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Everything posted by SunshineShimmer231

  1. Sure, Just send in his stats and sign up sheet and you're good to go!
  2. OOC Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/130491-wonderbolts-academy/ Sunshine: wakes up w/ a big smile on her face. 'today's the day where the New & improved WonderBolts Academy is opening to the public! I got to go & welcome the new students!' rushes out of the her new house in Cloudsdale & flies as fast as she can to the new location of the school! 'I sure hope the students are excited, cause I sure am!'
  3. RP Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/130493-wonderbolts-academy/ I'll be new in Cloudsdale, & I'm finally in Wonderbolts Academy, score! Hi Name's Sunshine Shimmer I'm a Pegasus from Canterlot, my mom was also a Pegasus, while my dad was a unicorn. RD has been my friends since Twilight, GoldStar Sparkle and I 1st came to Ponyville. How could we not remake Wonderbolts Academy after it shut down because of an accident. Well, new fresh start of the Wonderbolts Academy. Now let's fly! Rules: Cursing aloud, but only one word per reply. Don't hurt or kill anyone, unless they said that they want to kill themselves, which is unlikely. Have a great time at WonderBolts Academy! To sign up, you must fill out the form, we still need 3 coaches, (Plus a Rainbow Dash) so on your first reply, come to the front desk and ask Dash or me. Sign up Sheet Name: Top Speed: Favorite Captain: Why did you join: Gender: *Mane Color: *Eye Color: *Body Color: Bio: * Means that you don't have to fill it out. Oh, and also guys. Come to the front desk to get a dorm key, two people per room. Cya really soon. Here's My Profile: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-shimmer-r8389 Hope you like it here @ the new & improved Wonderbolts Academy!
  4. Name: Sunshine Shimmer Top Speed: 14.5 Favorite Captain: Art Dream & RD (Can't Decide) Why did you join: want to be the best that she can possibly be! Gender: Female https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-shimmer-r8389 Sunshine wakes up w/ a smile on her face. 'today's the day!' she get's out of bed and flies as fast as she can to Dashbolts Academy's front desk. "Hi I'm here to check in? Name's sunset shimmer!" 'ooo, I hope I'm not too late!' She get's handed her key and she zooms off to her room to unpack her things. 'I wonder who may roommate will be? I hope it's not some one too neat and tidy. I'm not a very clean roommate, and I don't want to cause any arguments over tidiness of the room.' she thought as she entered the room to find it empty at that moment. 'mmm, no one's home well that's okay, no issues here.' she though as she set her bag down on a bed and started to unpack her one medium sized duffle. I was full of mythical artifacts that she had collected from all over equestria. mostly plants and herbs that healed certain illnesses, and books on how to use them. she also had a few weapons that she kept on display but never used!
  5. Thanx I might try that, but is it okay w/ you guys if I joined?
  6. Um... Is it okay if I join? My Unicorn Sunshine would be perfect! She doesn't fit in with any one in the show except her twin sister really.
  7. Here's the Link hope you like it: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-shimmer-r8317
  8. Sunshine: I see... So you need to get to your own world so you can tell this Zackria guy that you're not interested and to leave you alone, Right? Sam/Cas: If only it were that easy. Cas: Zackria's been trying to get to these boys since the beginning and shows no signs of quitting. same thing w/ another Arkangle named Gabriel. they both want the boys to do their part in this, but the boys keep saying no, and they're still not getting the picture. It's very frustrating for the two of them.
  9. Put this OC down, https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-shimmer-r8317 She meets your rules perfectly!
  10. sunshine: 'Sam's awfully cute, I wonder what he looks like as a human.' She thinks to her self. 'I hope I get to see Sunset while we"re dropping them off. I sure do miss her.' Hey Sam, how did you get to the Evergreen forest anyway? Sam: We think it was an age named Zackria, he's trying to get Dean and I to say yes to Lucifer and Michael to start the Apocalypse in our world, we really don't want to. We spend almost all of our time saving people, we don't want to be the cause of their deaths. Sunshine: I got it. But who is Lucifer and Michael? I've never heard of them. Sam: Lucifer is a fallen Archangel most people call him the Devil, and Michael's his older brother you cast him into hell in the first place. This is sort of a rematch of sorts. it's end all our world forever, and Dean, Cas and I are trying to stop it, but Zackria is trying to get us to say yes so it can began.
  11. Name: Sunshine Shimmer Age: 22 Looks: (See thumbnail) Cutie mark Meaning: she's an adviser for all four princess starting w/ Princess Celestia Cutie Mark: (see thumbnail #2) Reason for Coming: Princess Celestia told her she should come to learn more about the Pegasus Culture, now that she's an Ailcorn. Personality: Shy, sometimes can be rough w/ other ponies that insult her, or her friends and family (Sunset Shimmer is her twin). Hates: Being alone w/ no friends or family, ponies who pick on others. Other creatures who treat others w/ disrespect or think they are better then others. Likes: being home an d around her friends and family, helping those in need of her assistance and standing up for what she believes is the right thing to do. Back story: She was just a filly when Princess Celestia chose her and Sunset Shimmer to be her Prized Pupil at her school of magic, when Sunset left to the human world, Sunshine became depressed and her grades suffered because of it. Then princess Celestia found Twilight Sparkle, thinking that the princess was trying to replace her sister, Sunshine started off hating Twilight until they both discovered that NightMare Moon was coming back, they tried to tell the Princess but she sent them to Ponyville instead. Once they defeated NightMare Moon, they staid in Ponyville until they became Alicorns, Sunshine was then told to go to Cloudsdale High to complete her training.
  12. Sam: Hey Lizzie! Dean: *Sees Lizzie & Falls in love* Well helooo there, Lizzie, is it? Sam: *face palms his muzzle* 'great, here we go again' Sunshine: *giggles @ Sam* He does this a lot does't he? Sam: You have no idea. Cas: Almost every thing that's a female and walks he does this to.
  13. Sure, come on in! If you wish you can also play one of the Mane 6 as well!
  14. I know not much there, but it's some thing
  15. Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129843-my-supernatural-pony/#entry3813968 Dean Winchester: wakes up from a restful nights sleep in a motel, or so he thought. There were trees above him and Sam (his brother) was no long a human. 'WTF!?!' "SAM! DUDE! YOU'RE A HOUSE!" Sam Winchester: "Well no crap, dude. & I'm a pony! We figured that out yesterday, and Cas is a Unicorn, Pegasus hybrid. I think we're in the t.v. show My Little Pony. You're also a pegasus mind you." Dean: looks at his back to find two wings. 'sonofabitch' "Well, who did this?" Cas: yawns and wakes up from all the yelling... "Did he think he dreamed this?" Sam: "Yep. Dean, we think it was Zackria, but we have no idea why. Maybe it's another one of those, play your roles deals" Dean: "Great, just great. I'm stuck in a little girls show, b/c of that... guy!" Cas: "Most likely, yes" There was rusting in the bushes and out popped seven ponies & a baby dragon,(Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Sunshine Shimmer & Spike) Cowgirl Pony(Apple Jack): "Well howdy there strangers! Wat's y'alls names?" Cas: "Y'all?" Sam: "She means your names, it's b/c of her accent. I'm Sam Winchester, this is my older brother Dean, and our friend Castiel. What are your names?" Cowgirl Pony: "Apple Jack @ your service Sam!" Purple hybrid: "I'm Twilight Sparkle." Gold hybrid: "Sunshine Shimmer" Pink Pony: "I'm Pinkie Pie" Fashionista pony: "Rarity at your service" Shy pony: mumbles... "Fluttershy" Sam: "um can you speak up a bit?" Twilight Sparkle: Her name's fluttershy. she's a bit shy around strangers. Dean: "Hence her name I take it?" rainbow pony: "I don't remember you from cloudsdale and you seem older then me? How is that possible?" Dean: "Um... I'm not from around here, or cloudsdale. Sorry. umm we didn't get your name" Rainbow pony: I'm Rainbow Dash! Twilight: "you guys must be from the Human world!" Sam: "How'd you?" Twilight: "There's a mirrior in my castle that can bring humans here and ponies there. It's how Sunshine & I visit her sister Sunset Shimmer." Cas: "I hate to tell you this Princess Twilight Sparkle but we're not from this universe." All 7 ponies+ Spike: "What?" Sam: "Where we're from there are angles and demons, not good ponies and evil ponies. trust us when we say that we don't belong here."
  16. My OC is an aileron, but I can make her just a unicorn so it fits w/ ur rules is that okay w/ you? Her name's Sunshine Shimmer and Twin sister of Sunset so I can do her as well if you so wish.
  17. I could change it to be in her past before she became an Alicorn, she use to be just a unicorn. Is that okay?
  18. I'll put mine down, Her name's Sunshine Shimmer! Here's her link for her profile https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-shimmer-r8337
  19. I was texting w/ my friends while friendship bracelet making
  20. Link to RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129999-my-supernatural-pony/#entry3810039 Hey Every Pony and welcome to My Supernatural Pony role play! Before we began we need to set a few guide lines if it's your first time entering the role-play please state your ponies name, age, race, cutie mark (if they have one), & siblings (if any & if they are younger older, or twins). We will learn the personality through out the rest of the role-play. I will do Play Dean and Sam Winchester unless anyone else volunteers. I will also need a female Pony that swilling to fall for Dean. This will be a crossover (If you didn't guess by the title). I will also need a volunteer to do Castiel. If you do not know anything about the T.V. Show Supernatural that is okay. you may still come & enjoy the fun. But Let's not forget the Back story. Name: Sunshine Shimmer Age: Same as Sam/ Sunset Shimmer Race: Alicorn Cutie Mark: Plain Sun Siblings: Twin sister, Sunset shimmer Back Story: She was once one of the prized pupils of Princess Celestia before her twin Sister, Sunset Shimmer ran away into the EG world. after studying all she could about magic from the Princess she went to Ponyville to learn about friendship when she became close friends w/ the others she soon became an Alicorn and was put on duty as the Princess's Main advisor, she was the one who suggested to the princess to take Twilight under her wing/hoof (if you know what I mean).
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