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Tha Jster

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Everything posted by Tha Jster

  1. This is a question for for anyone out there who is a (former) closet brony. just as the title says: when did you come out? or are you planning to? I just said to everyone, yup I`m a brony, I did not have a time in the closet as it were, so I`m quite intrested in (former) closet brony stories.
  2. Hi everypony! What was your reason for joining this community/forum and being somepony in it as you are? I decided to join the community en this forum in particular because I like interactin with folks and thought joining a forum was a great idea! And I have absolutely no regrets! What about your reason to join the community/ this forum? and as a bonus, how active are you in the community? Go ahead and reply! I`m sure everypony will be interested and maybe someponies share their reason!
  3. As the title suggests, did you expect the community/fandom to be as it is? And did that change once you got into the community? I mean things like: The size of the community Everypony`s personality The way we interact with each other The reason people like the show In my case I did expect the community to be as big as it is, I was expecting everyone to be nice and kinda the same interests as me (liking the things about the show that I like) as for interaction I was expecting everyone to get allong well with each other. Once I got into the community I was pleasantly to see how nice everypony is, and how we all go allong with each other! I am amazed at how insightfull someponies are and see the little references in episodes that I don`t, and I learn more about the show every time I`m here and that in turn makes me like the show more and more! I`m really interested in hearing what everypony else expected!
  4. Wow, I`m so impressed with the wide variety of OC/Ponysona`s! I can`t say nothing I`m sitting here in awe!
  5. Thank you! I`m really interested in it and also I think of people without and OC/Ponysona can get inspiration from everypony here who posts about their OC/Ponysona and way they originates, I am busy creating mine now so I came with that idea and made a thread!
  6. @@Sonicrainboom97Thank you for your support hahaha, It`s good to talk with friends about it, and yeah, I like to give presentations so this subject came to mind right away. I am aware of the consequences that comes the moment that I start the presentation and announce the subject, but just as I am I don`t care what others think of me, I`m nice to others and that`s what I want to be, I really don`t understand that some peeps outright hate me for being a brony, but that`s who I am and if they don`t like it then that is there own personal opinion and I respect it, but if it is only for that reason that they hate me than I question them. In my case, people care more about what I wear and even more about who I am than myself (it`s kinda funny actually XD ) But yeah, since I don`t care about what others think of me I just tell peeps I`m a brony at pretty much the first meeting, since then I know if they avoid me for that reason alone they are not worth the time, since this community is so great with so many great and nice folks, anyways talk over XD. Thank you very much for the link, I`ll use that in the presentation and note down the information u posted. And as for posting the presentation, if I`m unable due to technical limitations to post the powerpoint on here I`ll just post a post asking for those interested to send me a message so I can send it...somehow XD maybe using mail idk.
  7. @@Aidan OGain Thank you very much! I`ll add that to my notes right away!
  8. As the topic name states, how did you come across a thought for your OC/Ponysona? How did you come up with things like: - Appearance - Abilities - Personality - And other things you can possibly think about! Also how did you even begin to start of an OC/Ponysona, did yah do it for RP sake or just for fun thoughts, maybe for extra fun, do you use your OC/Ponysona often and for things like PC avatar/backgrounds? I`m really interested in hearing your OC`s/Ponysona`s Orgins!
  9. You all have awesome OC`s/Ponysona`s and awesomely art, I have lil nooby question, but did you all draw them yourself, requested someone to draw him/her or used some kinda tool? I wanna create my own OC and soon I`ll create him myself but I`m intrested how you all got them!
  10. @@simba86 That is true, I went there and saw that huge amount of information but in a sense I prefer other people telling me, also there may be some things that are not stated by the wiki and somethings the wiki sees as non important, but it can always help me.
  11. @ Ah, that`s pretty cool! and yes ofcourse, I`ll mention that the names like manehatten en fillydelphia also have their own accents and things like morals, but for the morals I need te review some episodes again.
  12. @@Pripyat Pony Ah I see, I didn`t pick that up because over here in the Netherlands we don`t celebrate Helloween that extensively, thanks I`ll at that to the notes!
  13. I see, I`ll look into that, I`m gonna see my english teacher in about a week/week and a half, tbh the moment he said yes, I agree but on these requirements my mind was already jumping of joy and spinning so I kinda forgot the requirements he put upon me haha... The only thing I can clearly remember that it needs to be clear that there are American influences (since Hasbro is an American company and the requirements for the subject yah wanna do was along the lines of "something that has to do with an English speaking country. And once again, I wanna thank everypony who has posted and please, by al means keep posting it really helps me alot, and makes being a brony so much cooler! I`m gonna mention just how much help I got from everypony on this forum, as this is and always wil be an awesome community!
  14. Once again, thank you all, this all is a great help to me! Once my presentation is finished I`ll look for a way to show it!
  15. Thank you all already so so much for the help! please if anything comes to mind please post more!
  16. Hello fellow Bronies! this is the first time ever posting on a forum so I`m a bit nervous, but I need your help, so please! I am a Brony since 2014, I saw the show and fell in love with it. For my English class I need to do an presentation and it has to do with something that orginates from an English speaking country, and I really want to do it about MLP, I shared my intrest in doing the subject with my teacher but he placed me under a rule: If I really want to do it, I must show the relation between MLP and America, ofcourse I know that Hasbro is a American company but I ask you all for help. This can be: - references to America/Amercan people within episodes (please state the episode) - American inspired characters (be it names, appearance etc) - Any other thing no matter how small if it comes to mind please go ahead. So please, even if you think, eh that couldn`t be of use, go ahead I need all your support! Many many many thanks in advance!
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