My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: The wonderful website named google
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I've been here since 2K12 ya'll! It all started with pony icons on new grounds etc. late 2011, then I watched episode one and the rest is history. *plz don't eat me for liking RD *
Well I'm 18, and a long time fan, although I never really got involved in the community, only watching the videos and reading the fics. I have started doing fan art over the last few years though. In fact, this is the first ever forum i've signed up to!
My reasoning is essentially, I had a long time best friend I went to college with, whom was my pony buddy really. Anyway, we had a fight and no longer talk, and unfortunately, that means I've fallen out of that friendship group as well, leaving me with no one to talk to really...which is affecting my sanity more than I thought it would D':
Now I have contracted the 'fandom Is dying syndrome' as I have no one to talk pony to, and all the old names I got into the fandom with, such as Alex S, Makkon, Mic, Tomb and such have moved on ;_;
I hope I can make some internet friends here and re kindle the love I had for pony. I'd love to make some Artist friends and maybe even get back into gaming with TF2 etc.
So yeah :'D Hope to meet some awesome peeps!