on to other series.
  13. I've only read 10 chapters of the main comic series. ,,Zen and the art of gazebo repair" is my favorite, followed by ,,Return of queen Chrysalis" and the comic about how Cadance and Shining Armor met .
  14. Pinkie, of course Pinkie ! I love Discord also for his plans and trolling, and ol' Big Macintosh for being ol' Big Mac.
  15. Here's the petition everypony : https://www.change.org/p/bullies-make-bullies-stop. I think it will help some people, but i doubt it will make a big impact. I think this community, this brony site is the perfect response for bullying. I mean rotten people existed and will exist. We standing for each other, accepting and supporting each other as flawed as we are bring us together. Learning that we're unique, beautiful even if we defy the standard definition of "cool" or "normal". TV/ads sure encourage bullying by setting the standards of what's normal/ what's not. Communities, cartoons, serials like MLP that bring us together and make us go past the definitions of the media, imo is the anti-bullying best tool. And we should not stop here. We can fight and be proud of who we are and motivate others by example. Sorry for the rant everypony.. I have strong feelings about bullying, as I was bullied myself.
  16. You have to read the comics, if you didn't yet. The,,Nightmare Rarity" arc explains stuff about moon magic. I haven't really read all the books but if you need more info PM me, i'll help with my collection.
  17. Very nice theory. In my opinion their magic powers are based on the Sun/Moon, where they draw their energy from. And one thing to add, Luna has summoning offensive spells, not sure about Celestia. If only someone made a MLP rpg, if not a full PC game at least a good flash game...
  18. Nami is very nice, CC and heals packed together. I'm not sure about Bard yet, i didn't test him. @Drasamo: Thank you for the suggestion, I've played Lulu support before and i always end up with 5/6 kills. And the adc gets pissed, feels weird.
  19. Who is playing on EUNE feel free to add me :ffCloud11. I usually play support and jungle. By the way, who is the better 6300 ? Bard, Nami or Lulu ? I mean for a gold elo player.
  20. Actually it's be proud of watching cute stuff about friendship, magic, family, even when everyone else is calling you names and considers it a taboo. It's self acceptance, not worshipping a show.
  21. Preach it Snake ! There are other fandoms who feel threatened for whatever reason, and need a war with bronies to get more attention and popularity.
  22. I'm proud to be a brony as well. Told my parents and we made a laugh about it, they watch it too now, my lil sis is a brony now. I told my friend and he called me weird. I will buy an AJ shirt to go take the summer exam, people can like it,dislike it, it's their problem not mine. As Brad Blanton (,,Radical Honesty" author) says: you will be hated on and hurt even if you live your life being nice, stepping on eggshells just to please everyone.
  23. Youtube seemed to be better a few years ago. Now, it is full of overused bad jokes (lluminati confirmed, r8 m8 gr8, tip your fedora), trolls who think "gay" and "autistic" are insults, religious people/atheists arguing all over the place even at kitten videos, pretty much just people trying to prove everyone they are better by spamming and having the last word. I had a guy curse me in 10+ comments because I said i'm against WW3 and we're all equal people. In the end he apologised and said he respected my calmness, but still supported WW3.. Probably was trolling, but by the number of replies he left i don't think so.
  24. I am aware they put effort in it and I agree they should have they own fanbase and be supported as entertainers. Just not to the point it's considered a fulltime job. It is just my opinion, I'm sorry if i ofended anyone again.
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