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Posts posted by HailTrixie

  1. Flash gets his hate because he has no real personality, nor does he have any impact on the movies - he's pretty much nothing but filler and he doesn't need to be there.


    He's just the super cliche cool pretty-boy that's usually reserved for shitty teen movies like Highschool Musical or something, (I haven't even seen HM but I can pretty much guarantee that it has its own Flash Sentry) and this gen of MLP is known to most of its fans as something that distances itself from other shows with similar premises in terms of quality, so when something cliche like this happens, it just feels cheap.


    On top of that you have poor character design too.

  2. This episode was amazing. 10/10 would watch at least 10 times again. The fact that it was a musical normally would have pissed me off but I feel like that for something like this, it fits and makes perfect sense.


    I've always been a Diamond Tiara hater so I thought when Diamond Tiara got her solo I wouldn't feel anything. Wow was I wrong. Her solo actually managed to make me feel sorry for her. I'm really glad she's 'reformed' now (like most other MLP villains >_>).


    And the ending... Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hit me right in the feels and my heart instantly melted. And as if that wasn't enough, Applejack had to mention her parents and make my heart evaporate instead. And then I was waiting for the Rarity and Sweetie Belle line that would be equally amazing but nope, Rarity didn't deliver because Rarity = worst horse.


    Even though they don't exist, I'm so happy for the CMC that they finally got their cutie marks. Also, Button Mash's several appearances was awesome. A Button Mash episode would be great, Hasbro. kthnx


    So yeah, this episode was amazing and is definitely in my top 10 favourite episodes. Every song was great, the visuals were great, the voice acting was great, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were great, everything was great.


    My only question now is what will the next CMC episodes be about? Pretty much every CMC episode has revolved around cutie marks, but now that they have them I'm wondering what will be in store later on. I can't wait to find out.   :catface::unamused: :scoots:

  3. I seriously couldn't decide whether or not I liked most of the episode. It was enjoyable and entertaining for sure though, so it's certainly not bad (a big improvement from Canterlot Boutique though... god that episode was a disgrace). That's how I felt for most of the episode, up until the ending. Oh my god it was the most touching thing ever. Unless I'm derping out and having a mind blank, I think this is the first time MLP has made me feel genuine feels for the characters. It was such a great scene.


    I'd also just like to say that Big Mac's voice actor is awesome.

  4. Okay, so I feel like I'm one of the only ones that really didn't like this movie. Right now the order of 'goodness' is: Rainbow Rocks, EQG, This.


    To me, the songs were forgettable and really just nothing special. Not terrible, but not good, either.


    The six (Five? There were either five or six) Crystal Prep vilain students didn't get looked into at all. One was shown to be kinda like a Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch mix, I guess, one was a wierd sarcastically kind girl, and the other was an angry person. The rest didn't get looked into. So okay, those personalities aren't that bad, let's see how this goes, how they develop. They don't. And no, a sudden reformation from bad to good at the very end doesn't count. I feel like if they were important enough to show up alongside the Mane 6 in the intro bit, then they should have got some real scenes.


    Another big problem I have is that not much really happened. You've got the race, and the climax in the end. That was pretty much it. The contest itself (apart from the race and archery which was cool) was just montaged through. Twilight vs Sunset was pretty cool, but it happened so fast. Nothing like a quick montage to rush through things because the timing was screwed up. I guess you could count the Mane 6 being stripped of their magic 'stuff happening', but those scenes were fast and ended quickly. On that note, why did the Mane 6 not even seem to care that much? Sunset Shimmer seemed to be the only one that was concerened. Even when Fluttershy saw Twilight suck her magic out (ahem) right in front of her, she was just like "Damn. That sucks. Oh well, I guess I won't question it any further".


    Now, the climax of the movie, which everyone loved. I... I didn't love it. At all. It was soooo cliche! "Ohh nuu, an evil version of the normally good protagonist! This has never happened before! How could we have predicted this?" The evil version of the protagonist has been done to death. On top of that, they didn't even do much cool stuff with it. We saw the portals opening - why not have someone fall in, or have a pony come through into the human world and become humanised? Why not have something terrible happen (and then be solved)? Nope, Twilight acted threatening and thenOH SHIT WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT WRAP IT UP GUYS


    All in all, this movie was really disappointing for something I was so hyped about. I just hope the pony movie won't end up like this.


    Also, what's up with Cadence and Shining Armor? SA is definitely a student, but was Cadence? I don't remember. I assume her role was explained but I have no idea.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Chapter 8 is done (finally). It involves Trixie :3


    We're almost done! Sorry if this post is a little spammy. I was excited about chapter 8 when it was finished so I wanted to announce it, heh.

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