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  • Location
    Pacific Palisades
  • Personal Motto
    When life gives you lemons....you toss it right back and add your own
  • Interests
    Lemons and life

TheLovelyEssence's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


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  1. I know. Discord is an obvious troll but Celestia is the biggest troll in animation history. Words can't even describe how good she is.
  2. I find the stand up comedy about Twilight's lousy flying pretty good from him. He and Celestia need to get an episode dedicated just for them
  3. Repsol Rave- your pic is very distracting The Lonely Paradox- No, I meant if you've been accused of wrongdoing and then sentenced by the judge
  4. It's called personality/cultural difference. I'm sure North Koreans and isolated tribes in Papua New Guinea think the Western are blind fecktards
  5. How would you feel if you've been just sentenced to death? Out of gas, lethal injection, firing, and electrocution, which one would you pick? I had this dream last night...
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