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Posts posted by EndenDragon

  1. Yo what are you thinking? I am student learning how to animate in adobe flash. My youtube channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/TheCraftedDragon, christmas special animation coming soon...

    I have some questions - When is the animation need to be finished by? (i have so many planned for now up until early February, so if you wanted something done by then, it be hard...ish)

    Do you have a youtube channel or something? What characters do you want to have it animated (OC or canon). How long does the animation have to be?

    I may be willing to do it for free (depending on what to be animated), but I also have a paypal, steam, etc.

  2. v4z0mvt.jpg


    Attention background artists! My name is Jeremy, but most people refer me to my online persona - EndenDragon. I am the founder of a small YouTube channel, TheCraftedDragon, where I upload various videos from Minecraft Machinimas to some of the popular My Little Pony animations. I am currently a student learning how to animate in flash and I need your help.

    I am currently working on a Christmas special using the newly released song, "It's a Pony Kind of Christmas." Art isn't my thing (MS Paint is too pro for me), so I need some of your help in designing some backgrounds for my next animation. The backgrounds that I am looking for either needs to be a vector (SVG or AI) or a really large PNG (boneswolbach's background sizes are perfect! Check him out if you need to know the dimensions.). Both formats are equally preferred!

    Some of the backgrounds I need are as follows (In order of priority):
    - Various Canterlot Entrances (see the "At the Gala" song for reference) winterfied
    - Winterfied Sweet Apple Acres
    - Various outdoor winter scenes
    - Ponyville winterfied
    - etc.

    I also in need of someone who could design props (Christmas tree, presents, etc), that would be greatly helpful.

    I will be crediting each and every backgrounds I use (please tell me how I can credit you - deviantart, youtube, etc). You may also modify existing backgrounds (eg. in MLP-vectorclub deviantart). But please tell me so I may credit both you and the original artist.

    Also, please note - I cannot accept any backgrounds which has FALLING snow or any ponies in the scene. They will look frozen in the animation as I cannot remove them from the background before importing it in flash.

    Here is a preview of Fluttershy's scene (NOT FINAL):
    [Video - https://youtu.be/ZIi6N3axhtU]

    If you would like to help, hit me up via email: TheCraftedDragon@gmail.com, PM, or simply post a reply here.

    I am looking forward to be having your help on my next animation and hopefully have the animation to be released before Hearth Warming Eve (Christmas Eve if you don't get it..)! Thank you for taking your time reading this and have a nice day!

    Best Regards,
    EndenDragon /)

  3. I'm pretty okay at doing Twilight and Rainbow Dash impressions, so I could try out to be one of them or a background pony? I don't have a voice reel yet but I guess I'll come up with one soon. I just need to find the time and space (because honestly, I don't want my family around whilst I'm impersonating characters from MLP, I talk to myself enough anyway) to record samples maybe :) Sorry if I end up not submitting an audition and therefore not being a part of this. It would be a shame, I just don't really like anyone around while I'm doing something like that... and my family never seem to sit down.

    okay- get to me when you have the chance! :P

    • Brohoof 1
  4. my apple bloom is on my channel. fireboltvoices. I don't know how to put them up on mlp forums. 

    thanks! I will take a look at it when i have a chance! :lol:


    I could do a few lines of background voice acting if my YouTube channel gets credited for it

    Yes - I will be crediting voice actors. do you want the link to your youtube channel in the description of the animation? or just your username of the channel be fine? :dash:   And also - do you have a voice reel? ^_^

  5. hi I know I'm late reading this. but are you still looking? if so I can do fluttershy apple bloom and twilight. if not I understand.

    Ah I already have all my voice actors in line and have the script already written https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SPAhvKKMEGeDGwzZttd1bjrj4ULgGOL8eGgMpRhwkl4/edit?usp=sharing

    But I can still recruit some voice actors to replace some current parts as you guys might have a better voice than my current actors. If you have a voice reel - please send them to me (post here or PM - i dont really mind).



    I could be a BG pony.


    Yay for extras?

    Thanks! If I have any background positions available - ill contact you  :squee:. The position will probably show up in the middle of animating when I thought of a background voicing.
  6. I'd like to apologise for the late response first of all. Not very active on here these days.

    But I'll ask the team if we need an animator right now. Then I'll get back to ya.

    We do need an animator. But we're animating using a program called blender. Not flash.

    Basically we need a 3d animator. As that is the way you animate in blender.

    Ah sorry, i am not familiar with Blender. I only use adobe flash.

  7. Hey, I was wondering if there are any spike flash puppets with lipsync. The ones I found so far on deviant art with a simple google search only have spike without the lipsync. I am working on an animation and I need a spike puppet that talk, I cannot make a puppet on my own cus i suck. I watched some youtube videos on some animations that includes Spike - how did they get the puppet to work for lipsync?


    EDIT: I found it! Thanks YoshiGreenwater! http://yoshigreenwater.deviantart.com/art/Spike-Flash-Puppet-510619084

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I would like to do it and I'm not a professional voice actor but I think I can voice act some of the ponies so to enter should I put a link from YouTube and the link should have all the ponies I'm voice acting for

    I say YouTube because I have a YouTube channel and I could uploada video with me voice acting the ponies then I shall comment the link and you can check it out :)

    I say YouTube because I have a YouTube channel and I could uploada video with me voice acting the ponies then I shall comment the link and you can check it out :):D

    Do you have a voice reel? Could I see them?

  9. It has been a while as my summer has just started! Summer school is over so here I am writing a post about the updates that I have been doing recently along this project.


    One important milestone was to write a script (YES! I did it!). You can read it here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SPAhvKKMEGeDGwzZttd1bjrj4ULgGOL8eGgMpRhwkl4/edit?usp=sharing

    (Compliments/Suggestions are appreciated!)


    From that document, I will update the voice actors I find and are confirmed to be willing to participate to voice a certain role.


    For now- I am looking for some potential voice actors that could fill these spots (Please post your auditions when requesting a role.  :please:)


    I will see what we could do from there...


    EDIT: New blog created for updates to the development. This thread is just for voice acting requests.


  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash

    How did you find MLP Forums?:

    Google is my friend! :)

    (And also thanks to LittleshyFiM for the suggestion)

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

    I was looking for a great show after watching all the episodes of Adventure Time last summer. I was looking through the wikipedia (or wikia) and I found MLP... My first episode was Winter Wrap Up (Because the wiki mentioned something of Magic use - and I kinda is interested into it back then). So here I am :)

    Hello everypony!

    My name is EndenDragon, and I enjoy creating videos and animations. I came to this forum so I could post my voice actor opportunity (LittleshyFiM suggest me that). I run a small youtube channel, of most of the videos I have is from Minecraft - but ever since this summer has started - I have been trying to learn and play with flash animations. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I enjoy creating them. Here is my latest PNV I had made.




    I am also looking for voice actors for my upcoming animation (HINT: Celesta & Supernova). I hope that didn't reveal too much, and I am looking forward to contribute to the MLPForums community and the MLP community in general!


    Thank you so much for reading this post & have a nice day! :)

    • Brohoof 13
  11. LittleshyFiM Profile Flash Puppet


    Version 1






    This is a flash puppet for LittleshyFiM. I have included the original image Littleshy had sent me compared to the puppet I have made. The flash puppet is created in Adobe Flash CC 2013, but should have a backwards compatibility with Adobe Flash CS6.




    When using my puppet, PLEASE credit me (EndenDragon) and include to this page and/or my youtube channel -> www.youtube.com/TheCraftedDragon Thank you so much!







    Puppet base credit to bronyanimstudios.

    Thank you LittleshyFiM in helping me out with this flash puppet by giving me the resources. Appreciated!

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