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Angel Wings

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Everything posted by Angel Wings

  1. <p>reasons this epi ROCKED<br /> <br /> 1.the countless new meme faces</p> <p>2.the running on the leaves reference <br /> 3.the GoT reference</p> <p>4.the Grinch reference </p> <p>5. the 5 stages of grief</p> <p>6.the matching dash and tank slippers </p> <p>7.the dash solo song</p> <p>8.the music sounding slightly like Rainbow Factory when Dash was sneaking into the facility </p> <p>9.Dash crying </p> <p>10.AJ cries on the inside</p> <p>11. the clear skies, open skies, fluffly clouds joke<br /> </p>
  2. College is rough, so much to get done so little time!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angel Wings

      Angel Wings

      I remember high school. it was bad! but i'd take it over college. I running on little energy

    3. Thunderchild


      And once you start work, you'll wish you were back in college.

    4. SoGxTrixie


      =3 only if you had magic. "wait" you will still have to study magic .-. good luck with your colleges studies.

  3. 1-8 are confirmed and i have heard talk of 19. the rest seem a bit...out there. the last two are possible but the ponies from glimmers home have been remarked and its unlikely a same villain from the first 2 parter comes back in the final 2 parter. it'll be too over done
  4. It's pinkie....sooo i go with Theory 2. She is just plain weird and has her weird pinkie sense even as a human lol that's what i thought. it's pinkie. why are we questioning her doings ever the human pinkie. lol i gave up questioning her after season 1 XD :okiedokielokie: irony when pinkie guesses perfectly twis. secret XD twis. thoughts: I thought you said you don't do this psychic stuff O.o
  5. Sonata is best. i love how out there she is and her lack of evilness makes her lovable and most likely to reform is the creators choose to reform any of them
  6. it'll be a while sadly but i feel the same my guess is...mid to end of season 5 they will start making it known. just keep an eye one youtube for shorts or online. they might start popping up before you know it
  7. best EG song yet!!!! its so powerful and heartfelt i teared up! i think it really shows how Shimmer feels about all she has been though.
  8. EG 3 is called Equestrian Games. its a big sports competition btwn Wondercolts and Shadowcolts (a rival school) so my guess is they might be the villains? or someone on their team. Maybe Human Twi. will play a part?
  9. CONFIRMATION!!!! there IS an EG3 called Equestrian Games coming out. McDonalds has the toys already out though there is no official release date for the movie its predicted to come out at seasons 5's end like the other 2 movies did
  10. tbh i don't see a point in reforming them. they are sirens which in mythological tales, are quite evil. therefore making them good will make them lose there whole personality
  11. Remember it was a nightmare. AB only dreamed/heard what she FEARED. which was her friends abandoning her
  12. VERY good epi! at first i thought AB's shadow was Glimmer o.o but when her cutie mark was removed with out blue magic I knew it was luna again. I also though her shadow sounded like of lik HIM from PPG. On a side note: i think the show hinted what Scootaloo's and SB's cutie marks will end up being Very much so. then again the girls ARE getting older
  13. Edited Pic of AngelWings https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10644828_873126329394524_8182154930840408460_n.jpg?oh=0d54d2e7ce6cd131a799b79becc2b749&oe=559E18A0
  14. GREAT episode! 1. Angel being a moody bunny again xD 2. BULK BICEPS is a masseuse XD and pick Spike up with his biceps 3. Though predictable when Twi's friends get their favorite things for the castle it was still funny to see them fight over the clutter afterwards 4. The end with the tree root chandelier with the diamond memories (I want something like that lol) 5. I believe this is the first episode where Celestia isn't mentioned at all I love when Pinkie said that XD everyone looked at her like wtf Pinkie that's not a good memory!
  15. I have 2 I'm working on 1. is with my OC 2. Chrysalis's backstory. How she became who she is today
  16. I'd like to try. I have little RP experience but I can try
  17. Lyra and Bonbon are cannon. Now lets cannon Drepy and the Dr.! ^.^
  18. Dr. Whooves in 3 words.... I'd date him XD
  19. Dear Celestia, Today I learned don't force your beliefs on others....it's a pain in the flank....literally XD
  20. Great start! Love how Pinkie is not fooled at all. Nothing gets past her. Wonder if we will see Starlight again?
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