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Posts posted by Porrima

  1. Ok, I'm happy to say 1.2 seems to be working. Invert mouse and subtitles on, and I haven't so far seen anything that's obviously broken - except that the invert mouse checkbox in the game as opposed to the menu is still unchecked, but this time both ivert mouse and dialogues /graphics /sounds seem to work. I'll keep on and tell if something horrible happens.





    E: Finished the game, all seems clear to me.  


    While it's certainly a duty of a game designer to fix bugs, I'm still impressed and happoy that you very promptly began working with something that might have been hard to focus on and what probably didn't affect too many people, in a free short game.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Okay, back here. And, I've confrimed now the problem. Note that this is BEFORE trying 1.2 - I will try if you've fixed that and comment on that too, but I think it might be valuable to tell this with the 1.1 experience too, in case you've not fixed the correct thing: 


    As I started my playing this game in the very start of all, I did this: I went to options before anything else, as with every game. I clicked on invert mouse and subtitles if they weren't already. I go in, problems happen in level 2+


    Today, I tried to fiddle with the subtitles thing as you asked, to see if that tab vanishes or reappears. It doesn't. Every time  I try, enterin gthe level with it on, it off, clicking it off or on in the level etc. it's the same in the menu. 


    Then, I finally tried something I hadn't even tried to before, of which I apologize. I turned invert mouse off and went to levels 2+


    And the dialogues work, so does Twilight's grunting, and now that shadow ball even has eyes! It DID NOT have eyes before, and I didn't even know it was supposed to have :P

    I tried with subtitles off or on. Doesn't matter.

    If invert mouse is on, levels 2+ do not work  at least with whatever combination of hardware I and that guy had.


    It makes me laugh a bit that the reason no one else in this thread said anything is probably that no one else in this thread grew up on flight simulators and space opera fighters where you move as a plane does, nose pointing up as you pull down. Because of that I cannot use a mouse even in 3d-games except inverted :P


    So, it would be fun if the invert mouse can be made to work. I will now try 1.2

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I've seen at least one without commentary, yes.  I'll have to find it again.  And I honestly don't know what's different about the first level that isn't the same on the other ones, aside from the little wake-up cinematic at the beginning of it.  They all transition from a storybook sequence to a gameplay sequence and have the same key objects.

    What really confounds me about this is how totally and utterly things aren't triggering when the bug happens.  On the other person who had the same issue, he had subtitles enabled, so when it was supposed to have been playing Twilight quotes, at the very least it should have printed the subtitle for it, which means the bug was preventing it from even getting that far.  So it's not just an audio bug, it's actually breaking out of the script at that point, which could also explain why the focusing wasn't doing anything either.


    On the other hand the fact that the focusing is TRYING to play a sound effect and immediately interrupts itself could be significant.  That means it's getting to the point in the script where the sound plays, but not far enough to set the fact that focusing started (which would normally prevent the sound from cutting itself off repeatedly).  Hmm...




    Ok, the two functions I mentioned are literally a line apart from each other.  Once it checks everything necessary to start focusing, it runs a script to have Twilight start to play the exertion sound, and then it immediately sets a flag letting the program know that it is in the middle of focusing.  The lines look like this:


    vs.Speak (((int)(Random.value * 5)),1,false,0,1F);
    isfocusing = true;
    On the first line, it tells the voicescript (vs) to run the Speak function with these parameters:
    • Which voice clip index to play (here it chooses a random number from 0 to 4, the indexes for the five possible exertion sounds)
    • Its importance level (here set to 1 so that it doesn't interrupt other more important things like actual dialogue)
    • Whether or not the sound needs to loop (this one doesn't, so it's set to false)
    • The time delay before it should start the sound (here set to 0 so that it plays immediately)
    • The volume level of the sound from 0 to 1 (here set to 1 so that it plays at full volume)

    On the second line, it sets isfocusing to true so that it won't run this section of code the next time, which prevents it from triggering the Speak function over and over.


    Now, in the Speak function itself, it sets up everything for the sound to play, but even if the delay is 0, it still won't begin playing until the next tick since it has to reach the Update function to check how much time has passed.  This is where my confusion sets in.  If in fact the problem is happening in the middle of the Speak function and causing the script to break, that could potentially cause an error and stop the script from running, which prevents it from reaching the second line and allows it to run this section every tick, which could lead to the repeating sound... EXCEPT for the fact that if it broke in the middle of the script, it shouldn't play the sound in the first place since it would have to wait until the next tick for the sound to start playing.  The script breaking might explain why the other Twilight clips aren't playing at all, but it doesn't explain why this one IS playing.  Unless...


    Unless it ISNT the one that's repeating.  As I'm typing this, I remember that there's another line that plays just before the Speak function:


    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (spellstart,transform.position);


    This plays that little spell sound effect that you hear whenever a spell begins (such as toggling on the light, starting a teleport, opening a door, etc.)  If THAT sound is the one that's repeating, then that could explain everything.  The Twilight voice script is breaking, which in turn causes whatever script is running it to error and stop running to completion, and in turn explains why the one sound plays but then fails to run the very next line in the code... and why everything that's breaking revolves around Twilight quotes.


    Yes, I'm certain that's the script that's breaking now.  But I don't know what's causing the actual break.  Level 1 runs the same script as every other level, there's literally no difference in it other than level-based sound indexes that aren't even touched here.  So I know generally WHERE it's happening now but not WHY.



    There is something different: the tutorial messages on level 1 and no other levels. Do they matter?


    Went in to check a bit more. Tried to see if anything is different when picking level 1 from the level tab instead of just starting a game : still works, other levels don't. On level 5 for some reason all sound effects vanished at one point but came back when I returned to the menu and back. 


    One rather interesting thing I noticed which might not matter or might: On level 1 I have invert mouse checkbox filled, as it should. On other levels which don't work, that invert mouse checkbox ISN'T filled, but the mouse is still inverted. Ergo, some sort of script or trigger vanishes here too, even though the effect remains.




    Edit: Hey, I'm a muffin now. for a blank flank into an edible. betterment?

  4. He didn't, nor did he tell me if removing the hardware solved the problem or not.  As he was the only person to encounter the problem, I wasn't terribly worried, but now I am since it happened to more than one person.


    One more question, are you playing v1.0 or v1.1?  He had v1.0, so I wanted to see if it was still happening in v1.1 or not.


    The problem happens on both. I actually went back to your site to see if there was an update because of this problem.


    Since everything works on level 1, one would assume it has something to do with the transition of levels or how some scripts load on second level but not on first or something, and which cause problems with some specific hardware / software / OS / face of user since it doesn't happen to most people, probably. 


    Unfortunately I don't know much about coding at all so I can't say. :|


    (If all fails, is there a 100% let's play without any spoken commentary so you can sort of see the game as if played)

  5. I saw one other person have this issue, and I don't know what caused it.  The person never got back to me about it, but he suspected that it was due to some extra hardware he was using (he was using a controller called the Razer Tartarus).


    Odd. I have known before, that when playing RPGmaker games, which is sort of kind of similar, if I have my fight stick or gamepad inserted, the controls do not work properly. However, this isn't a sound or gameplay related as such. I unplugged the gamepad (I was playing with a keyboard and razer's diamondback mouse, but a mouse regardless) and tried, but no go. Of course it might be I have to restart without the gamepad on and try that, but still would feel really weird if it was about that. 


    Did he give any specifics on what hardware he felt was the problem and why it might be?

  6. The Season 5 opener sucked and was a huge let down.


    This certainly shouldn't be an unpopular opinion.

    My unpopular opinion: A lot of fans are so mentally / personally invested in pony that they cannot see / accept that the show / some episode of it really isn't very good anymore, even if they would recognize this from some other work they'd be neutral about.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Hello.


    Had to make an account here just for commenting on something. I'd like to play this game, but unfortunately it sort of stops working after the first level. 

    The first level works fine. Twilight talks, things work. I've tried going through it many, many times. 

    When you enter the second level, a whole lot of things bug out forever.

    1.) Twilight doesn't talk anymore. At first I didn't even realize it and went all the way to level 7 before actually noticing she hadn't talked at all.

    2.) Focus magic stops working. It gives this really annoying sort of buzzing sound and freezes the game for as long as I keep the button pressed. Magic doesn't recharge, stamina doesn't drop. This made it rather annoying to go to level 7, since you had to wait for the magic to regenerate all the time.

    3.) Many notes become unreadable. I right click on them, and the game sort of freezes until I right click again, as if I'm seeing the note, but I am not. 


    Ergo, not quite working I'm afraid. Skimmed through the thread and I'm rather surprised no one else seemed to have such large issues.


    64-bit Windows 7. Not english version if it matters. Tried the game on C: root too.

     Radeon HD 5870. Drivers up to date. Certainly enough RAM and processor for this sort of a game.


    Any ideas, or just a thing that's unlucky for me?


    Want more information of any sort?



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