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Posts posted by Qliphoth

  1. So long as it's yours and not someone else then you should be fine.


    Yeah but almost everything in his video is from somewhere else... it's kind of tricky to put something on the internet these days, but he can always upload it and see what he gets (most of the time it's fine, many AMVs on youtube are still there even from a few years back).


    At least you didn't upload anything from nintendo/sega/fox/disney, that's going to make you lose that video in a few seconds...

  2. So 4chan has officially gone back by two numbers. That is...odd. :P


    I have never used 4chan so I cannot comment on how I feel, though I have heard mostly bad stories of it so...I may never go to it even now.


     Well, i get why you would only hear bad things about it... it's just one of those "time wasters" you check and post for fun (with any kind of people in it, any). If you want to check it out, thought, be prepared to see some really weird stuff.


     However, im pretty sure it won't change that much now. i mean, by god, it hasn't change since 2004/2006 o whenever it was created...

    • Brohoof 2
  3.  Call it a "crash of cultures" if you must, but from where i come from. Cursing is not such a big of a deal.


     You see, i am from south america (vivan los tacos) and there everyone curses. In fact, at my university everyone calls themself as "marico/a" which means something like "faggot" over there, is just our way to say "dude" which is my way to say: yeah, we curse kind of often. I have never related swearing to "being stupid" or "being inmature" it's just the way people talk, if they choose to say it that way they can, it's none of my business.


    Look, what i'm saying is not "you should curse your way out of everything" it is: "yeah, don't take it so seriously. It's just a few words and their meaning are dictated by society" you decide the power words have over you, not who's saying them.


    I mean, my nickname is qliphoth and none has ever tell me anything about "offending them" yet.

  4. I'm an atheist as well... but I don't know how good of an idea this thread is on a forum website with a diverse community.


    See, I don't know how this conversation will turn out, but most atheist discussions I've witnessed involved negative criticisms on religions. While I do believe that criticism is a good thing as it challenges one's own mindset and gets the gears turning... People may get offended by potential conversations.


    Usually I wouldn't care if people get offended about the criticism that some atheists toss at others, but I dunno, I am just not a fan of these sorts of conversations in the brony community because it gives potential for people to divide themselves into "them" and "us" groups. This is why I dislike the Christianity thread. I kinda like staying united as a community... it's the only one I've ever felt truly welcome in. I feel like if we define ourselves by our religious stances instead of our bronyhood, then we may lose some of the tight-knit qualities.


    But I digress. You guys have fun :). I don't think I'll be participating here though. But brohoofs to all my atheists! See you around!


     Well, yeah. I have been reading these post for a few days and i have to say i did see a lot of "i hate the church" and "god sucks" from time to time but overall i feel a lot of people have that nice "i just don't believe because there isn't evidence about it" that makes me glad about this thread.


     Don't take me wrong, you're right this is a delicate topic to have in a forum (in a MLP forum nonetheless) but a lot of people here (and in the christian thread) seen to have a great way of showing what they believe. Besides, everyone is free to believe whatever they believe and is thanks to this kind of thread we can all share our beliefs. And you know what? it's thanks to us sharing those belief we can grow and learn, expand our worlds and our belief.


     I've learned to not be ashamed by what i believe by talking with people about it and i hope we can have that kind of impact in someone else.



     DANG, that was an old post. My bad, didn't see it was a post from 2 years ago, i thought i was in the lastest page. 


    Basically, I think that we shouldn't punish criminals, or "bad" people, but instead do everything we can to get them back into society as functioning members of it. In fact, our judicial system and many other parts of our politics are too preoccupied with the notion of deserving things. In a country as rich as the U.S., where there can certainly be more than enough for everyone, "deserving" things is a superfluous notion we can afford to do away with. We shouldn't ask what people deserve, but instead what they need.

    So, in case you're wondering, basically communism. Real communism, not the horrible failures we've seen so far.



     That's what prison are for, sweethearth. They are not the place where you go to get "punish" it's the plac where criminals go to be "re-educated" or at least that's what it "IS".


     I don't know, i'm not from USA so i can't say how well your criminals are doing in the "let's screw with the system" party. What i do know is that over here jail is way, i mean WAY MORE THAN PUNISH. i think we should work on that...


    I don't want to get your debate out the topic, what i'm trying to say here is that: Justice is a pretty hard concept to execute, and your system, no, wait; and our system is not perfect at all... some people just don't get "justice".


     Even in "heaven" and "hell" i think justice would be a really hard concept to do well.

  6. As do I. It comes with the territory of being a free thinker.


    It's just... kinda hard to explain that I believe life is meaningless, when I don't actually believe life is meaningless, y'know? I understand what you mean and it makes sense to me, but the trouble is putting it into words that aren't contradictory. The best I can do is say that I believe life is meaningless, but as a result, it is up to me to create my own meaning in life. But a lot of people don't really "get" that.


    I wouldn't kill someone, per se, but if nothing really matters (and yes, I do believe nothing really matters), I can't really explain why I would follow such a moral obligation. I can't really explain how it all makes sense, because I'm not sure that it does.


     I wouldn't say life is "meaningless" at all. Some people say if life is not about doing X (insert whatever you want to do with your life) then it doesn't have a meaning at all. Some people even say "if your life is not about making god feel good then you have nothing to live for" which i think is a really poor way to look at this wonderful world.


     Life is not meaningless, it's just an open space, you're free to do what you want to do, whatever you want to do is fine as long as it makes your time worth something. I remember a long time ago a chess champion said "If you haven't play chess in your life you're missing the best part of it" or something like that and i don't mind that, he loves chess and i love what i do too.


     Think of it like minecraft, you choose what you want to do in minecraft. The game is telling you: "Here, have an open space and do whatever you want" that is life to me, it doesn't have a "meaning" but it doesn't mean you don't get to put your time on something you want. Besides, i like chess.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. So, let me get a shot on this one:


     Get a business.

     Make it so this business sells something useless but trendy. (take some of that money to make the media sell it for me)

     Sell pieces of my business.

     Buy pieces from other business whom also do the same.

     And repeat until the world is mine.


     I'm sure done well this can make you infinite money so i think i would do a lot of things you do too... ice cream sounds like the best idea to me right now.

  8. I think I would say "I don't believe in the existence of God (or gods.)"

    If you use a polite tone of voice (assuming this is in real life,) and they still get offended, there is not much you can do.


     That much is the case, indeed. For those who don't know a youtuber called dark matter2525 made a video a while ago talking about this issue: 


     Not everyone out there is happy about people not believing in god so you have to be careful about saying it, of course none of you if going berserk telling everyone this but even then, you wouldn't want to get people to hate you just because of that...


     As for me: I'm just your regular everyday atheist. 

    • Brohoof 2
  9.  I guess i did stop being a brony once the show took a break. It's not like i stopped watching what a lot of people in the fandom did (because they can make very nice pony-related stuff).


     However i started doing some other things and that took a lot of my time (i blame league of legends for that). 


     So i'm going to say yes, but i can see a lot of people here whom didn't have that problem.

  10. Many Anti-Bronies like hurting others feelings or something. Normally I would think they're jealous over how many people are in the fandom. But now that I have been teased over the years, I have noticed something almost exactly the same thing that they all 3-5 people did. They most likely found it strange, and not normal. Like, come on a grown person watching something little kid related, they gotta be more mature! Thats exactly what happened. Being one of the mature people at my school, words flew out of control once I was caught in public with a MLP portal shirt. (Which is one of my favourite shirts) So lots of people just like to be better than everybody else, immaturity out of the question, they gotta be the cool ones here.


     That was a good comment, really, however i feel like i need to add something to it:


     There are many mean anti-bronies out there, that much is sure, however there are some people whom just don't like the show at all (for any reaso, it doesn't matter) and see it as childish so they think you are "like a child for watching it" yet again, that's their opinion and i (nor us) can't do much to change it.


     They will be against it just because they see it as something for kids and that's it. My point is, not everyone is a hatter, but there are many hatters and i can see why you would think that's the case.


     BTW: That part about "everyone wants to be better" that's true, and someone making fun of people just because they see a show to make yourself feel better is not really going to work...

    • Brohoof 2
  11.  Thanks everybody! i can't tell you how happy it makes me to read all of those welcoming comments.


     I can tell you however, i'm going to make my time here the best i can, so be prepare to see posting in almost everyplace i can. (well, not really, i mean, everyplace i can, you get what i mean.)

    • Brohoof 5
  12.  Everything for science my friend!



    1) What is the best thing about my little pony?

    Many things: Deep characters, great history lines, good animation and great music. However, when all of this is together you get a great show and that's what i would say is the best thing: It's good and not many shows have the thing MLP has these days.


    2) Are you sexually attracted to the ponies? If yes, please explain what attracts you to them.

     I wouln't lie about this, believe me, but to me that's not the case... however there are many people who do and that is none of my bussiness. (however they're cute, but cute isn't sexualy attractive).


    3) Why is My Little Pony better than other shows similar to it?

     It does what it has to do and some more, it's simple yet deep when you think about it, it's funny, yet it's also very touching as i say before, there are many things that make this show great.


    4) How would you describe your fellow bronies?

    People whom like a show, that's it. There are many kinds of people in this world, i can't say: "All bronies are..." so let's leave it at that.


    5) What is the best thing about being a brony?

     Hmmm...  You can enjoy many things coming from other bronies and be a part of something huge... 


    6) How did you first hear about bronies or my little pony?

     A friend on the phone told me about it and i gave it a shoot a few years ago.

  13. Closet fan here. Only way people would find out is talking to those who already know (Online only), or find out about this account.


    Same case over here... but i don't think that would happen, all my accounts have really long passwords and none of my friend would ever knew them...


     But yet again, it's not too hard to tell if a person is a brony (unless they're really good at not speaking about it).

    • Brohoof 1
  14. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

    How did you find MLP Forums?:

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

     First of all, i would like to say something: English is not my mother language so if i make any mistake, i am, indeed, really sorry about it.


      As you may have noticed i'm a new member here in your forum, i saw it a few times and now im here as many of you are. I haven't been the best fan in the world, i watched almost every episode (i did miss a few ones on the way) and enjoyed a lot of them (i can't lie, not everything was perfect for me...).


      But now with the new season (season 5 at the moment) i came back once more to watch as many thing about it as i can and of course to talk about anyting i can. So people, that's everything i can tell you at the moment, a big "Hi".

    • Brohoof 12
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